Rude people Suck


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So I go into a large chain store to pick up a prescription for my wife this afternoon and I think, hey we need dog food too so I pick up a 50 lb bag & proceed through check out.
Upon exiting the store I see a little subaru or something next to my truck, a younger asian dude in the driver seat and another taking things out of his cart which when empty he pushes behind the bumper of my truck (effectively blocking my exit). As he gets into his car & it begins to move in reverse I deftly grab his cart & spin it around so it is now behind his car. He gives me this nasty look & I say pretty loudly "Pretty fuckin rude ain't it", and proceed to put my stuff in my truck. His passenger gets out and without saying a word grabs the cart & pushes it to the front of the store.

Funny thing is I'm 6'2" & the cart pusher's forehead might have made it to my pec's.

I smiled as I drove off, and I'm still smiling. :cool:

To quote Gus Mcrae "I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it."

"Mind yor backside, Sir! They don't all fight like fine gentlemen, now do they?"
Alexander Dumas -The Duelist-
My favorite is the Asian in the Honda parks her bumper, under my F-250 Ford Truck bumper in head to head parking spaces.

Well she had backed out a bit and was waiting for me. She had pulled a big scrape on the top of her bumper deck. "ooohHH." I said. "Ugly. Gotta be careful."

All I remember after that was her shouting "YOU PAY ME NOW! YOU PAY ME NOW!!!!"

I pulled away and left her there shouting. It was one of those discretion things. :)
"To quote Gus Mcrae "I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it.""

Actually that was said by Woodrow Call after he almost whipped the soldier to death for trying to requisition Newt's horse.....sorry
GWN, were they tourists? Alaska is rural and the folks are tough, natives wouldn't do that lol. We get the same behavior, tourists and new residents bring the city ways; it never goes well for them
"To quote Gus Mcrae "I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it.""

Actually that was said by Woodrow Call after he almost whipped the soldier to death for trying to requisition Newt's horse.....sorry

Yesser, you are correct. How'd I miss that ? The Mrs and I watch that at least a couple times a year.

them Asians are little suckers.... makes it easier when directed to kiss my boot. jk jk (?)

Honestly I care not his nationality - was simply trying to paint the moment my friend.

GWN, were they tourists? Alaska is rural and the folks are tough, natives wouldn't do that lol. We get the same behavior, tourists and new residents bring the city ways; it never goes well for them

I don't think they were tourist's, we have a fairly large Asian population, some are citizens, some on visa's that work the canneries. Most are ordinary hard working folk, just of another culture - these dudes were punks regardless of nationality or origin.
I always arrive too late. The damage was already done to my car and I many times miss it till I get home or even later. Had a run in with a rude customer this past weekend. She had a mouth on her...I just suggested she go inside and clean or something. While I waited for the husband to write me a check. I deposited it that day and wrote on it..."dysfunctional and condescending, and definitely sexually frustrated." I like to get the last word.
I swear to fucking god....

So I like to play internet poker...Mostly Omaha, but since there aren't NEARLY enough omaha games, I play NL Hold'em too. On the poker site I play on, they have these single table qualifier games, where it's one table of 9 people who all buy in for a set amount, and they are playing for entry into another tournament,,,

Anyway, I'm playing a game right now, where the top 3 players get entry into any $10 tournament, and 4th place gets 3 cents. .So really, 4th place gets a slap in the face. Anyway, early in the game, someone raises on me, and I shove all in, and win the hand...I had a low pair, he had over cards, so it was really like a coin flip. After I won the hand, this other dude at the table begins to preach about how we're the worst players he's ever seen, and we play like retards, etc...Just totally uncalled for, especially since the hand didn't even involve him...

So I start stalling, which is running down the clock all the way when it's my turn...It's VERY annoying, because with internet poker, you tend to see 100+ hands per hour, but when someone starts stalling, it cuts that number down to less than 50 hands per hour. Of course, the stalling provokes more shit talking from the guy, preaching about how I'm so terrible at poker and blah blah blah...Well, fast forward like 45 minutes, and I still have a nice stack...The shit talker is running sorta low, and I'm on the button while he's on the BB...There are only 4 of us left, so the next person out gets the 3 cent slap in the face. The table folds to me, and I have AK suited...I raise the sucker all in, and he calls with a QJ off suit. I flop an ace, and he flops a jack, but I dodge his 2 pair and take him out of the tournament.

Fuck that jackass...Call me out like I'm some bitch? I'll take your ass out with the best hand...Calling my raise with that garbage, preaching like you're Gods gift to poker...Fucking chump ass donkey bitch, thanks for your money.
I swear to fucking god....

So I like to play internet poker...Mostly Omaha, but since there aren't NEARLY enough omaha games, I play NL Hold'em too. On the poker site I play on, they have these single table qualifier games, where it's one table of 9 people who all buy in for a set amount, and they are playing for entry into another tournament,,,

Anyway, I'm playing a game right now, where the top 3 players get entry into any $10 tournament, and 4th place gets 3 cents. .So really, 4th place gets a slap in the face. Anyway, early in the game, someone raises on me, and I shove all in, and win the hand...I had a low pair, he had over cards, so it was really like a coin flip. After I won the hand, this other dude at the table begins to preach about how we're the worst players he's ever seen, and we play like retards, etc...Just totally uncalled for, especially since the hand didn't even involve him...

So I start stalling, which is running down the clock all the way when it's my turn...It's VERY annoying, because with internet poker, you tend to see 100+ hands per hour, but when someone starts stalling, it cuts that number down to less than 50 hands per hour. Of course, the stalling provokes more shit talking from the guy, preaching about how I'm so terrible at poker and blah blah blah...Well, fast forward like 45 minutes, and I still have a nice stack...The shit talker is running sorta low, and I'm on the button while he's on the BB...There are only 4 of us left, so the next person out gets the 3 cent slap in the face. The table folds to me, and I have AK suited...I raise the sucker all in, and he calls with a QJ off suit. I flop an ace, and he flops a jack, but I dodge his 2 pair and take him out of the tournament.

Fuck that jackass...Call me out like I'm some bitch? I'll take your ass out with the best hand...Calling my raise with that garbage, preaching like you're Gods gift to poker...Fucking chump ass donkey bitch, thanks for your money.
That story was captivating. I felt all the emotional ups and downs! And the way you finished with funken chump as donkey bitch was beyond original... how much did you win? Can I borrow 10 bucks?
That story was captivating. I felt all the emotional ups and downs! And the way you finished with funken chump as donkey bitch was beyond original... how much did you win? Can I borrow 10 bucks?
Haha...Sure. Can I pay in pennies?

No, I just restrain myself at the poker table, and try to keep an even keel while I'm playing. Can't get wrapped up in bickering, so as soon as I win(or lose), all those pent up emotions rush forward all at once. I just needed to express my delight at giving the shit talker what he deserved. Haha...Why would he talk shit over a 3 dollar game that only pays 10 bucks? He expects everyone playing low limits to be a pro? haha
unless its a quick-moving game, like 5 card draw, or 3 card ante, I avoid poker. a lot of the hold'em and stud players are on ego-trips, and try a lot of mind-fucking. no time for it. black jack
Hold 'em is my game also.

As a side note, is no one going to start the racist rhetoric about the "asian thing" ? I'm fuckin' not believing that shit hasn't happened yet......
Online poker. Now that is a ball buster.

You get very loose and sloppy AIs and/or other free players in the free section as you learn the tables, etc. And then when you put your money in, youch. It is hard to break even, even.

And then to get the money out....well, you hope it comes out.

I have more fun in FOREX currency. I can break even, in that.