how to pronounce trychomes?


Well-Known Member
i always would say try-combs but i talked to a guy lastnight that said trick-ohms and i also heard someone say trech-ohms wtf?

trichomes sorry - why cant i edit my own thread title?
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New Member
spelling it would be a good place to start off... Trichromes.... Tri as in tricycle,, and chromes and in chrome wheels or a chrome chain

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i thought it was trichomes....
Trichomes : AKA crystals or sugar, they are tiny, mushroom-shaped capitulate glands full of THC that form on the flowering buds and bud leaves of cannabis.


Well-Known Member
think it depends where you're from. that guy in the audio isn't from our side of the pond.
it's TRY-COMB over here.
shredder dude..where the fuck did that 2nd R come from?????