Well-Known Member
told yiz ghostdog knows his shit...ghostdog how safe ya think it is ta order off the darknet????
Its a game of numbers. At the end of the day, how much of the current policing revenue is directed at it? How much of street weight of drugs enters the country through darknet orders v's traditional means? I reckon its tiny at the mo. Prob a bit bigger in the uk. Just watch the press. If you are on google news and you click on a darknet story and you find there is a heap of additional sources, then chances are there is a counter op on the way. Governments fear the darknet not so much for what is delivered as much as its ability to hide where the profits go. If the profits disappear they cant tax it/claim it.
My own problem with the darknet is one of efficiency. You are creating a single point of failure. If you convince people that this is a perfect solution, that its perfect and then everyone goes there you are making cops life easier. Instead of having to trawl the entire web for info, all you have to do is take down a couple of servers and you have everyones info in a nice small pool. And you are creating guilt by association. You are on the Darknet----you are hiding something----you need to be looked at. I said, its a numbers game, bit like a pryamid scheme, get in early, get out early. I still think you are statistically more likely to get nailed from the followup of late payment of a tax disc than from something cool like your ip being flagged on a darknet server.