anti-anxiety strains??


Well-Known Member
hello, a friend of mine was recently diagnosed with anxiety(panic attacks) anyone know a strain that would help with this? thanx


Well-Known Member
I have the same thing and honestly never found smoking to help a great deal but that could just be me too. Others have said an indica is best for it.


Active Member
I've had a couple of Anxiety Attacks when I was a Teen.Never since.If there is an Anti-Anxiety Strain I'd love to try it and find out how many people have tried it and their experiences with it.:joint:


Well-Known Member
the best to my knowledge is grape ape, romulan, most of the kush's, super silver haze green crack, but it varies from person to person, for me i have to first get my anxiety to a tolerable level and then titrate with about one gram a day.. if i smoke when im extremely anxious marijuana makes it worse


Well-Known Member
Strawberry cough - im growing some at the moment check the journal..
i took of a little bud for test, after 3 or 4 tokes just and what a lovely happy CLEAR high, no anxiety what so ever!!!! and i suffer depression and anxiety bad.. and this cured it straight away.. and even the next day im happy... great day time smoke..its 75% sativa.. and the best things is when the high wears off u dont feel burned out at all (and thats after doing heavy work all day!) its just nice and warm feeling.. :peace::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
+1 for this thread! The docs say I have GAD and I am looking for the same.O and I hate pills! And my job gives me drug test so I'm fucked.
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Well-Known Member
+1 for this thread! The docs say I have GAD and I am looking for the same.O and I hate pills! And my job gives me drug test so I'm fucked.
maybe try and bullshit a doctor's note saying that u need it for some medical thing.. or something:peace:


Well-Known Member
was looking cross eyed at the strawberry cough to.
Strawberry Cough
[Dutch Passion Seeds]

Sativa 80 / Indica 20
Origins - N/A
Flowering - 56-63 days
Harvest - Early October

Strawberry Cough is a sweet-flavored indoor variety with just enough indica influence to shorten the typically slow growing time of the semitropical sativa into a 2 month flowering cycle. The creamy berry taste combines with its expansive smoke to deliver a variety worthy of its name.

Strawberry Cough gardens efficiently whether using hydroponics or soil setups. It is too branchy for sea of green, but Dutch Passion recommends planting 15-20 plants per square meter (1-2 plants per square foot). Strawberry Cough likes a boost of nutrients at the beginning of vegetative growth. Although no data was available for outdoor gardens, Strawberry Cough performs terrifically in greenhouses. Strawberry Cough is a plant of happy mediums, growing to a height of around 3 feet indoors or in a greenhouse garden and exhibiting leaves that balance between indica and sativa influences. This multi-branched plant will start delivering ripe colas about 40 days into flowering, and continue with a second wave that finishes at about 65 days. Greenhouse flowering times are typically a week shorter than indoor gardens.

The buds are tight and shaped like narrow pinecones, and may get quite long. This variety's branches are sturdy and support even the weightiest of colas. Strawberry Cough tickles the lungs with her creamy-sweet smoke, whose flavor resembles strawberry, perhaps with a kiwi fruit complement. The buzz is heady and active, a classic let's-go-hiking sativa lift that can alleviate depression.


New Member
There has been a couple threads made like this in the past, I also made one a few months back. The results I got were Kushs and Romulan, and mostly Indicas. I have also heard of Strawberry cough too.

I also have anxiety(GAD, and it goes from moderate to severe), and am looking for a strain to help get rid of it. My anxiety has really been killing me lately. It caused me to be delusional, be a hypochondriac, think things were worse than they were, have panic attacks, also all the physical symptoms like you cant breathe and all that and of course worrying my ass off 24/7, and thinking I was going crazy. I actually just learned it was all caused by anxiety today. Im considering taking medication, but if I could get away with just smoking an anti-anxiety strain and helping myself than I would be really cool with that.


Well-Known Member
I would and they are willing to put me on xanax(spell?) but fuck that. O and I am not in cali so I cant get a medi card :cry:
There has been a couple threads made like this in the past, I also made one a few months back. The results I got were Kushs and Romulan, and mostly Indicas. I have also heard of Strawberry cough too.

I also have anxiety(GAD, and it goes from moderate to severe), and am looking for a strain to help get rid of it. My anxiety has really been killing me lately. It caused me to be delusional, be a hypochondriac, think things were worse than they were, have panic attacks, also all the physical symptoms like you cant breathe and all that and of course worrying my ass off 24/7, and thinking I was going crazy. I actually just learned it was all caused by anxiety today. Im considering taking medication, but if I could get away with just smoking an anti-anxiety strain and helping myself than I would be really cool with that.

hey seeetsmell, thats so annoying that they will let u take pills that can b harmful over a natural plant, legal drug dealers giving outr bad pills.. i dont understand that why they would b angry if an employee is smoking some weed!!! like if u were on heron or something obviously ud b a lyability..
If u explained to your doctor and he gave u a note saying that smoking small ammounts of pot daily benifits your depression and anxiety greatly.. and they give it to work.. Obviously dont tell u grow it your self.. :peace:

hey philly, sorry to hear that i dont think iv ever been that bad in thought, anyway the strawberry cough would definatly help i think..
if your going growing grow some strawberry cough and another one an indica... see which helps u everyone reacts different.. i find the sativa dom better cause they give u energy aswell as taking away anxiety..:peace:


Well-Known Member
hello, a friend of mine was recently diagnosed with anxiety(panic attacks) anyone know a strain that would help with this? thanx
i have had this problem for some time and thought i was going crazy ,even that i may die ,i was given lepraxo ,valium ,and other pills ,i guess they helped somewhat ,but i find if i have a nice smoke it usually calms me down ,cant say which strain would be better ,but it is better than pills , ifind with the pills if anything goes wrong ,and as a single dad ,who has been to family court more times than i can rememember the pills used to make me more fucked up.
so i guess a good indica may be best ,but i prefer the sativa high ,it gets me busy ,and i dont think so much about things . good luck. it is a fucking horrible feeling:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey dude i here ya im bipolar with severe panic attacks i go to to the store and think everybodys lookin at on xanax or alprazolam it helps me alot could not make it with out it and like u been there in the court over my ex and son. i cant get high unless the sun has set and if i havent smoked i n a day are so i get real paronoid what helps me i smoke ak47 only and only take a very im mean little hit then after awhile say 1 hr i can smoke a blunt with no parnoid feeling,but if i smoke hard the first high of the day im to ya BEECH[PHP][/PHP]


Well-Known Member
Look what you need to do guys is cure the problem not cover it with drugs(marijuana too), i have my medical marijuana card for anxiety and depression and have had handfulls of Benzos, SSRI's (selective seritonine uptake inhibitors) but the only way to treat and cure these diseases is changing your outlook on life and the way this plastic society has hardwired your brain to live in the materialistic, self image centered world. Marijuana is a blessing and a great catalyst towards achieving mental salvation/liberation but you need to reach deeper into the very depths of your mind to find out what really perturbs you annd change whatever it might be, my best piece of advice would be buddhism or without a doubt...

if anyone needs advice just pm me thanks and good luck
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Well-Known Member
Look what you need to do guys is cure the problem not cover it with drugs(marijuana too), i have my medical marijuana card for anxiety and depression and have had handfulls of Benzos, SSRI's (selective seritonine uptake inhibitors) but the only way to treat and cure these diseases is changing your outlook on life and the way this plastic society has hardwired your brain to live in the materialistic, self image centered world. Marijuana is a blessing and a great catalyst towards achieving mental salvation/liberation but you need to reach deeper into the very depths of your mind to find out what really perturbs you annd change whatever it might be, my best piece of advice would be buddhism or without a doubt...

if anyone needs advice just pm me thanks and good luck

Buddhism about??


Well-Known Member
Look what you need to do guys is cure the problem not cover it with drugs(marijuana too), i have my medical marijuana card for anxiety and depression and have had handfulls of Benzos, SSRI's (selective seritonine uptake inhibitors) but the only way to treat and cure these diseases is changing your outlook on life and the way this plastic society has hardwired your brain to live in the materialistic, self image centered world. Marijuana is a blessing and a great catalyst towards achieving mental salvation/liberation but you need to reach deeper into the very depths of your mind to find out what really perturbs you annd change whatever it might be, my best piece of advice would be buddhism or without a doubt...

if anyone needs advice just pm me thanks and good luck

Very good post. Even tho I would love to just wake up one day and say fuck it Im gonna be happy and relaxed today and for the rest of my life is well.................. not really a choice for me. My career is very very stressful and I am 24 years old with a 4 year old lil girl and a gf(babby mama) that I hate(most of the time) that I have to support on one job. And as for the buddhism not so sure about that. I am Christan and I think my god would hate me if I went that way.LOL. How about meditation? Damn I should prob start another thread I feel like a hi jacker. Sorry to the OP
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New Member
Just weed in general has helped me a lot with my anxiety and panic. I have cut my smoking down a lot now though. I now smoke about 2 or 3 times a week or else I go crazy and get real anxious and paranoid, I cant handle things and stress in my normal mind state. I have bad anxiety and I have had bad panic attacks in the past. All I really need is 4 or 5 hits of good weed a few times a week and it stops most of that. I realize that I need to find a solution for this stuff because this probably wont work forever though.

I have done other natural things that helped with my anixety and panic though. Im gonna try and buy some strawberry cough and romulan seeds in a little while and see how much that stuff helps me. I realize that it wont be a anxiety cure most likely, but Im wondering how much it will help though, hopefully a lot. Oh, and can you actually get a medical marijuana card for depression or anxiety? Marijuana seriously helps me with my anxiety and depression, and it would be great if I would be allowed to smoke it and get a prescription and everything.
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Well-Known Member
if you like herbs....
St. Johns wart Liq. to helps you sleep...
B12 Vitamin helps the nervous system
ginkgo biloba herbal supplement permotes healthy brain function.
won't make you high... but can help keep ya from hanging off the ceiling.
and mellow you out in times of stress.
just a thought not subject to start a heated debate.