States That Raised Their Minimum Wages Are Experiencing Faster Job Growth

Sure, and they probably tell the truth like Lois Lerner, the NSA ,the IRS, Killary, BHO etc etc etc. As Thomas Dolby would say, SCIENCE !!!!!
you might want to look into how they calculate unemployment numbers, you blithering shitcunt.
if you think that the "unemployment" numbers come from anything other than those who are receiving an unemployment check, youre retarded.

ohh wait, that has already been established.
In that particular study I found I could get a buzz from a nano-pinner. I can't remember if it helped me to comprehend Schrodinger's eqn. though.
if you close yourself up in a box with that pinner and a lighter, are you simultaneously High, and Not High, existing in a state of Quantum Insobriety, until your faculty advisor opens the box and sets your state?
if you think that the "unemployment" numbers come from anything other than those who are receiving an unemployment check, youre retarded.

ohh wait, that has already been established.

why does the BLS call up N=60,000 scientifically selected households every month then?
where are the 150K new positions needed, every month, for new grads, and entry-level people?
150k.......a month. throw those numbers in the Unemployment mix.
where are the 150K new positions needed, every month, for new grads, and entry-level people?
150k.......a month. throw those numbers in the Unemployment mix.
Obama won't release his college records, he probably can't do the math.

He's good at basketball tho (at least he should be at this stage).