The farce behind liberal, "I'll tax you again" global warming bullshit - volcanoes!

Who has the most affect on global warming?

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how about the 7 other independent investigations that exonerated and cleared them of all wrongdoing then?
yep, they didnt break any laws.

but they were such scoundrels that britain drafted NEW LAWS so they cant do the same scam again without going to prison .

thats "exoneration" in buckyland.
"They show an increasing trend since the beginning of the industrialization mainly due to increasing anthropogenic sources."

His graph doesn't show the climate was "flat" as you say, I just posted a picture showing the clear upward trend. If you don't believe me, get a piece of paper, put it up against your 1998 monitor, account for the screen bulge, and measure horizontally. You should find, if you did the experiment correctly, that the left side of the graph sets below the right side of the graph. Since we know that in a "flat line" both sides should end up equal, we can reasonably conclude that the line is not flat.

If that's to much for ya to follow, I'll let Brian Regan here explain it for ya;

Idiot doesn't know what " measure horizontally" means!
And if we follow that quote to it's point...

"The treaty itself set no binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contains no enforcement mechanisms. In that sense, the treaty is considered legally non-binding. Instead, the treaty provides a framework for negotiating specific international treaties (called "protocols") that may set binding limits on greenhouse gases."
Oh. talking about talking is somehow "doing something".
ha ha h ah ah ah a ohh man.

even home grown , natural, organic, small batch artisinal tobacco is full of "chemicals" which are toxic.

it is a NIGHTSHADE plant, and only tobacco root worms and horn worms can eat it, and anything that eats them gets sick and/or dies.

tobacco is POISONOUS, it always has been and always will be.
Soaking tobacco in water and using that water as a insect control has been common for thousands of years.

funny it seems the university of virginia is doing it's damnedest to prevent an investigation into FRAUD by Mann, in his grant applications

they are covering their asses, and demanding that scientists be "free from government pressure" while they have their hands out.

ken cuccinelli? really?

and you accuse us of politicizing the dbate?

learn to do exponents and read a graph before you start debunking NOAA and 34 national academies of science.

yep, they didnt break any laws.

but they were such scoundrels that britain drafted NEW LAWS so they cant do the same scam again without going to prison .

thats "exoneration" in buckyland.

you never talked about the other 7 independent investigations.

just more NUH UH! BULLSHIT!

so sad.
fossil isotope readings, sedimentary strata, all manner of methods.

you might also wonder WHY ice core data only goes back 800k years... cuz they have been all melted away at several times in the past.

we are currently inside a Glaciation Period, with a beif respite of warmer weather (the last 10k years known as the Holocene epoch) eventually temps will resume their fall and we will freez our nuts off.

you are a phony
but that is about a research project on the ice between canada and GREENLAND!

thats nowhere near alaska, and nowhere near russia.

only through the most absurd contortions can you connect alaska and russia the LONG WAY ROUND View attachment 3186125

care to try your luck again?

you are a fool

do you remember history class. The American Indians migrated from Africa through Asia across the ice the bridge.. Its frozen a couple months out of the year. They even showed it recently on those wildlife ranger shows on natgeo... It exists!!!
those numbers came from Neil degrassi Tyson. Astrophysicist
no, they didnt. Neil Degrasse Tyson would never say anything so ignorant.

they might have come from a guy named Neil who watches Degrassi Jr High, and eats Tyson chicken, but they didnt come from any reputable source
do you remember history class. The American Indians migrated from Africa through Asia across the ice the bridge.. Its frozen a couple months out of the year. They even showed it recently on those wildlife ranger shows on natgeo... It exists!!!
yeah 10,000 years ago. and that was a LAND bridge, due to lower sea levels

the bering sea doesnt feeze solid.

and why the fuck are you still trying to defend your idiotic claim?

IT WAS WRONG you doofus.

the nasa operation called "Project Ice Bridge" you cited was in MOTHERFUCKING GREENLAND!!! thats on the opposite side of the continent from alaska.

also, it was AERIAL FLYOVERS not an expedition onto the sea ice.

ALSO it had NOTHING to do with russia.
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kynes can't do exponents or read graphs, but he knows better than these "multicultural" astrophysicist "marxists".
and bucky cant tell the difference between the IPCC's numbers and The Heritage Institute's numbers.
but the IPCC's numbers are real, while the identical numbers FROM the IPCC are fraud when quoted by The Heritage Institute.

bucky also cant tell the difference between a graph from Noaa, and a completely dissimilar graph from Cook, that claims to be based on Noaa's numbers...

the mind boggles.