Royal Queen Special Kush No.1 , Hawaiian Skunk Haze seeds.Girl Scout Cookies clones in bubble cloner


Got some seeds from Herbies (great customer service btw) 3 feminized special kush No. 1 seeds and a free hawaiian skunk haze seed (not feminized) Started those up in the little seed starting pods and TS'd in a solo cup for the time being. Pics are 9 days from when i first started germinating. I think they look pretty good considering they were seeds 9 days ago. =)

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Now i have this girl scout cookie clone thathas been in veg for about 7 weeks with the slowest growth EVER. I noticed the roots never really took off, they only grew of out a small portion of the net pot and looked weak. The actual plant looked weak as well, and was maybe a foot and a half tall. I did not want to throw just her alone in my bloom room with the 400w hps. So i took a leap of faith and built a bubble cloner. My past experiences with cloning have failed miserably, but i am hoping to have some luck with this method.

I took 10 clones from her and this is what i am left with, i think i may keep her in veg incase some of the 10 die, which i am sure of with my luck lol.


Here is are the clones in this fancy shmancy bubble cloner i made with some old hydro pumps and air stones. Literally made this in 10 mins. I used some new sponges as plugs and drilled half inch or so hole/square/rectangles on the lid (not pretty but i think it'll work)
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I am hoping for the best, i will keep yall updated. They have not died after about 4 hours so i think i have a chance lol. I also added some aquashield and a little rooting powder in the res...... AND 2 drops of superthrive for the hell of it. And i know its useless but i ph'd the water to 6.0. WISH ME LUCK! =)
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Well-Known Member
Hehehe nice how u use scotch brite :D it's really interesting i will follow this :D
I wish u good LUCK!!!!



Hehehe nice how u use scotch brite :D it's really interesting i will follow this :D
I wish u good LUCK!!!!

Thanks for the good wishes, and yes the sponges are funny! i hear they work though. If they do not last i can always hit the 99 cent store for more ;) all 10 clones have perked upwards real nice. This is a GOOD sign! In my past cloning experiences most would have already showed slight wiltyness. Looking hopefull. I will post a pic if and when i see little bumps.
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I'm sprouting a couple of those skunk haze seeds from herbie myself, got em free with some white widow x big bud, hope I get a female out of one of them. Will follow thread to see how you're doing with them.


I'm sprouting a couple of those skunk haze seeds from herbie myself, got em free with some white widow x big bud, hope I get a female out of one of them. Will follow thread to see how you're doing with them.
they took a while longer to germ, maybe 4 days till i saw it pop. it is 1 week behind the other three. Small too. we will see what happens =)


they took a while longer to germ, maybe 4 days till i saw it pop. it is 1 week behind the other three. Small too. we will see what happens =)
Mine germed relatively normal. 24hrs in water, 24 hrs in paper towel and both had a taproot about a quarter inch. I planted one directly into damp soil, and another into a peat pellet, to see which works better. Before lights out today I saw the peat pellet one beginning to sprout after not even 24hrs, no movement in the soil one though. Will post pics when the light come on in a few hours.


Mine germed relatively normal. 24hrs in water, 24 hrs in paper towel and both had a taproot about a quarter inch. I planted one directly into damp soil, and another into a peat pellet, to see which works better. Before lights out today I saw the peat pellet one beginning to sprout after not even 24hrs, no movement in the soil one though. Will post pics when the light come on in a few hours.

Thats very good to hear, i thought mine were no go's for a few days. glad one made it. looking forward to the pix!


Thats very good to hear, i thought mine were no go's for a few days. glad one made it. looking forward to the pix!
So both the skunk haze seeds sprouted, after 24 hours in water, 24 hours in paper towel, and about 18 hours in the medium. I was trying to decide whats best, peat pellet or soil, but they came at around the same time, and the peat pellet one looks a little wonky, so I now know for future that I'm going to go directly into soil. And the last one is a pic of my white widow x big bud that just sprouted, it went through the same process as the skunk haze, just about 24 hours beforehand, so it's a little ahead of the game ;)



So both the skunk haze seeds sprouted, after 24 hours in water, 24 hours in paper towel, and about 18 hours in the medium. I was trying to decide whats best, peat pellet or soil, but they came at around the same time, and the peat pellet one looks a little wonky, so I now know for future that I'm going to go directly into soil. And the last one is a pic of my white widow x big bud that just sprouted, it went through the same process as the skunk haze, just about 24 hours beforehand, so it's a little ahead of the game ;)

sweeet!! glad we all have the strain at around the same cycle of growth, lets learn all around and get these bitches going good! I am having same issues with peat pods, its growing.... just a little wonky as you say lol


/*/*/*update due to boredom/*/*/*/*.

With all the talk about the Hawaiian skunk, i almost forgot about the clones in the bubbler and the Special kush 1.

Doing GREAT, perky like breast in college. These look better than any clone ive taken at the same day. never perky, always wilty sad looking things that i eventually murder out of frustration. BUT these..... These looks hopeful.

The Special Kush 1's are some strong genetic filled plants. Thriving in the solo cup perlite soil mix.
heres the "big" one

As for our ol friend Hskunk as i am now going to refer her to, is going alright....still a little sluggish, but going to ride the wave and see what happens.


Your girls(hopefully) looks good. My Hskunks are at about 36 hours old at this point, I'm noticing the first set of true leaves coming in are very thin (width wise) compared to my white widow, leading me to suspect that it is sativa heavy,may be bad for me if it gets too big may need to end up pulling them. I hope not, I would like some variety for my second grow.


Your girls(hopefully) looks good. My Hskunks are at about 36 hours old at this point, I'm noticing the first set of true leaves coming in are very thin (width wise) compared to my white widow, leading me to suspect that it is sativa heavy,may be bad for me if it gets too big may need to end up pulling them. I hope not, I would like some variety for my second grow.

ah man, anytime you dont have room for a sweet plant it sux donkey d*&k forsure,,,,maybe LST em. got plenty of room which i am very fortunate for. Hoping to veg these suckers a while


ah man, anytime you dont have room for a sweet plant it sux donkey d*&k forsure,,,,maybe LST em. got plenty of room which i am very fortunate for. Hoping to veg these suckers a while
Hey, just wanted to see an update on those skunk haze seedlings you got, heres mine. The skunk haze are in the brown pots, and white widow is in the green one. It's day 7.5 for white widow, and 6.5 for the skunks. 20140706_082512.jpg 20140706_082524.jpg 20140706_082614.jpg


soooo sorry guys...been super busy...BUT the seeds are now full blown plants. topped them yesterday =) all are doing great..transplanted them on saturday. got a bubba clone today (solo cup) hawaiian skunk is front right.20140716_185239.jpg

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