didn't you just cite the willie horton ad guy after you "stopped" being racist?


No. I copied and pasted an article that I didn't even read. I grabbed it simply for the headline. Turn it into whatever you need though. We all understand you have an agenda to fill. You're not fooling anyone.

Shouldn't you stop diddling little kids now?
The things I have been reading on Stormfront make my brain ache.

I have been browsing since your link above Buck. Those people are even crazier when they are together on the internet.

It is like a perfect echo chamber of hatred and ignorance.

The things I have been reading on Stormfront make my brain ache.

I have been browsing since your link above Buck. Those people are even crazier when they are together on the internet.

It is like a perfect echo chamber of hatred and ignorance.


this time last year we had half a dozen of them on our site who actually admitted they came from stormfront. they even started a white separatists group when we had groups. about two dozen people total joined.

a few people who were on that group still post here.
this time last year we had half a dozen of them on our site who actually admitted they came from stormfront. they even started a white separatists group when we had groups. about two dozen people total joined.

a few people who were on that group still post here.

Their annual BBQ and hatred festival is near Knoxville. November 8

Save the date!
The things I have been reading on Stormfront make my brain ache.

I have been browsing since your link above Buck. Those people are even crazier when they are together on the internet.

It is like a perfect echo chamber of hatred and ignorance.


It's pretty admirable how Uncle Buck can promote a racist site.
It's pretty admirable how Uncle Buck can promote a racist site.

Intelligence on the enemy. Now I am better able to understand the white supremacist.

After reading with confusion I am beginning to understand, and in a way pity them.

Their usernames are even goofier then you would expect to find on a cannabis forum.

Proud white chap

That made me laugh a few times.
Stormfront FAQ said:
No profanity. Avoid racial epithets.
No personal flames.
No attacks against other White nationalities.

Don't want them hatin' equally! I should have figured.

I have a feeling they only enforce some of their own rules.

Edit: yup

What makes you think you're any kind of an expert on what should constitute "hate"? Why should I have to tolerate that kind of an insult from you while you PRETEND you are being civil to us? How dare you accuse us of "hate"!

Let me straighten you out on this, turd-boy: WRITING A FEW "MEAN" FACTS AND OPINIONS ON AN INTERNET FORUM IS NOT EVEN IN THE SAME LEAGUE AS ATTEMPTING TO EXTERMINATE A GREAT RACE OF PEOPLE THROUGH FORCED INTEGRATION AND RACIAL EXPLOITATION. Now you know what HATE really is. Maybe you should go write it down: It's what YOUR side does every day to my people.

If anyone is guilty of "hate" here, it would have to be the people supporting the usurpation of our nations and the genocide of our race. You are bothered by the WORDS you read here because you are a complete pussy, and you support the destruction of our race and culture because you are a sick, selfish psychopath.

Now you know where you stand. Cry us a river about how we were mean to you. "They responded to me with 'HATE™' when all I did was spend my life trying to exploit their race to death."
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that stormfront thread reads a lot like a right wing circle jerk on rollitup.


a person only has obligation to his or her own FAMILY. If someone cant make the obligation to their own family, they shouldnt be popping brats out at every chance and then demanding that someone give them the monetary and medical aid they want because they cant afford it.

Just because some nitwit that thinks hes a King says you should take care of your fellow man doesnt mean he knows what hes doing. Your Life is your own. You dont owe a single damn thing when that nitwit says its your obligation because you have the means to work and support others with your blood sweat and tears while they sit back in the lay-z-boy smoking dope, watching basketball or football and complaining that they dont get enough help.

Obama is turning this into a welfare nation.

No working tax payer owes **** to anyone. We are not some big "community", that is pure fantasy. We are with our family and friends. People need to work for what they get, and if refuse to accept that, they might as well end their lives as useless members of society. Society is better without such people.

I wish someone would tell Obama:
"I've got a deportation order to send you to Kenya and two border patrol agents to escort you to the airport."

Obammy will get away with whatever he wants to do. They're all filthy cowards and self-serving garbage.

Obama's got a use the Constitution Shredder alot this year.

He is not an American. Hell, my dog is more of an American than this homo Kenyan clown.

our government was radically altered and corrupted by Lincoln and his war on the South.

I think Obama is a mullato

The U.S. Supreme Court "interprets" whatever they want in whatever way they want.
i don't think you get the distinction between mocking and promoting.

When you post a link and someone clicks it that has never been there before you just promoted. From the reaction he has given it can be assumed he will run and tell his friends. Who in turn will visit the site. Then they will tell 2 friends. You know the rest. ANY publicity is good publicity.

Are you mocking kiddy porn when you visit their sites as well?
I am proud to say "I have never clicked any of your stormfront links. Nor have i found any reason to visit that site."