ginsberg's dire warning coming true already


you're comparing the act of choosing to rape a child with being arbitrarily born a certain skin color.

good job. i hope rend pawl brings this up in his run.
I made no direct comparison between the two, you fucking clownshoes, the point was where does the store owner/worker distinguish between who they can or cannot deal with based on their personal convictions.

Again, my only criteria for business is that you possess currency or a commodity I desire, my question above was just a question.

Fucking Joos.
may I deny service to the gay man who WASN'T born that way??
yer in a corner, rat. if I may NOT deny service to the man who chose that lifestyle, then you get your ass in that kitchen, and bake me my KKK Swastika cake, boy, and make it snappy, or I'll sue you for discrimination. fucking bigot. remember.....nigger and kike candles; slow-burning ones.

it's not the bigot who needs to change, it's the gay person. got it.

i can tell by your continued defense of religious bigotry.

good job on making an exception for religious bigotry.

profiles in courage here.
There is a vast difference in firing someone because it was discovered at work that they were gay, and saying to them, "no, I'm not going to bake your wedding cake and put two grooms on top."

I don't card how infrequently it happens, no one should be fired for that. If they were caught blowing their boyfriend in the boss' office, while on the clock, that's different. But for just being gay, no.

The sad fact is though, people are fired for this today. Until that is changed, the gay has a huge advantage over blacks from yesteryear in that they don't have to let people know.

Making gays call a second number from their Google search for their wedding services is not a major inconvenience.

It isn't even denial of service. I'm sure they would sale them their fresh baked rye. It is most accurately described as restrictions of a service.
There is a vast difference in firing someone because it was discovered at work that they were gay, and saying to them, "no, I'm not going to bake your wedding cake and put two grooms on top."

I don't card how infrequently it happens, no one should be fired for that. If they were caught blowing their boyfriend in the boss' office, while on the clock, that's different. But for just being gay, no.

The sad fact is though, people are fired for this today. Until that is changed, the gay has a huge advantage over blacks from yesteryear in that they don't have to let people know.

Making gays call a second number from their Google search for their wedding services is not a major inconvenience.

It isn't even denial of service. I'm sure they would sale them their fresh baked rye. It is most accurately described as restrictions of a service.

so no need for civil rights, gays can just hide that they're gay and just deal with a lesser set of goods and services for the simple fact that they are gay, meanwhile religious bigots can go on bigoting religiously.

profiles in courage here folks.
so no need for civil rights, gays can just hide that they're gay and just deal with a lesser set of goods and services for the simple fact that they are gay, meanwhile religious bigots can go on bigoting religiously.

profiles in courage here folks.

No dude, they can fight for equal rights, but put on that cloak of anonymity while they are struggling to keep what they need to avoid unnecessary sacrifice.
Why should a bigot hide who they are? Last time I checked, being a bigot was not illegal.

last time i checked, denying service to someone based on bigotry was.

but go ahead and argue that your right to be a bigot (which by your own admission you are) trumps someone else's right to expect equal treatment.

go ahead and argue against basic civil rights.

just know that you are on the losing side of history that will blight and shame our nation.
last time i checked, denying service to someone based on bigotry was.

but go ahead and argue that your right to be a bigot (which by your own admission you are) trumps someone else's right to expect equal treatment.

go ahead and argue against basic civil rights.

just know that you are on the losing side of history that will blight and shame our nation.

Could you cite a definition of bigot that says that the person deny's service to other people? Because I think you just made that shit up...
Could you cite a definition of bigot that says that the person deny's service to other people? Because I think you just made that shit up...

your grasp on the english language is borderline retarded. i honestly have no idea what you are asking, and there is no apostrophe in "denies".
paying customers being denied service because of how they were born under the guise of "religious freedom".

yeah, this is nothing like what happened to the blacks.
why should gays have to hide who they are?
They shouldn't have to, I've never said they should have to.

I'm saying that they can. If a person doesn't have the luxury of being a social activist, they can keep the secret and keep their job so they can pay rent and feed themselves. That's why their struggle is a fraction of what blacks had to go through.

In reality, it is legal in most places to discriminate against them.
They shouldn't have to, I've never said they should have to.

I'm saying that they can. If a person doesn't have the luxury of being a social activist, they can keep the secret and keep their job so they can pay rent and feed themselves. That's why their struggle is a fraction of what blacks had to go through.

In reality, it is legal in most places to discriminate against them.

whatever you say bigot.
nope. i need you to post the quotes that you claim i made.

you sure i said that?

As if I'm obligated to do anything you tell me to do. Get on with your bad self.

I know what you said and when you said it. I'm satisfied. I could give a shit what you think or feel.