Wait you guys include pics of your timers? Guess I never noticed.
So I feel the need to ask this since it could stop me before I start.
When I start my seeds it just has to be the same light right? Like I can start them in a closet under my RW-75 (light I will be using throughout) and then put them in a tent once I start all the other plants I will have going later? Thought I remember in the last comp Hy having to move his cup from one room to the other without it being a problem with the other contestants but this would be a little more durastic. Would be from one location to an entire new location once I sign a lease and know where I am moving lol.
So to clarify, are you all gonna get your panties in a bunch if I start the comp in one location and move to another location? Same plants and same light would just move them in a box to the new location when the time is right. If its a problem I will just make you guys not worry about me as competition now, if it is ok though