Frost Avalanche Approaching...
Dank Sinatra Remix clones (LA Affie x '88G13HP F3) rooted. As sprouts we have:
Synergy, White Lotus, Cheesewreck and Hippie Killer.
Moms we have the Dank Sinatra Remix mommas and a lemony-as-fuck Salvation momma (Lemon D x Salvador (Purple Snowman x Trainwreck))...
In flower The Cornerstone, Salvation, and some Lemon Thai x Joseph OG.
Rory, the LT x Jo takes off like a b*****d in flower... She can take all the light I can throw at her so far, single topping and open structure, zero defoliation and each node is getting light. But yeah, so far first two weeks have seen them double, open up, and grow big phat fatty fans too. Such intelligent ladies.
3:1 female to male ratio on my run.