States That Raised Their Minimum Wages Are Experiencing Faster Job Growth

A fat joke. How original. The funniest part is, I'm not even fat. Jokes on you, loser.

Your thread sucks and no one here likes you. And it's not because you're fat.

That wasn't a joke, your appetite is enormous

Racist religious retards don't like me

Shocking revelation

"The minimum wage went up in 13 states — Arizona, Connecticut, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington — either thanks to automatic increases in line with inflation or new legislation, as Ben Wolcott reports in his analysis at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. The average change in employment for those states over the first five months of the year as compared with the last five of 2013 is .99 percent, while the average for all remaining states is .68 percent."


LOL. and you wave these numbers like some flag of victory. 3/10's of an per cent AVERAGE change......from 2013; a real beauty of an economic year. your god is really turnin' things around.
But you know Don, North Dakota is full of righties.....thank God their 30% increase props up the remainder so left can wave the "economy orgasm flag".
Pudwad is like the foreign equivalent of Uncle Buck/Uncle IUD/ Uncle Immigration/ Uncle Skittles etc etc etc....noteworthy ignorance.

why'd you stop calling me unclebuttplug or unclebuttfuck after i posted the study confirming that homophobes like you are aroused by gay male pornography and harboring latent homosexual desires?
why'd you stop calling me unclebuttplug or unclebuttfuck after i posted the study confirming that homophobes like you are aroused by gay male pornography and harboring latent homosexual desires?

You are Uncle "whatever the current rant is".....Tonight you are most likely "Uncle Gangbang Buffet" or "Uncle I'm impotent so please fuck my wife, would you like more grilled asparagus"'s a a living thread....wanna answer the Bill Clinton/RFRA question yet or are you still dodging that while you cook asparagus for the gangbangers?
"The minimum wage went up in 13 states — Arizona, Connecticut, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington — either thanks to automatic increases in line with inflation or new legislation, as Ben Wolcott reports in his analysis at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. The average change in employment for those states over the first five months of the year as compared with the last five of 2013 is .99 percent, while the average for all remaining states is .68 percent."

5 months of a single year, why not the whole year? why not the last year? why not the last 2 years? the last 3 months?

by cherry picking 5 months out of the last 6 years, you can be sure that the numbers look good.

fucking pathetic attempt there Pada, I didn't expect any better out of you though because you are an idiot who knows nothing.


Does that mean a gain in jobs or a loss? Oh wait, it means both.

Fucking idiot.
Are you going to be like NoDrama and deny that .99 is bigger than .68?
Change in employment = getting laid off if you were working and getting a job if you weren't. Those states which raised the minimum wage actually lost jobs, but they just call that "change in employment" hoping that fucking idiots like Pada will think that means job creation.

Fucking idiot.
Change in employment = getting laid off if you were working and getting a job if you weren't. Those states which raised the minimum wage actually lost jobs, but they just call that "change in employment" hoping that fucking idiots like Pada will think that means job creation.

Fucking idiot.
I think informing Padawan of things is just pointless.

He's actually too dumb to understand responses explaining stuff to him, that's why he never learns.

Next question to ask him, does the rate of job growth match the number of new entrants into the market?

And how can job growth be "so high" when the US is about to slip into recession again?