Okay, so today where I live, we celebrated the 4th of July, and me and this girl have been together for 9 months on the 23rd. Okay, I went up there to see her and I couldn't find her anywhere, and her phone died she said when I finally met her. So my mom pulls up in her truck (I'm with her) and I get out and was like "wtf? Where have you been? I been lookin for you for 2 hours." And so I could get her to get out to talk to me. So that hurt my feelins very bad so I start cryin, and she just like.. Drives off with her friend and now she doesn't wanna continue the relationship because she's fixin to go off to college and she thinks my momma is crazy. What do I do to get her back? Any advice? I love her to death.. And I've cried since like 8:00PM and it's 3:30AM here now. And she also smokes weed. Maybe that can help you guys help me. I feel like I can come to you guys for advice since I don't have a dad (he died when I was 4-5)