How often do you drink? If you drink every day and if you need a 12 pack to celebrate then you are an alcoholic.
I dont care about the label, I care that you are sitting there every day and pounding back the alcohol and then taking the emotional shit out on us. I have attempted to explain to you how to address your issues to stop drinking and being the internet troll you are. If that doesnt make you an alcoholic it makes you the most unpleasant person to deal with on this site ever...
Continual denial of reality regardless of what people tell you repeatedly (I live in gold canyon and sold my pool route) is a display of brain damage due to the alcoholism and/or your mental instability which is exacerbated by your drunkenness.
You can call me an alcoholic but I have not had a drink in 8 years. You can deny your alcoholism while you polish off a 12 pack and drink every day. Those actions will not make your life better however. Why dont you address your demons and get past the shit that makes you hurt so much you need to pass out instead of sleep??