Same strain but buds look different! why?


New Member
Hey all...soo here is my rookie question of the day. I have 2 plants both clones from same mother plant (la confidential) in the exact same medium in the same grow cabinet both in the 3rd week of flower. However the buds on each plant look totally different. One is dense and hasnt got many pistils and smells skunky and the others buds are less dense they have a lot of long white pistils and smells more piney. To be honest if I didnt know better id swear they were not the same strain but I did get the clones from a very reputable compasion center. Can anybody tell me why this is happening? Is it something that I am doing?


New Member
Come on people....someone must have an answer or at very least an opinion. I don't understand why getting a answer on here has to be like pulling teeth. Lol is it not kool to help out a novice??


Well-Known Member
Those pictures aren't good enough to be able to tell anything, is there anyway you can post pictures of the whole plants?

I've been wondering myself if it is all dependent on where the clone was taken from.

IE: a clone taken from the bottom of the plant would produce a plant that was a bit more stretched than a clone that was taken from the top that didn't have to stretch.

I run a perpetual with nothing but clones, and I also wonder at this because I notice that my plants seem to grow the same way, but in some cases one will be far more complex in its branching vs the very next plant I take...

Things that make you go "hmmmm"....


New Member
Hmmm..indeed! I never thought about it being where on the mother the clone was taken from! And ya I can add some full lenght shots..just gotta wait for my light cycle. Here is another full bud pic of the less dense more pistil plant..just have it on hand and its easier to compare to the denser bud pic...



Well-Known Member
I have 2 plants both clones from same mother plant (la confidential)
I did get the clones from a very reputable compasion center.

I was just wondering how you know the clones were from the same mother plant?
Never been to a compassion center, so, do you get to watch them make their clones? (Not being sarcastic...I just don't know)

Could it be they have more than one mother with different phenotypes present?
How stabilized was the pheno's in the plant vs. any other variation that may have occurred during growth, such as how well the rooting system developed etc.

As an example of understanding, I know lots of people that came from the same mother, that didn't grow up with the exact same looks and characteristics, so I'd venture to say there's way too many variables to explain why your plants are doing what they are doing...

Just my thoughts.... Hope they both turn out awesome for you though.

Did you clone your clones? It would be interesting to know how those clones turn out.


Well-Known Member
Two different mothers, someone mislabeled. Take your fotos back to them and have them tell you exactly what they gave you.


New Member
No I did not personally clone them but the gentelman who did that i did speak too personally told me that they were from the same mother plant! As I see no reason for him to lie to me I take his word for it. This is a medical marijuana compassion center and they seem to have the patients best interest at heart! But your right there is probably many possible reasons.. thanks for the response.


Well-Known Member
He wasn't being shady, he probably gave you what he believed to be two clones from the same Mother. Simple mistake. But I would personally like to know exactly what I was growing if I were you. Which I'm not. Obviously.


New Member could be right. I will have to email him the photos and see what he says. I would definitely like to know what it is that I'm growing..there were several different options avail but this is the one we kinda thought best fit the bill for my needs and growing knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Not a rookie question at all man. When you take cuttings and send them back into veg they have another chance to express new or varying phenotypes. Like when you self a plant and then grow out the offspring - they will not all be identical. Best wishes :peace:
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New Member
Good to know..its hard as a novice. I have soo many quetions but at the same time don't want to wear out my welcome on the forum by wasting peoples time with repetitive ka-ka! Lol thanks to all who have responded
Stay glossy my friends


Well-Known Member
that's not how gene transfer from cloning works. cloning makes a copy, it's doesn't produce new chromosomes the way reproduction does. Two things having sex and producing offspring is reproducing, take part of something and turning it into another replication of the same thing is cloning.
Even clones from clones or from a mother have variations no?


Well-Known Member
I clone two mother plants of different phenos of grapefruit. I can tell the two apart in veg. And they are consistent in flower as well. They are copies of the mother. So I almost have 2 strains of grapefruit if that makes sense. The clones mirror the mothers.

So I would say the OP has clones from two different mothers of the same strain or clones of two different plants. Its totally possible to mislabel clones...

Sent from Northern Colorado.
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Well-Known Member
Even clones from clones or from a mother have variations no?
Yes, extremely minor ones. Not the kind of genetic dispersion you'd get from reproduction though, not even close. clones should be pretty much identical, that's kinda the point of cloning lol.


Well-Known Member
Yes, extremely minor ones. Not the kind of genetic dispersion you'd get from reproduction though, not even close. clones should be pretty much identical, that's kinda the point of cloning lol.
Genes are the potential for expression where as actual expression is determined a great deal by environmental influence. This is the same across the biological world. Nature Vs. Nurture anyone?

Lets say we have a strain that has tighter bud growth in cooler conditions and fluffier, loose bud growth respective to warmer temperatures (pretty common). Now we take cuttings from said plant. One cutting is put in an environment where it is exposed to warmer temperatures and one is put in the opposite environment with colder temperatures. There will clearly be a marked difference in growth characteristics even though the genetic material has not changed. Wait now, what if the two are in the "exact" environment you say? Well nothing is ever precise without precision. Meaning, that for most of us actually creating an environment where each plant is getting 100% identical experiences and/or stimulation (environmental pressure) is just not going to happen. I can agree that if you can in fact create an identical environment for each cutting then you will be seeing more uniform growth but again even the slightest variation could result in dramatically different expression. Let's not forget that many genes have already been expressed by the time cuttings are taken. Best wishes :peace:


Well-Known Member
all got to do with what u feed em to were u grow them to what kind of medium u are useing to how hard ur water is a million diff factors could change the bud