States That Raised Their Minimum Wages Are Experiencing Faster Job Growth

Note your failure to comprehend "The average change in employment" doesn't indicate whether that change was positive or negative. You have no reason to presume it was positive. The fact you do and keep posting it as if it proves your point just shows how you believe what you want to believe and distort reality to fit your preconceived notions.
I think its demonstrably true that Padawan essentially knows nothing about anything.

He's a dumb fuck, sorry Pad, but its true.
I think its demonstrably true that Padawan essentially knows nothing about anything.

He's a dumb fuck, sorry Pad, but its true.

agreeing with red on anything is a dumbass move. you should know this. getting likes from the pool skimmer alcoholic is not a good sign.
too late, you already said you were.

oh, ok.....

It is a label. I realized a long time ago that I did not care if I was labelled an alcoholic or not. It does not really matter.

I do not think about drinking, crave alcohol, even notice it when I pass the liquor aisle in stores. I can go to a bar and have no desire for alcohol. I am more than happy to let people around me drink as much as they want although drunks are pretty boring when you are sober. Beers have sat in my fridge for months until someone comes over that wants one. There is a bottle of some liqueur in one of my kitchen cabinets as a Christmas present from 2011 or 2012 from a pool client. It has been 8 years since I have had any alcohol.

So, how much should I care what you call me again?
It is a label. I realized a long time ago that I did not care if I was labelled an alcoholic or not. It does not really matter.

if it's just a label that doesn't matter, then why are you trying to put the label on me?

as i recall, this all started when i said i was gonna drink a 12 pack to celebrate my first harvest on a new growspace. i only ended up having 7 beers that night.

pretty lame of you to try to put that label on me. almost as weak as being a 50 year old POS casual bigot who scrubs pools and lives in AJ.
if it's just a label that doesn't matter, then why are you trying to put the label on me?

as i recall, this all started when i said i was gonna drink a 12 pack to celebrate my first harvest on a new growspace. i only ended up having 7 beers that night.

pretty lame of you to try to put that label on me. almost as weak as being a 50 year old POS casual bigot who scrubs pools and lives in AJ.

How often do you drink? If you drink every day and if you need a 12 pack to celebrate then you are an alcoholic.

I dont care about the label, I care that you are sitting there every day and pounding back the alcohol and then taking the emotional shit out on us. I have attempted to explain to you how to address your issues to stop drinking and being the internet troll you are. If that doesnt make you an alcoholic it makes you the most unpleasant person to deal with on this site ever...

Continual denial of reality regardless of what people tell you repeatedly (I live in gold canyon and sold my pool route) is a display of brain damage due to the alcoholism and/or your mental instability which is exacerbated by your drunkenness.

You can call me an alcoholic but I have not had a drink in 8 years. You can deny your alcoholism while you polish off a 12 pack and drink every day. Those actions will not make your life better however. Why dont you address your demons and get past the shit that makes you hurt so much you need to pass out instead of sleep??
How often do you drink? If you drink every day and if you need a 12 pack to celebrate then you are an alcoholic.

I dont care about the label, I care that you are sitting there every day and pounding back the alcohol and then taking the emotional shit out on us. I have attempted to explain to you how to address your issues to stop drinking and being the internet troll you are. If that doesnt make you an alcoholic it makes you the most unpleasant person to deal with on this site ever...

Continual denial of reality regardless of what people tell you repeatedly (I live in gold canyon and sold my pool route) is a display of brain damage due to the alcoholism and/or your mental instability which is exacerbated by your drunkenness.

You can call me an alcoholic but I have not had a drink in 8 years. You can deny your alcoholism while you polish off a 12 pack and drink every day. Those actions will not make your life better however. Why dont you address your demons and get past the shit that makes you hurt so much you need to pass out instead of sleep??

so you're saying i'm an alcoholic because i had 7 beers to celebrate the first harvest out of a new grow room?

that should go on the list next to iran's non-existent coastline or alberta's domestic statehood or the whole skewed polls debacle you wnet on about for months.

you shouldn't ever mention continual denial of reality given your record with hating reality.
so you're saying i'm an alcoholic because i had 7 beers to celebrate the first harvest out of a new grow room?

that should go on the list next to iran's non-existent coastline or alberta's domestic statehood or the whole skewed polls debacle you wnet on about for months.

you shouldn't ever mention continual denial of reality given your record with hating reality.

Have another cigarette, Stinky MC Suckface.
You faggot Yanks just can't handle your booze.

Jesus fucking Christ, how can the country that produces Jack Motherfucking Daniels be such pussy girl-men when it comes to drink?
theres nothing wrong with americans' handling of drink.

the puritans and quakers have created a stigma that lingers today, it infiltrates every layer of society and creates pervasive memes that drink = evil, and knocking back a cold lager on a hot day makes you a drunkard.

our society has created a massive stockpile of haters, who are each hating on whatever thing they decide is a "vice" or a "sin", and booze takes a beating as a result.
i guess that was not intended to be a factual statement, because seattle is ADDING jobs.

derp derp derp.

"adding jobs" at well below the influx of new workers, which means they are LOSING jobs every fucking day you dolt.

thats why their unemployed population is getting larger, even when more and more of the unemployed dont get a check from the government, and thus dont appear on the "unemployment" stats.

just like california.