Can I talk to your Doctor?


Well-Known Member

I need to find doctors that would be open to prescribing MMJ to patients in need! Focusing currently on Eastern Canada, but I'm sure that will broaden with time.

So, anyone know some compassionate Doctors that would be open to MMJ? Even if you know some that are on-the-fence, or even downright against it - I think I could talk some sense into them.

I can be VERY convincing!!!

PM me any specifics that may not be great on an open forum.

Any help or guidelines would be awesome. I'm going through friends first, and then EVERYONE else.



Well-Known Member
Sometimes i can come off as a asshole on here but i truthfully just tell people the way it is, im a open book be it good news or bad il tell you how it is, no shame. Let me put a possitive spin on this, you are a fantastic out-going whole hearted person. Ive never seen someone on a forum go through such lengths i read in your posts. Your constantly looking for help for the greater good and truly believe in what your doing, the faith and courage you have is inspirational and actually motivates me to take the same stance you do. Bravo, your a great person, more like you and this planet wont be too shabby at all. Best of luck too ya, i wish many success' upon you.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes i can come off as a asshole on here but i truthfully just tell people the way it is, im a open book be it good news or bad il tell you how it is, no shame. Let me put a possitive spin on this, you are a fantastic out-going whole hearted person. Ive never seen someone on a forum go through such lengths i read in your posts. Your constantly looking for help for the greater good and truly believe in what your doing, the faith and courage you have is inspirational and actually motivates me to take the same stance you do. Bravo, your a great person, more like you and this planet wont be too shabby at all. Best of luck too ya, i wish many success' upon you.
My eyes just got sweaty! Thanks!! You're great!


bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
where im from, (new England) I just had to get my medical records from my doctor (go in and ask for what you need and usually you have to pay so much per page) then bring that to the medical marijuana recommendation place. A completely different doc who looks at your file and listens to what you have to say. If he thinks you are legit he will write you a recommendation and you are legal for your state/province.

I have epilepsy so it was a no brainer, but I know other people who have a lot less serious issues and they have no problem getting it. (back pain, Trouble sleeping) Good luck.


Well-Known Member
In Canada - you CAN go to your doctor, and TRY to get a prescription. I am one of the one MILLION people waiting for a family doctor in Canada.

On top of that, Health Canada has a governing body reviewing which doctors are prescribing MMJ, to which pateints. It has doctors scared. And under the reign of terror of Stephen Harper, they should be.

I am going to be VERY open and out there about MMJ, and my disgust with the Conservative government and their stance on it, over the next year and a bit (until the next election, October 2015). I have no doubt in my mind, that if they get in again - I will go to prison. Because I am NOT going to stop using MMJ.

But, the company I work for, is helping people get in touch with a compassionate doctor over Skype. We need MORE to sign onto our program, so that the wait time for patients is much quicker from application to prescription.

I need to find one in every major city. The more the merrier!!

I'll go to conferences, or maybe just start showing up at walk-in clinics all across Canada and speak with them that way.

Either way, I have some minds to's gonna be fun!


Well-Known Member
In Canada - you CAN go to your doctor, and TRY to get a prescription. I am one of the one MILLION people waiting for a family doctor in Canada.

On top of that, Health Canada has a governing body reviewing which doctors are prescribing MMJ, to which pateints. It has doctors scared. And under the reign of terror of Stephen Harper, they should be.

I am going to be VERY open and out there about MMJ, and my disgust with the Conservative government and their stance on it, over the next year and a bit (until the next election, October 2015). I have no doubt in my mind, that if they get in again - I will go to prison. Because I am NOT going to stop using MMJ.

But, the company I work for, is helping people get in touch with a compassionate doctor over Skype. We need MORE to sign onto our program, so that the wait time for patients is much quicker from application to prescription.

I need to find one in every major city. The more the merrier!!

I'll go to conferences, or maybe just start showing up at walk-in clinics all across Canada and speak with them that way.

Either way, I have some minds to's gonna be fun!
Hmmmmmm. I'll address some of the points you raised shortly, as I soon as I can do it under a thousand word limit. You might think some of that song is about you. Probably won't like some of it, but it's nothing personal. Didn't even write it for this thread but it will apply.

Meantime, about "it has the doctors scared". What was their excuse last week? Okay, maybe last month. Same excuse either way. It's not even a new excuse, as they were always "under threat/skeared". It's just a rebooted familiar narrative. It was also known to have had "doctors scared" the very day it was proposed. Pretty wild polling they've got going on!

It's not even at all reasonable, btw. It's actually the very least that doctors could and ought to be doing, policing their own. If we _have_ to deal with them, then they _should_ be experts and they _should_ be accountable. They've taken genuine steps towards that, you should applaud them for it. If the very least in accountability has them scared from doing their jobs, then I don't want to be subjected to their services in the first place.

There is nothing in it to actually cause fear, however. Neither is there any reason to believe they'd abuse the information gathered to attack doctors that are above board unduly. To the best of my knowledge I don't know if that precedent has ever been established. So it amounts to wild speculation and fear mongering. I don't find the nature of that speculation altogether accurate.

Regardless, getting in bed with skype doctors is about the most crippling thing for medical users of weed to do to themselves.

Can you at least tell us honestly how much the company you work for will be charging for access to the information that you're trying to collect from us for free currently? I believe the going rate is $300. Is that accurate for your organization?

Also, you have no actual service to offer here that I can see. Maybe prior to this single level of accountability imposed by doctor organizations there was, but they've closed the doors on the requirement for people like your employers acting as a safeguard so "pot doctors" could keep on the down low. Since they're being looked at now anyway, what actual use are you to them?

How about from a patient perspective?

You said:

But, the company I work for, is helping people get in touch with a compassionate doctor over Skype. We need MORE to sign onto our program, so that the wait time for patients is much quicker from application to prescription.
You say that you improve the wait time between application to prescription. What.... the fuck? There is no "application step 1" and "prescription step 2". There is never anything even like a "prescription". You get a "recommendation", and then you "place your order". There's just nothing for you to do to speed any of that up. It was already all done in the threadwork of the mmpr so as not to require "advocates" like yourself. The only thing you are doing is charging an absurd amount for piddly contact information that you'll be monopolizing, and honestly you can't even seem to speak of the program intelligently.
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Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmm. I'll address some of the points you raised shortly, as I soon as I can do it under a thousand word limit. You might think some of that song is about you. Probably won't like some of it, but it's nothing personal. Didn't even write it for this thread but it will apply.

Meantime, about "it has the doctors scared". What was their excuse last week? Okay, maybe last month. Same excuse either way. It's not even a new excuse, as they were always "under threat/skeared". It's just a rebooted familiar narrative. It was also known to have had "doctors scared" the very day it was proposed. Pretty wild polling they've got going on!

It's not even at all reasonable, btw. It's actually the very least that doctors could and ought to be doing, policing their own. If we _have_ to deal with them, then they _should_ be experts and they _should_ be accountable. They've taken genuine steps towards that, you should applaud them for it. If the very least in accountability has them scared from doing their jobs, then I don't want to be subjected to their services in the first place.

There is nothing in it to actually cause fear, however. Neither is there any reason to believe they'd abuse the information gathered to attack doctors that are above board unduly. To the best of my knowledge I don't know if that precedent has ever been established. So it amounts to wild speculation and fear mongering. I don't find the nature of that speculation altogether accurate.

Regardless, getting in bed with skype doctors is about the most crippling thing for medical users of weed to do to themselves.

Can you at least tell us honestly how much the company you work for will be charging for access to the information that you're trying to collect from us for free currently? I believe the going rate is $300. Is that accurate for your organization?

Also, you have no actual service to offer here that I can see. Maybe prior to this single level of accountability imposed by doctor organizations there was, but they've closed the doors on the requirement for people like your employers acting as a safeguard so "pot doctors" could keep on the down low. Since they're being looked at now anyway, what actual use are you to them?

How about from a patient perspective?

You said:

You say that you improve the wait time between application to prescription. What.... the fuck? There is no "application step 1" and "prescription step 2". There is never anything even like a "prescription". You get a "recommendation", and then you "place your order". There's just nothing for you to do to speed any of that up. It was already all done in the threadwork of the mmpr so as not to require "advocates" like yourself. The only thing you are doing is charging an absurd amount for piddly contact information that you'll be monopolizing, and honestly you can't even seem to speak of the program intelligently.
Hmmm...well, let me explain.

I have been suffering from debilitating mental illness since 1998. I slept for months. I never voted. I cried all the time.

I was medicated for years, prozac then celexa. I saw 10 different doctors, psychologist, and psychiatrists in that time.

No one, ever recommended MMJ. Actually, most told me they thought I should stop using weed.

June 1st, 2014, I got food poisoning. And started expereinceing EVERY side effect from the Celexa. I threw up every day. Night sweats, high blood pressure, diahreah, burst blood vessels in my eyes, rashes, allergies, asthma, the works.

On June 13th, 2014, I looked into getting an MMJ prescription. I found MMS, Medicinal Marijuana Services. I talked to them, and they were lovely.

So lovely, in fact, that I decided to write to the CEO, and tell them I wanted to spread the word about their service.

I don't have a family dr. Or a psychiatrist for the last 2 years (because I am poor and can't afford one). Or also - I was too crazy or depressed in a lot of that time, to get the help I needed. I had NO OTHER option.

The fee on the website says $100 - $400.00. It has gone down 50% since the company started in October 2013.

I would have paid a thousand.

I do NOT disagree that this system, currently in Canada, the MMPR, is not great. I would much prefer to just grown my own. Or even to go to the walk-in clic, or a dispensary, and get a prescription that way.

But I could not. I live in Thunder Bay, and there was no other option for me.

What do YOU think I should have done? In my situation, how would YOU have gone about getting a prescription without having a family doctor?

I apologize that I do not talk about all of this in a scientific way and with 100% confidence. I have only been looking into this for LESS THAN 1 MONTH.

I'm just trying to help people here. You don't gotta get all angsty about it. Smoke a bowl!

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Well-Known Member
Oh, and I don't start work until August 1st, 2014. I am just doing all this now to try to find information so I can hit the ground running.

You sound like you know what you're talking about, and I appreciate the pointers and helpful hints.

I get that you don't trust this system. I would like this service to be free - and maybe it will be soon. My CEO would like us to offer this service for free - that is the end goal. He is a very kind, and nice person. NOT and evil corporate big wig. But you can believe whatever you want, that is your right.

I would like to know @particle, what do you suggest to do in this situation? How would YOU help people navigate this process?

I'm all ears (eyes). I just want to help people get the medicine they need currently. I don't want to wait the year until the next election. People need help NOW!


Well-Known Member
Oh - I'm a douche - I forgot that you said "it wasn't about me"

hahahahaha - I have been taking my medicine!!!!


Well-Known Member
Also - I'm sensitive - try not to call me a dummy, I'll cry....

Do you feel guilty for making me cry? You SHOULD!

hahahaha - jokes I'm over it.



Well-Known Member
So anywho - back on track. If anyone has any HELPFUL suggestions, I would LOVE that.

Also - if you help me find a doctor, maybe you get a "finders fee" or something.

I am not currently working yet (although I kind of am, just working for free - hahah).

But, I would like to do as much as I can. If I can get introduced to compassionate doctors through RIU, then awesome.

If I can't, then I'll just have to use my own brain to figure it out.

I'm pretty smart when I wanna be.


Well-Known Member
I doubt my GP will sign ever again, with deals that don't give him much choice.
It's not like he signed lots either ..probably less than you could count on one hand.
He just wanted some kind of proof you needed it and it worked.
Can't say I blame him any.
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Well-Known Member
I doubt my GP will sign anything ever again with how it is all going for them. Can't say I blame him any either.
Nope, I don't blame them. People fear the unknown. AND, I would be scared if I was a doctor prescribing - oh, I mean "recommending" - MMJ under the conservative regime. They are scary....



Well-Known Member
So anywho - back on track. If anyone has any HELPFUL suggestions, I would LOVE that.

Also - if you help me find a doctor, maybe you get a "finders fee" or something.
I am not currently working yet (although I kind of am, just working for free - hahah).
But, I would like to do as much as I can. If I can get introduced to compassionate doctors through RIU, then awesome.
If I can't, then I'll just have to use my own brain to figure it out.
I'm pretty smart when I wanna be.
Not trying to stir the pot, but why are you "working for free" for a company you don't work for, yet, sniffing for peoples' doctors so you can "persuade" them to sign MMPR recco's for your prospective future "clients" for the company you don't work with, yet?

I'm not questioning your motivations, as you probably are a caring person, just trying to help others...but if you step back and look at what you're saying, and how you framed it...I doubt many people would be willing to offer up their doctor's info to be pestered (no offense, but thats how they'd see it) by random people to become known as a "pot doc", to their peers and their medical colleges, and face further scrutiny?


Well-Known Member
But if you don't have a doctor that will prescribe at your disposal, what are the options in Canada?

Is there another way besides on the interweb? Like a place people can go? I know there are out west. I just don't know of any in my area.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to stir the pot, but why are you "working for free" for a company you don't work for, yet, sniffing for peoples' doctors so you can "persuade" them to sign MMPR recco's for your prospective future "clients" for the company you don't work with, yet?

I'm not questioning your motivations, as you probably are a caring person, just trying to help others...but if you step back and look at what you're saying, and how you framed it...I doubt many people would be willing to offer up their doctor's info to be pestered (no offense, but thats how they'd see it) by random people to become known as a "pot doc", to their peers and their medical colleges, and face further scrutiny?
Meh, doesn't hurt to ask. I'm asking all of my "real life" friends and family too. I just wanted to get feelers out. I need to plan my steps when I officially start. I like to plan ahead.

I don't actually need any doctors from people on RIU - THIS is what I want. Discussion. This is the best way for me to learn, just talking to people. I find ALL of this so terribly interesting.

I took Psychology in school. Oh, and I'm fucking crazy. I think people, all kinds of people, are just interesting as hell. I wanted to see reactions.

Good or Bad. Obviously, a lot more bad reactions to what I said. I didn't edit my first post, I wrote it as I was thinking. I'm sure I could have worded it in a sneakier way, to try to GET people to give me doctors names.

I was more so hoping that an actual Doctor would write me. I want to know how THEY feel about all of this.


Well-Known Member
There aren't many options...the whole program is designed to put up as many roadblocks as possible to access, making it impossible for most people. My doctor who originally gave me a "recco", so I could access dispensary product when I was super sick, asked me not to tell anyone about it, as he wouldn't "touch the gov't program with a 12 foot pole", and had no desire to have anything to do with "pot-doc shoppers".


Well-Known Member
Plus, I'm away at work right now - cooking in the BOOOSH. I am too busy to give this my full, undivided attention. But, it's good to ask questions, cook some shit, and then read what people write when I get back to the 'puter.

I thank everyone that has responded. Good or bad, thank you for taking the time out of your day to write to me. I do appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
There aren't many options...the whole program is designed to put up as many roadblocks as possible to access, making it impossible for most people. My doctor who originally gave me a "recco", so I could access dispensary product when I was super sick, asked me not to tell anyone about it, as he wouldn't "touch the gov't program with a 12 foot pole", and had no desire to have anything to do with "pot-doc shoppers".
That is fucking terrible.

I feel like, in this new job, I am going to cry all the time. I am a reactive person, to good and bad.

I just don't understand why anyone would want to keep people from medicine that could help them? WHY?