Can I talk to your Doctor?


Well-Known Member
Money? Fear? Consipiracy? Like what the fuck??

How can someone sleep at night, if they KNOW the benefits of MMJ, and they do everything in their power to stop other people from LEARNING the TRUTH!

Gaaaaaaaaa - I just don't get it!


Well-Known Member

This is what changed my mom's mind. Do people not know about this? Do they think that it's a lie?

Because how can ANYONE see this shit - and STILL think that MMJ is bad? HOW???


Well-Known Member
That is fucking terrible.
I feel like, in this new job, I am going to cry all the time. I am a reactive person, to good and bad.
I just don't understand why anyone would want to keep people from medicine that could help them? WHY?
If you're trying to get into the "system" as a job, and don't have a heart of stone, you will cry...lots. Its a crying shame.

Its not really the doctors fault...they're in self-preservation mode. The people that issue their licenses (medical colleges) have made it uncomfortable for doctors to get enthused by "medical marihuana" in any way, and in some cases, they're actively telling their doctors NOT to become involved in this scheme. Most doctors are just trying to protect their own jobs/livelihood, just like any other professional.

And whether we understand the gov't motivations or not, fact is, they don't view "medical marihuana" as an approved medical treatment for anything, so they're not rushing to open up the "green doors". The problem is from the top down. Patients are but pawns in the game...its sad.


Well-Known Member
I live in a small community in BC and I have only heard of two local Doc's who will sign. Both are family physicians and not taking new patients. I 'fired' my doctor several years ago for refusing to even talk about mmj and tried every walk-in afterwards. I ended up using a skype doc at MCRCI in Vancouver. It cost me $400 and I've never set foot in a doctor's office since.


Well-Known Member
I joined the CCIC.

Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannibanoids.

I'm only on the "observer" level. But not all doctors are afraid.

I also am volunteering for the Liberal Party. They're the best chance to oust the conservatives in 2015.

Fingers crossed, things will change. It will be a slow change, but I believe things can only get better from here.

If enough people are loud about this. If enough people talk about it, and ask questions, and ask the people in power - WHY?

Why do you want to take away my medicine? Why do you think I'm a devient? Why do you think I just want to get high? Why can't you understand this is the only thing that has ever truly helped me?

I will be the voice, of those who are too afraid to speak. It's MY fucking voice, and I have been too quiet, for too long.

People will know that this saved my life. People will know, that MMJ can save the life of many others.

I will show them.

(fuck - do I sound crazy?)

Ah well, I am! haha. But I could NOT care any more about this. It's consuming my thoughts, all the time. It's very nice caring about something other than myself. I feel GREAT about it!


Well-Known Member
I live in a small community in BC and I have only heard of two local Doc's who will sign. Both are family physicians and not taking new patients. I 'fired' my doctor several years ago for refusing to even talk about mmj and tried every walk-in afterwards. I ended up using a skype doc at MCRCI in Vancouver. It cost me $400 and I've never set foot in a doctor's office since.
I am going to see a psychiatrist, for the first time July 30th when I get home from work. I think he seemed (at least through our e-mail correspondence) very open to the idea of MMJ.
Actually, I bet if I had waited the 2 months, I could have gotten a prescription from him. I'm really shitty at waiting though....hahaha


Well-Known Member
And, FWIW, the doctor I was referring to previously, was a Vancouver if he's not willing to buy into the govt's "medical marihuana" scheme, I doubt many doctors in less liberal cities would be even willing to discuss it, let along give out scripts for it.


Well-Known Member
I am going to see a psychiatrist, for the first time July 30th when I get home from work. I think he seemed (at least through our e-mail correspondence) very open to the idea of MMJ.
Actually, I bet if I had waited the 2 months, I could have gotten a prescription from him. I'm really shitty at waiting though....hahaha
Not the first time I am seeing a psychiatrist - hahaha - OBVI. Just a new one!


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know it was a treatment for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, asthma - fucking asthma??? I have had asthma my WHOLE life.

I have seen, fuck dozens of doctors in my life. I have been doing VERY poorly, at times.

Not one of those, ever, ever, ever even hinted at MMJ.

Someone just needs to educate them. Doctors, are doctors because they want to HELP people. They just don't understand how much MMJ helps.


Well-Known Member
My best advice is to keep any rhetoric or emotional response under control in dealing with these people. You need to keep your emotions severely in check, or you come off as the crazy blowhard, and people involved in the "scheme" are so reticent to be involved in any perceived "drama"...keep it to the facts, clinical like. Persuade them with written facts, not persuasive arguments. Just my 2pence.


Well-Known Member
The idea I pitched to my soon-to-be new boss, was this:

- presentations. Everywhere I can get to:

- medical schools
- doctors conferences
- retirement communities/ homes
- universities
- everywhere else

Just giving information. Not just on my company, but on Medical Marijuana.

I don't think that it should be an underground thing. It needs to be OUT THERE.


Well-Known Member
My best advice is to keep any rhetoric or emotional response under control in dealing with these people. You need to keep your emotions severely in check, or you come off as the crazy blowhard, and people involved in the "scheme" are so reticent to be involved in any perceived "drama"...keep it to the facts, clinical like. Persuade them with written facts, not persuasive arguments. Just my 2pence.
Excellent advice. I did take biology my first round of university. I have just been SOOOOOO busy since I started all this, I haven't had enough time to get all the facts. I have a week between finishing this job, and officially starting the new one.

Here's another little question - anything in particular that you think I should read?

I really like information. THANKS!


Well-Known Member
I applaud your enthusiasm. You are no doubt passionate about what you believe in.

Those organizations you want to present to will want facts, delivered in a non-emotional a science teacher, teaching a gr.10 biology class, ie: boring as fuck. They don't anecdotal stories, no matter how convincing. The emotional tear-jerker stories are great for internet discussion forums and discussions among friends, but will turn off scientific folk.


Well-Known Member
I can totes be "professional". When I want to be.

Here is a real picture - but the only one of "Business Yessica". I was at a conference. A glorified "boat girl" really. But it was still fun to play dress-up as a business jerk!


Although, I really wished at the time I had "Business Jerk Cards" a la Bart Simpson. Or just handed out a card like this:


I would have bought a drink for anyone who laughed. hahaha


Well-Known Member
Here's another little question - anything in particular that you think I should read?
I really like information. THANKS!
Doctors and researchers like PubMed, and other boring "scientific" papers. They'd prefer peer-reviewed research, which is hard to provide due to cannabis' current legal status impeding full-blown research...but there is stuff out there. Gotta scour.


Well-Known Member
I applaud your enthusiasm. You are no doubt passionate about what you believe in.

Those organizations you want to present to will want facts, delivered in a non-emotional a science teacher, teaching a gr.10 biology class, ie: boring as fuck. They don't anecdotal stories, no matter how convincing. The emotional tear-jerker stories are great for internet discussion forums and discussions among friends, but will turn off scientific folk.
I'm actually living a case study right now. I am cooking for the Ministry of the Environment, and other science-folk in "the Ring of Fire".

Or as I like to call it: The Hot Sauce Butthole".

But, they are open. Not at first, but not one of them has been able to watch "Charlotte's Web" mini documentary without getting sweaty eyes.

Emotions work too sometimes...


Well-Known Member
I can totes be "professional". When I want to be.

Here is a real picture - but the only one of "Business Yessica". I was at a conference. A glorified "boat girl" really. But it was still fun to play dress-up as a business jerk!

I would have bought a drink for anyone who laughed. hahaha
Attractive, blonde, and in a business suit? You've got a few things going for you already. I'd listen to what you had to say. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm actually living a case study right now. am I. I was in a similar boat to you a few years back, trying to figure out my health issues and how to best address them, researching all of this stuff, so I could present a compelling case to my doctor, and to other fellow researchers.