Just Got Jacked While Dealing

^^^^^we are all self medicating wether or not you think its meds....... and one of the only nice things about arizona is its medical and open carry but i do miss cal :(
K so i went to smoke with mi friend, but we didnt have a lighter to toke before dealing so we went to meet som of his friends in the neighborhood. i didnt know these guys and they looked sketchy as fuk. we ended up going behind som houses to do the buisness, and the three motherfuckers all pulled blades and told me to give up all mi shit. so they jacked like $400 worth of weed that i had on me. Mi friend said he didnt know that shit was guna go down, but i aint sure. i know the neighborhood where them motherfuckers live but i only know one of there names, and they dnt all live there. mi friend, trying to b loyal to both of us, aint tellin me there names, but aint tellin them im askin for em. im thinkin of just roundin up mi boys and jumpin the motherfuckers, but i only know where 1 of em live. what to do?

$400 isnt worth getting stabbed or going to jail over buddy. Cut ties with that douche of a friend of yours, and move on. Also, might avoid that neighborhood and try to get into a better area. Goodluck to ya!
some of you seem to think your killers,or rambos offspring.3 dudes pull a knife out on you,you dont have no weapon,but you still would have disarmed them and slit their throats.....some of you are delusional.
My grow was broken into just recently and I took a loss of 32 oz. That was my intire & only income for the next 10 weeks. @ 300. An O. As much as I want to hurt this dude, in the long run its not worth it. So now I am living . Off of my 90 year old mother with Alzheimer. Who doesn't mind helping me get through the next few weeks till my Jack Skellington/ Querkel run furnishes.
My grow was broken into just recently and I took a loss of 32 oz. That was my intire & only income for the next 10 weeks. @ 300. An O. As much as I want to hurt this dude, in the long run its not worth it. So now I am living . Off of my 90 year old mother with Alzheimer. Who doesn't mind helping me get through the next few weeks till my Jack Skellington/ Querkel run furnishes.

thats my problem. I let my friend in on my next grow, and every day I wonder if im making a mistake
thats my problem. I let my friend in on my next grow, and every day I wonder if im making a mistake
Hate to say it bro but it probably was. See, a lot of us are proud of what we have achieved and we like to share that with the ones that are close to us. I for one, am finished with that but it took a hard lesson to come to that.
The Code of the streets homie...ya gotta f em up just like you would a snitch.

Old school style... when people knew better than to rip you or snitch.
thats my problem. I let my friend in on my next grow, and every day I wonder if im making a mistake
Yeah man you can't really let anyone in on your grow. In most cases any grower who gets more than 2 good sized grows under their belt is smart enough to keep a low profile. Adding someone else adds a whole other X-Factor into the op. You have to worry about them wanting to be "That guy" and bragging about "their" grow and boasting. Them cutting a side deal with someone else and possibly ripping you off period. Pissed off GF/BF. Them getting busted and rolling on you. The works. So what has you so worried here? Has your next one already started and everything? If not then you might want to work out some other sort of arrangement.
Hate to say it bro but it probably was. See, a lot of us are proud of what we have achieved and we like to share that with the ones that are close to us. I for one, am finished with that but it took a hard lesson to come to that.
Or they become haters
K so i went to smoke with mi friend, but we didnt have a lighter to toke before dealing so we went to meet som of his friends in the neighborhood. i didnt know these guys and they looked sketchy as fuk. we ended up going behind som houses to do the buisness, and the three motherfuckers all pulled blades and told me to give up all mi shit. so they jacked like $400 worth of weed that i had on me. Mi friend said he didnt know that shit was guna go down, but i aint sure. i know the neighborhood where them motherfuckers live but i only know one of there names, and they dnt all live there. mi friend, trying to b loyal to both of us, aint tellin me there names, but aint tellin them im askin for em. im thinkin of just roundin up mi boys and jumpin the motherfuckers, but i only know where 1 of em live. what to do?
thats not your friend, get some better friends dude
Yeah man you can't really let anyone in on your grow. In most cases any grower who gets more than 2 good sized grows under their belt is smart enough to keep a low profile. Adding someone else adds a whole other X-Factor into the op. You have to worry about them wanting to be "That guy" and bragging about "their" grow and boasting. Them cutting a side deal with someone else and possibly ripping you off period. Pissed off GF/BF. Them getting busted and rolling on you. The works. So what has you so worried here? Has your next one already started and everything? If not then you might want to work out some other sort of arrangement.

Or they become haters

Yea Ive known this guy for about 15yrs. Hes a trustworthy friend when it comes to everything EXCEPT a plant worth 4k/lb. NOBODY is trustoworthy when you're growing something worth 4k/lb

I have a 4 Plant grow that just had the timers switched 1 week ago. Thats the only one he knows about, but still, it's the principal of the fact
K so i went to smoke with mi friend, but we didnt have a lighter to toke before dealing so we went to meet som of his friends in the neighborhood. i didnt know these guys and they looked sketchy as fuk. we ended up going behind som houses to do the buisness, and the three motherfuckers all pulled blades and told me to give up all mi shit. so they jacked like $400 worth of weed that i had on me. Mi friend said he didnt know that shit was guna go down, but i aint sure. i know the neighborhood where them motherfuckers live but i only know one of there names, and they dnt all live there. mi friend, trying to b loyal to both of us, aint tellin me there names, but aint tellin them im askin for em. im thinkin of just roundin up mi boys and jumpin the motherfuckers, but i only know where 1 of em live. what to do?
take it from me ,, pay a meth head to do your dirty work, its not worth the hastle,, you'll be laughing last ,, he who laughs last laughs longest,,,,,, from experience mate