My first bagseed grow...comments tips welcome


Well-Known Member
it must have been a lot of work getting all of those out to take pics. thanks for your effort
yeah these babies have been a lot of work the whole grow, but its worth it and the experience of my learning is awesome!!! its not too much work gettin them in and out but its worth the pictures and the routine check up haha... no problem i love this site so helpful and full of nice welcoming ppl.. gotta love it thanks for stoppin in brendon420 and stay tuned for more updates down the line if ya got the time...peace

thanks for this wonderful and helpful site!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Damn man those ladies look fantastic !!!
The smell in your grow room must be heavenly.
The sweet stickiness of a successful sweet it is !!!
I love the bong too !! I'm looking at getting this 8 inch vaporizer, it's the first I've found at a realistic price.
Good luck with those pesky nat's.:peace:
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Well-Known Member
Oh man! Those ladies are looking awesome! Thanks for sharing your room setup and bong pics too. I'm doing my best do catch up with ya :) I think I'm going to get this apartment that has the huge walk in closet and do what I can with ventilation. Thanks for the help again bud!


Well-Known Member
I wish my first grow was as good as yours!

They are looking nice and healthy. In all honesty you should be very happy with your results so far. You could easily handle an Aero system as good as you have done here. Soil is actually harder to grow than hydro for me.

Want to know a great soil technique?

Mix 50% pearlite and 50% organic soil. (Foxfarm)

Put a layer of expanded clay pellets (Hydroton) in a 5 gallon bucket about 3 inches deep.

Get some 1" PVC pipes and run four pipes down the sides from the top to the bottom into Hydroton. This will allow air flow to the bottom of the roots.

Put a layer of landscaping cloth over the clay pellets and add your soil mix. Don't pack it down too tight.

Add your plant and you are ready to go.

The 50% pearlite gives the roots maximum oxygen. Same with the clay and pipes. The air is allowed to circulate under the roots. You will have to water your plants twice as much but trust me, the results will be worth it.

I found out about this style of soil growing many years ago and it works unreal.

Keep up the good work bro!


Well-Known Member
what about sum pics of that mini bubbler and spoon? ohh and nice grow!! Good luck
alright bud lover ill take some this afternoon and get them up here, they both smoke out really nice especially the bubbler ive been meanin to get one just really haven't had the chance yet, but lovin it for sure...o thanks for the nice grow comment :blsmoke:...happy growin stay tuned for more pics..peace :peace:

Damn man those ladies look fantastic !!!
The smell in your grow room must be heavenly.
The sweet stickiness of a successful sweet it is !!!
I love the bong too !! I'm looking at getting this 8 inch vaporizer, it's the first I've found at a realistic price.
Good luck with those pesky nat's.:peace:
yes it is quite an appealing smell in the grow closet :weed: yes the bong is very sexy i think even though i wanted the blue one its still awesome, that vaporizer doesn't look like a bad deal at all... they are always way overpriced, i have never smoked outta one though so i guess it might be worth the money?? any insight on that topic guys?? good luck and if u get it tell me if its worth the mula brotha... yeah i think i got rid of most of them with that soap spray i had bought earlier but today im gonna go get some hydrogen peroxide and mix a little bit in with my water, along with the mosquito dunk water that has been soakin for a day or two should probably get rid of them for good hopefully this time... im so close to being done and then these lil fuckers wanna start shit, well its gonna hit the fan because im not loosing this battle for how much i have put into it...goddamn i hate them things :cuss:o well better then the cops...happy growin bigguy and keep up the good work brotha...peace :peace:

Oh man! Those ladies are looking awesome! Thanks for sharing your room setup and bong pics too. I'm doing my best do catch up with ya :) I think I'm going to get this apartment that has the huge walk in closet and do what I can with ventilation. Thanks for the help again bud!
no problem focus anytime man im here to help whoever needs it or is willing to take my newb suggestions :neutral: but yea im sure you can figure out sometin with that walk in..and if ya take pics and post them im sure there will be plenty of ppl like me to throw some suggestions at ya to kinda give ya some ideas...good luck gettin a good setup goin and good luck with your current ladies man... take it easy and happy growin..peace :peace:

I wish my first grow was as good as yours!

They are looking nice and healthy. In all honesty you should be very happy with your results so far. You could easily handle an Aero system as good as you have done here. Soil is actually harder to grow than hydro for me.

Want to know a great soil technique?

Mix 50% pearlite and 50% organic soil. (Foxfarm)
Put a layer of expanded clay pellets (Hydroton) in a 5 gallon bucket about 3 inches deep.
Get some 1" PVC pipes and run four pipes down the sides from the top to the bottom into Hydroton. This will allow air flow to the bottom of the roots.
Put a layer of landscaping cloth over the clay pellets and add your soil mix. Don't pack it down too tight.
Add your plant and you are ready to go.
The 50% pearlite gives the roots maximum oxygen. Same with the clay and pipes. The air is allowed to circulate under the roots. You will have to water your plants twice as much but trust me, the results will be worth it.
I found out about this style of soil growing many years ago and it works unreal.
Keep up the good work bro!
thanks for stoppin in stinkbud, words greatly appreciated especailly from someone with your expertise...i read quite a bit before i even thought about growin then i read some more and more then i decided i should do this and be smart about it then i don't have to pay for my weed anymore... so i gave it a shot.. i think they are goin pretty good for my first time as well... that sounds like a great growing u drill holes in the bottom of the 5gal bucket?? maybe ill pm ya about the specifics because after this i only plan on growin one maybe two plants tops, just damned good ones lol...but ill send ya a message later about it, thanks for stoppin by and the nice comments...keep up your good work as well bro and happy growin...:peace:


Well-Known Member
ok so heres the new update finally!! the firs couple pics are of my bong then the free mini bubbler and mini spoon and free glass screens that came with my bong, pretty sweet deal any orders of 99$ dollars or more recieve a free mini bubbler mini spoon and 3 glass screens for free, also free shippin i believe... they have some cool shit on there at decent order took a while to get to my place about three weeks and thats not too bad considerin i am in the middle of bum fuck now where, i thought it was worth the money and will most likely do business again when needed...

but as for the other pics hope u like... the gnats really took a toll in slowin down the bud swelling i think but i have since fixed the problem by watering the past two times with mosquito dunk water, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water, put more fans in the closet, and put a thin layer of sand on the top soil of the plants, but after i watered it swished most of the sand around so hopefully the roots can still get the vital oxygen they need...

i have noticed a difference that the plants are doin better because i think i took control of the gnat problem i will still continue to water with the mosquito dunk water, for a couple more times, then i need to start flushin here soon... today is day 33 of flowering so hopefully i can still provide for some bigger bud growth yet before they are too mature... i think i might chop one of the weaker ladies down tonight or tomorrow night kinda as a trial, curing because this is my first grow and need a little practice in this part... but enough babbling here are the pics hope u like them...lemme know what u think, and ps the bong rips :peace::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
ok so heres the new update finally!! the firs couple pics are of my bong then the free mini bubbler and mini spoon and free glass screens that came with my bong, pretty sweet deal any orders of 99$ dollars or more recieve a free mini bubbler mini spoon and 3 glass screens for free, also free shippin i believe... they have some cool shit on there at decent order took a while to get to my place about three weeks and thats not too bad considerin i am in the middle of bum fuck no where, i thought it was worth the money and will most likely do business again when needed...

but as for the other pics hope u like... the gnats really took a toll in slowin down the bud swelling i think but i have since fixed the problem by watering the past two times with mosquito dunk water, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water, put more fans in the closet, and put a thin layer of sand on the top soil of the plants, but after i watered it swished most of the sand around so hopefully the roots can still get the vital oxygen they need...

i have noticed a difference that the plants are doin better because i think i took control of the gnat problem i will still continue to water with the mosquito dunk water, for a couple more times, then i need to start flushin here soon... today is day 33 of flowering so hopefully i can still provide for some bigger bud growth yet before they are too mature... i think i might chop one of the weaker ladies down tonight or tomorrow night kinda as a trial, curing because this is my first grow and need a little practice in this part... but enough babbling here are the pics hope u like them...lemme know what u think, and ps the bong rips :peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. When you plan on ordering some new beans or you going to stick with bag seed?

I approve of..

SNES games

I do not approve of...


Good luck keeping them gone.

I move into my new place at the end of the month here and then finally I'll get to hook up my fucking 600w!

Peace bro!


Well-Known Member
Damn Pce, those are looking Awesome !!!
Thanks for the pics of your new pipes and heads-up on where to pick up a great deal.
Glad to hear you got the gnats under control, pesky little things.
Yeah I had to do a sampling of mine too, you'll love it. I have some of LR4 curing now, excellent sweet flavor, love the smell, with a kick-ass high, and it keeps getting better.
Keep it green ! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. When you plan on ordering some new beans or you going to stick with bag seed?

I approve of..

SNES games

I do not approve of...


Good luck keeping them gone.

I move into my new place at the end of the month here and then finally I'll get to hook up my fucking 600w!

Peace bro!
hahaha glad u like them...i plan on orderin some seeds sometime after this grow..ill probably take a lil break, then start a lil grow op of a couple plants, idk if ill order good seeds for my second grow or not.. theres this one bagseed shit i wanted to grow, so ill probably try that one first then that will give me a lil bit more experience before i spend some money on some good seeds, idk and im kinda sketched out about ordering them... whats the best way and do u know a good site to order from or anything like that?? id assume money order would probably be the best, through a trusted site but idk, lemme know what u guys think plz!!!

the super nintendo is my gfs... she brought it over since she never plays it at her house so i said to bring it over and we can play when we get high...its fun i love playin old school games, good times :mrgreen:...thats awesome cannot wait to see your new setup... then your babies will flourish with that 600 watter in there... thank god i got rid of them lil still gonna water with mosquito dunk water for a bit though and hopefully that should take care of them little bastards...:twisted:...good luck with the move focus and ill stop by when i get done writing this...peace brotha

holy shit thats some bomb ass bagseed !! its looking amazing bro!
thanks TAEM appreciate the nice comments i think they look pretty good for some bagseed...hopefully i can get some decent buds off of this first harvest, i think it'll be ok, hopefully enough to hold me for a while lol thanks for stoppin in again man, peace :peace:

Damn Pce, those are looking Awesome !!!
Thanks for the pics of your new pipes and heads-up on where to pick up a great deal.
Glad to hear you got the gnats under control, pesky little things.
Yeah I had to do a sampling of mine too, you'll love it. I have some of LR4 curing now, excellent sweet flavor, love the smell, with a kick-ass high, and it keeps getting better.
Keep it green ! :peace:
Thanks bigguy appreciate ya stoppin by as always brotha... ya them damn gnats i fuckin hate them little shits, but at least i think i finally got the problem taken care of, or at least i hope...haven't seen any for a good couple days plus the sand hopefully killed all the larve... i think i should be done with most of them here in a couple weeks, today is day 34 of flowerin and from what i can see the trichs are all still pretty clear, but we'll just have to see how it goes...yeah those harvested pics looked awfully tasty :weed:...ill be checkin your shit out here in a minute when im done writing this..peace out man :peace:

looking good...subscribed
thanks for stoppin by brownthumb..thanks for the nice comment...stick around, theres more to come...peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
if i was a super hero crime fighter my sword would be the plant in your avatar, and it would cut through anything. you must be very proud!


Well-Known Member
if i was a super hero crime fighter my sword would be the plant in your avatar, and it would cut through anything. you must be very proud!
haha thanks brendon idk about that one but it sure would be cool if it could happen :blsmoke: yea i am very proud this is my best plant i think its gonna have the biggest cola outta the rest of them...i hope it fattens up a little bit more though, it should its day 35 of flowering and i don't think they will be done for about 3 weeks now is kinda what im shootin for but i guess ill just have to wait and see what happens...thanks for stoppin in brendon...peace out :peace:

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
good looking grow you got there,looks like mine....I only got 6 tho....the care you put into them shows....I will be reading the whole journal when i get a chance....+rep