States That Raised Their Minimum Wages Are Experiencing Faster Job Growth

oh, so you're another one of these people who thinks they can substitute "culture" as a euphemism for race and go undetected as a racist?

red and kynes both gave away the game on that one, we all know what you mean.

"liberals" call you "racist," if you don't trust left-handed people.

I hate "Ghetto" culture. "Thug" culture; whatever you want to call it. there are plenty of whites and Hispanics that practice it. if disliking illiterate Mamelukes, that dress in clown suits, shout at each other from 4 ft. away, and blasting holes in each other with their ILLEGAL guns makes me a racist, I'm fine with that. the more that word is used, and the more ridiculously it is flung, like angry-primate poop, the sooner it will lose its magic.
The evidence shows that in states that increased the minimum wage, job growth was higher than in those that didn't

It also shows how completely wrong you, NoDrama and Kynes are. You all have said multiple times that if the minimum wage is raised, employers will hire less people, the exact opposite of what happened.

You cannot prove that there would not have been more growth without the minimum wage increase. Your premise is flawed.
Think a higher minimum wage is a job killer? Think again: The states that raised their minimum wages on January 1 have seen higher employment growth since then than the states that kept theirs at the same rate.

The minimum wage went up in 13 states — Arizona, Connecticut, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington — either thanks to automatic increases in line with inflation or new legislation, as Ben Wolcott reports in his analysis at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. The average change in employment for those states over the first five months of the year as compared with the last five of 2013 is .99 percent, while the average for all remaining states is .68 percent.

Digging deeper, all but one of those states are experiencing increases in employment, and nine of them have seen growth above the median rate.


Wolcott’s analysis builds on a previous one from Goldman Sachs, which did the same evaluation for just January and compares it to December of last year. It found that the states that had minimum wage increases experienced faster job growth than those without a raise.

This doesn’t mean that increasing the minimum wage necessarily creates more jobs. “While this kind of simple exercise can’t establish causality, it does provide evidence against theoretical negative employment effects of minimum-wage increases,” Wolcott writes. Indeed, it adds to the evidence that higher minimum wages may not hurt job growth as much as some have warned. Washington has the highest minimum wage and saw the biggest increase in small business jobs last year. Its job growth has also remained steady and above average in the 15 years since it raised its wage. When economists studied state-level minimum wage increases over two decades they didn’t find any conclusive evidence that the raises impacted job creation.

That’s all good news for the ten states that have increased their minimum wages this year. Massachusetts went the furthest, raising its wage to $11 by 2017, but three — Hawaii, Maryland, and Connecticut — passed the $10.10 minimum wage being pushed at the federal level by Democrats and Vermont increased its wage to $10.50. And some cities have gone even further, with Seattle enacting a $15 minimum wage.

Progress in raising the entire country’s minimum wage has stalled, though. Republicans blocked a bill that would have increased it to $10.10 an hour.

So what happened to raising the minimum wage would cost jobs?
so the biggest increase in less than 3%. great. thanks.
this graph doesn't reflect all those "new" jobs created. maybe they are in Guam, which is not represented. Northern Marianas maybe.
Thank God North Dakota is buried in this poll, we sure don't need Uncle Skittles and his ilk up here fucking up a good thing !
i don't start drinking until 10pm - midnight and stop around 2-3 am.

unlike you, i have self control and choose how much i drink. i don't wake up in a dumpster three weeks later after some epic binge and have to go to AA, like you did.

between 9, and 17 warm Hamm's, slammed home, in a 3-5 hour period, 365 days a year. it probably ends in crying jags, with his missus undressing him on the sofa, while he blubbers about "fucking racists."
Where are the members who vehemently oppose raising the minimum wage because they think it will kill jobs?

Why did the amount of jobs increase more in states that raised the minimum wage?
You haven't shown anything that indicates a minimum wage increase caused an increase in jobs. It could be that an increase in jobs caused an increase in minimum wage. Or it could be that an increase in minimum wage prevented an even greater increase in jobs. Or it could be the two have no influence on the other.
I noticed something similar when I mentioned I had multiple jobs.. It's like they bitch about people who leech off the system then as soon as those people find honest work to make a living, the jobs they work aren't good enough.. How do the poor and unemployed expect to advance with this kind of republican ideology?

"Work hard" > then as soon as you do.. "You're still not meeting my arbitrary standard for a hard working person! Work harder!" > gets second job.. "Your jobs are shit and you're not worth anything!"...

Straight up delusion...
Your employment has little to do with our opinion of you.
Much of the recent hiring is driven by incentives created by The affordable care act.
It establishes 30 hours as full time.
with 50+ employees have reacted to ACA's incentives, by reducing hours per individual. So instead of hiring two persons @ 33 hours each they hire three @22 hours each.

More jobs, but less working hours per individual.
You're one of the main opponents on this forum of increasing the minimum wage because you think it will decrease the amount of jobs. The evidence says it doesn't, read it and weep.
LOL you don't even know what the fuck you are even talking about. You can't even find one single post of mine where I oppose a minimum wage increase. not a one because you don't know fuck all and never have known jack shit cuz you are dumb as fuck.

The evidence shows that in states that increased the minimum wage, job growth was higher than in those that didn't

It also shows how completely wrong you, NoDrama and Kynes are. You all have said multiple times that if the minimum wage is raised, employers will hire less people, the exact opposite of what happened.
You should honestly try to prove what you just said about me as true, you don't know a fucking thing, you have no clue and don't know jack shit, never have, never will.

You want to tell complete lies about me? Fabricate more bullshit? Prove what you said about me was true, go ahead find those posts where I oppose min wage, go ahead you stupid insipid dumb fuck.

You don't know what the fuck you are even talking about.


Stupid piece of shit.

"In the household survey, full-time jobs fell by 523,000, while part-time jobs rose by 799,000. " So your statistic is misleading. A decrease in good full time jobs with benefits, replaced by crappy part time jobs with no benefits.
North Dakota did not raise their minimum wage, neither did Texas. Those are the only 2 states with job growth, THE ONLY TWO STATES WITH JOB GROWTH!!!!

this whole thread is complete and utter BS, there is no job growth in ANY state that has upped the min wage, NONE AT ALL.
Saying you went from 5.9% job loss to only 3% job loss still = job loss=unemployment=no growth.

Fucking idiot.
Saying you went from 5.9% job loss to only 3% job loss still = job loss=unemployment=no growth.

"The minimum wage went up in 13 states — Arizona, Connecticut, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington — either thanks to automatic increases in line with inflation or new legislation, as Ben Wolcott reports in his analysis at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. The average change in employment for those states over the first five months of the year as compared with the last five of 2013 is .99 percent, while the average for all remaining states is .68 percent."

"The minimum wage went up in 13 states — Arizona, Connecticut, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington — either thanks to automatic increases in line with inflation or new legislation, as Ben Wolcott reports in his analysis at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. The average change in employment for those states over the first five months of the year as compared with the last five of 2013 is .99 percent, while the average for all remaining states is .68 percent."

