i hurt my neck/ back monday and then it got worse as time went on, on wed i was sat bolt upright for over 6 hours looking down trimming, safe to say my back feels a million lira today!
i don't get para anymore sat in these grow gafs ice, i remember a couple of years ago i had a grow in one of the roughest neighbourhoods in the country, they were 3 floor townhouses that were only one room wide and no soundproofing. we had neighbours both sides and they never mentioned nothing but they knew full well what we were up to.
well i used to get para there, it got to the point near harvest were i would only go after midnight, sometimes 3-4 in the a.m i would sneak into the house do my chores then skidadle, every time i got my car off the estate i would do the longest exhale ever!, can't believe i got two harvest from it, i remember setting it up expecting to lose it. a lad who lives on the estate said the police were putting leaflets through letterboxes about the series of raids they were going to be doing in the neighbourhood and not to worry etc, we never got one so that was the nail in the coffin, not sure if the door ever did go through but i never got any comebacks. the grows i do now are small so if i get nicked it's for percy innit?, not too arsed any more, i'm almost expecting a lifting these days, too many people know what i do, i'm like a weed celebrity by ours.
low on smoke but defo not buying one before this stuff is dry, i'm getting the hash out and getting back on the bongs, these tampons i'm smoking are a joke.