Buses with migrant families rerouted amid protest

Would you be more willing to accept the urgency of this crisis if it were Canadians? Do you deny any of this simply because they are "brown"? Why are you such a racist.

This is a terrible thing that is taking place. To send your children off on their own in desperation of a better life is very sad. Why is there resistance to help them? What is causing them to want/need to come here in the first place. What is going on in their homeland that is causing them all to flee. Do we need to go down there and bomb some peace into them? What can we do to help ease this situation?

Buck will give his opinion on this as soon as he's told what it is. Until then, expect name calling and deflection.
Buck will give his opinion on this as soon as he's told what it is. Until then, expect name calling and deflection.

He's bitter about all this because up until a few days ago he was denying that any of it was even happening. Then once his beloved King addressed it and asked for money to "fix it" he had to admit it is really a crisis. He has since accused me of being racist against "brown people" simply because I have been posting stories addressing the issue. He has yet to voice any opinion on what is really happening at our border. So he does just as you have stated, name calling and deflection.
I think we should just open our borders. Why not? Just make sure everyone registers on their way in. Fingerprint and DNA samples must be taken. Put it all in a data base and let them on their way.
I think we should just open our borders. Why not? Just make sure everyone registers on their way in. Fingerprint and DNA samples must be taken. Put it all in a data base and let them on their way.
The trick is 'reform.'

As far as applications for a permanent resident card go, the process is a MOTHERFUCKER.

If we make the process shorter and less expensive people will be less inclined to jump fences into our nation.

'Reform' the visa application and resident card process.
Apparently rapists aren't human beings. Okkk. I think i'll skip all the quotes in the article and make my own opinion.
All those who say we should let these children stay in the United States should just volunteer to adopt one or three. If these children stay they're going to need adult caregivers whilst taxing our educational and healthcare systems.
All those who say we should let these children stay in the United States should just volunteer to adopt one or three. If these children stay they're going to need adult caregivers whilst taxing our educational and healthcare systems.

We could use all the money they are wasting on this now to open care centers to house and raise them all. It would be much better than just dumping them back over the border.
We could use all the money they are wasting on this now to open care centers to house and raise them all. It would be much better than just dumping them back over the border.
Stupid logic. We will end up being the third world if we allow this to happen. We can't fix the worlds problems, our own problems are getting worse. Let 60k in and while we're bitching and acting like dumasses the cartels are having a much easier time running drugs. Meanwhile more kids will be lining up. When do we draw the line, after half of south america, africa and Indonesia moves in?

YOU may feel like paying to raise these masses, the American taxpayer shouldn't be forced to bear this burden. If raised in orphanages without loving, vested parents, a large portion of these leeches will become criminals.

All this soft hearted liberal crap is making us the worlds doormat.
up until a few days ago he was denying that any of it was even happening. ...He has yet to voice any opinion on what is really happening at our border.

make up your mind, fatty.

am i denying it, or do i have no opinion? it can't be both, stay puft.
We don't need to relax our immigration process or change any laws. We just need to make it unattractive for immigrants to cross without legal status. It could be done with the greatest of ease and wouldn't require one penny to be spent deporting the majority of the illegal aliens that currently squat in our country. The violent criminals and gang members would have to be rounded up in the traditional manner, but that's going to be the case, no matter what.

We could call it the Responsible Immigration Act of 2014. It would be ONE page in length. It's obvious and irrefutable, which is why the progressives in both parties would never allow it.
We don't need to relax our immigration process or change any laws. We just need to make it unattractive for immigrants to cross without legal status. It could be done with the greatest of ease and wouldn't require one penny to be spent deporting the majority of the illegal aliens that currently squat in our country. The violent criminals and gang members would have to be rounded up in the traditional manner, but that's going to be the case, no matter what.

We could call it the Responsible Immigration Act of 2014. It would be ONE page in length. It's obvious and irrefutable, which is why the progressives in both parties would never allow it.

you have literally stated that you'd like to murder illegal immigrants for not leaving fast enough.

no one wants your retarded ideas.


it's good that you're siding so strongly with admitted racists though.
you have literally stated that you'd like to murder illegal immigrants for not leaving fast enough.

no one wants your retarded ideas.


it's good that you're siding so strongly with admitted racists though.

Any idiot can see that post was pure tongue in cheek, well any idiot save one. Your flaccid attempts to link me with racism always fall short. Oh the shame, oh agony, some internet, halfwit douchebag said I'm a racist because I don't think open borders are a good thing for this country. Woe is me, woe is me.