Berkely, stealing another 2% from dispensaries


Well-Known Member
Pages and pages of worthless patents, I am glad to say. :)

You can't patent natural life. You can't patent genes collected from patients, for gawds sake!!
Thus spake SCOTUS.

Self rule, is cool. Commonsense will always rule and will always be challenged by the dumb-asses.

That's why we have the Supreme (for real) Court.


Well-Known Member
Bucky feels the moment you start a business you become a slave to everyone around you and must give up your freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and any other freedom that might possibly offend someone else under the mandate of political correctness.
Bucky feels the moment you are born you become a slave to everyone around you and must give up your freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and any other freedom that might possibly offend someone else under the mandate of political correctness......

Fixed it for you!


Well-Known Member
and big pharma picks and chooses which meds it gives out at no cost, which usually are meds with no generic equivalent.

you can't just go requesting anything you want.

i used this before i had my health insurance this year and could only get certain meds.

i hate those type of drug dealers too..the rippers.
So it wasn't enough you got the free high cost meds, you want even more, anything you want? Really, you're complaining? You are truly Miss Entitlement.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I wonder if you are really good at trolling or if you were dropped on your head as a lad.

Your response indicates that in order to have a dispensary, the ostensible "owner" must acquiesce to every edict the real owners (coercive government types) fart out. That brings up a serious question of who the actual owner is....

Just because the dispensary "owners" are getting boned doggy style and not missionary style, there's still a fucking over going on. How the arrangement of bodies occurs does not remove the forced fucking over, Mr. Boot Licker.
no one has ever been forced to own a dispensary. it is a CHOICE that people make of their own free will.

and the chance o earn some real money comes with some strings attached, like always.

no one wants to live in your world where you deny service to blacks because they are black. we tried that and rejected it over 50 years ago.

go cry elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Get rid of "special privileges" for everybody, let the owners of justly acquired property determine if and how they will interact with others on a consensual basis....that's how peace is created and maintained.
can't believe you're calling civil rights "special privileges" and "slavery".

we tried it your way without civil rights more than 50 years ago. go ahead and ask some blacks who were around back then how peaceful it was.


Well-Known Member
If we really wanted to eliminate racial problems we would eliminate identification by race on all public and private forms. We would eliminate quota's and affirmative action and treat each citizen the same in terms of benefits and opportunities. Then we could go back to basing things on achievement and not skin color.
news flash, dickwad: we already have gotten rid of quotas. they are illegal.

but feel free to continue opening your mouth to remove all doubt.


Well-Known Member
Uncle buck you seem like type of attitude that empowers our goverment to ignore what the people want because they are the goverment...

who voted for the 2% rule? Or did they amend that themselfs?

same as who voted for legalization of marijuana? Or did they decide for us marijuana is bad and to be jailed for it?

Goverment decisions should all be based on a vote of the people. How can someone stand up for the people who vote based on who lines their ppockets with money?

Its extremely clear to majority of americans the goverment does as it pleases and even though majority of america is in favor of legalizing marijuana. It is still illegal. Not because they havent formed laws to be voted on that are fair, but because they just dont want it to be legal period... who exactly are they to make such a descision.


Well-Known Member
Uncle buck you seem like type of attitude that empowers our goverment to ignore what the people want because they are the goverment...

who voted for the 2% rule? Or did they amend that themselfs?

same as who voted for legalization of marijuana? Or did they decide for us marijuana is bad and to be jailed for it?

Goverment decisions should all be based on a vote of the people. How can someone stand up for the people who vote based on who lines their ppockets with money?

Its extremely clear to majority of americans the goverment does as it pleases and even though majority of america is in favor of legalizing marijuana. It is still illegal. Not because they havent formed laws to be voted on that are fair, but because they just dont want it to be legal period... who exactly are they to make such a descision.
people can vote with their feet.

if any dispensary owner disagrees with the 2% rule, they are free to pack it up and move to the next town.

that's not even as hard as moving to the next state, like gays have to do just to get marriage equality. and dispensary owners have way more resources to make it happen than an average gay couple does.


Well-Known Member
That doesnt even compare on any of the same level..

Ok even if the 2% is for low income. How about the extra 25% tax they pay annually? Just for it being marijuana. All in all a disensary depending on state could be forced to pay tax on 65-75%... this is real life for businesses right now.... who made these votes? Who decided why a dispensary sould for no reason just be taxed so largely?

Also, who are you to say dispensaries have more resources to just move a town over?

In coloado there are many normal individuals spending there life savings to open a store. Do they have all these resources you speak about?

Finally, people WOULD vote with Their feet if thats what it took for them to listen. How are people so easily ready to hand over all our guidelines in life we risk being jailed over to people that are caught over and over again to vote on there own agenda and not the agenda of the people they supposidly represent.


Well-Known Member
Also, what your saying is 2 wrong make a right?

Its wrong gays must travel to be married because gov says so but yet its ok for business to be heavily taxed because gov says so?

Seems like you have to pick a side...


Well-Known Member
That doesnt even compare on any of the same level..

Ok even if the 2% is for low income. How about the extra 25% tax they pay annually? Just for it being marijuana. All in all a disensary depending on state could be forced to pay tax on 65-75%... this is real life for businesses right now.... who made these votes? Who decided why a dispensary sould for no reason just be taxed so largely?

Also, who are you to say dispensaries have more resources to just move a town over?

In coloado there are many normal individuals spending there life savings to open a store. Do they have all these resources you speak about?

Finally, people WOULD vote with Their feet if thats what it took for them to listen. How are people so easily ready to hand over all our guidelines in life we risk being jailed over to people that are caught over and over again to vote on there own agenda and not the agenda of the people they supposidly represent.
no one is forcing them to do anything and they can opt out anytime.


Well-Known Member
Your not even responding or acknowledging half of what i posted...

Do you agree that its unfair the gov is listing laws to be followed without proper vote from the people?

Just the same as gay marrage should be voted on by the people?

Difference between 2 is one has alot of faith an religion involved and one is business which is black and white to be followed by strict wording... not fair to compare such opposite subjects


Well-Known Member
Your not even responding or acknowledging half of what i posted...

Do you agree that its unfair the gov is listing laws to be followed without proper vote from the people?

Just the same as gay marrage should be voted on by the people?

Difference between 2 is one has alot of faith an religion involved and one is business which is black and white to be followed by strict wording... not fair to compare such opposite subjects
last time i checked you got a marriage license from the state, not a church.

and no, rights may not be voted on. that's why they are called rights.


Well-Known Member
Certain states have legalized gay marrage so clearly other ones can also...

I said it has to do with religion because many people VOTE against it because there faith... not about the church at all.

Again 2 different subjects no need to elaborate further

desert dude

Well-Known Member
last time i checked you got a marriage license from the state, not a church.

and no, rights may not be voted on. that's why they are called rights.
The government helping itself to your property and labor... is a right!

Karl, is that you? It has the Marx of you?



Well-Known Member
The last time I checked, the CHURCH never needed to see your "marriage license" until forced to do so by the government.