white widow,trance,ata tundra - SSH to follow


Well-Known Member
hey all,

this is my 1st grow, thought id show a few pics. although im not sure how to show pictures here, there in my albums.

im growing outside in my shed.

the seeds i started out with:

1x fem white widow
1x fem trance
10x ata tundra

later i bought:

1x fem super silver haze - this hasnt germinated yet. its been 7 days so im gonna change method to plate method.

also, 1x bag seed that hasnt germinated in 7 days :s

i lost 1 ata tundra seed and then found it again so it was potted a day later.


6 CFL reflector with 2x 125w 6100k veg lights and 4x 125w 2700k flowering lights.

also theres a fan covering these lights and also keeps the temps down abit.

the plants were under a 20/4 cycle for the 1st 2 or 3 days, and for unforeseen circumstances i had no choice but to 'nuke' them and get going with flowering.

i kept the veg light in there with the other flowering lights and left them for a few days.

after about day 6, i found that half of the ata tundra seeds didnt make it, this was mainly my fault. i found about 4 seeds that had risen from the soil somehow and were burnt on top of the soil. someone also told me that the ata tundra were meant for colder conditions - dont know if that had anything to do with it.

so now i have 5 ata tundra, 1 white widow an 1 trance left.

the Trance strain is the biggest plant, followed by an ata tundra.

there all coming along nicely. also, tell me what u think about them plz.

and if someone could let me know how to post pictures in the forum instead of my albums that'd be good.

thats all i can be bothered to write for now. will update when i get the chance


Well-Known Member

9 ata tundra

ata tundra day 4

Trance day 4

Trance, day 4 again.

Trance, day 9

Ata tundra day 12

Trance day 12.

i need to take some more pics an post em. thats it for now


Well-Known Member
few more pics. they are starting to look bit bigger now. i had a problem with 1 of my ata tundra which uprooted its self somehow. ive just put it back in the soil and tried to support it within the soil.

the 1st two pictures are different ata tundra plants. the 3rd one is white widow, 4th and 5th is the same Trance plant

the Trance plant is looking real good.



Well-Known Member
i think they are all females except 1 ata tundra. they all show the same signs as the feminised plants. they all have hairs growing from the nodes. only little green ones but they are growing.


Well-Known Member
Ya the reason i asked when i saw ATA i though of Alaskan Thunderfuck .. which is what that was crossed from :P Great shit man u should love it :) +rep


Well-Known Member
i think they are all females except 1 ata tundra. they all show the same signs as the feminised plants. they all have hairs growing from the nodes. only little green ones but they are growing.
HI your plants look good but those are NOT hairs. Those are stipules, and all plants have them (male & female). They are too young to show sex, but I understand you have fem seeds so dont stress them and you should have some lovely ladies. Happy Growing.


Well-Known Member
Ya the reason i asked when i saw ATA i though of Alaskan Thunderfuck .. which is what that was crossed from :P Great shit man u should love it :) +rep
yep thats right. and also crossed with something else from Kazakhstan


Well-Known Member
HI your plants look good but those are NOT hairs. Those are stipules, and all plants have them (male & female). They are too young to show sex, but I understand you have fem seeds so dont stress them and you should have some lovely ladies. Happy Growing.
hey thanks for the comment.

:( i thought they were all females,lol. anyway i should hope a couple of them are since i got fem seeds. the biggest plant has now got 3 nodes and 4 sets of leaves. its gettin bigger by the day. it looks health as well. ill post more pics l8er.

btw the Trance plant which is my biggest plant is supposed to be a purple strain. when will i start to see some signs of coloring?


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the comment.

:( i thought they were all females,lol. anyway i should hope a couple of them are since i got fem seeds. the biggest plant has now got 3 nodes and 4 sets of leaves. its gettin bigger by the day. it looks health as well. ill post more pics l8er.

btw the Trance plant which is my biggest plant is supposed to be a purple strain. when will i start to see some signs of coloring?
They should all still turn out fem if you paid for FEM seeds :). Ya they get soo big soo fast, eespecially after 20 days lol. Purple strains that i've noticed around here, some dont turn purple if they do tho usually color comes on during flowering. Temps also have something to do with it.


Well-Known Member
well only the white widow and trance are fem seeds, the ata tundra were just normal seeds.

damn, i would of thought the trance would of turned purple anyway since its a purple strain. as long as it turns out a nice smoke i suppose...

ill update tomorro with pics. Trance is getting on, it has 3 or 4 nodes now. white widow has a couple i think and there all looking 'bushier' than they should be for 3 weeks old. some of them needs a growth spurt.

EDIT: also, it looks like ive lost my super silver haze fem seed and a bagseed. they havnt germinated in nearly 2 weeks. it sucks but im trying everything. i just put them into a pot into the soil and put them under the light. hopefully it will be warm for them under there. ill see how there doing when i get home from work. not keeping my hopes up though :( waste of £10....
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Well-Known Member
well only the white widow and trance are fem seeds, the ata tundra were just normal seeds.

damn, i would of thought the trance would of turned purple anyway since its a purple strain. as long as it turns out a nice smoke i suppose...

ill update tomorro with pics. Trance is getting on, it has 3 or 4 nodes now. white widow has a couple i think and there all looking 'bushier' than they should be for 3 weeks old. some of them needs a growth spurt.

EDIT: also, it looks like ive lost my super silver haze fem seed and a bagseed. they havnt germinated in nearly 2 weeks. it sucks but im trying everything. i just put them into a pot into the soil and put them under the light. hopefully it will be warm for them under there. ill see how there doing when i get home from work. not keeping my hopes up though :( waste of £10....
I was gonna say if its been 2 WEEKS?! it most likely isnt gonna crack. That really sucks cause I'VE heard EXCELLENT things about SSH


Well-Known Member
I was gonna say if its been 2 WEEKS?! it most likely isnt gonna crack. That really sucks cause I'VE heard EXCELLENT things about SSH
yer :( really disappointed. i thought pickandmixseeds would of been real good. they would of if the seed had of cracked.

id of loved some SSH :'( :cry:

ill have some more pics up soon. quite a few of them.


Well-Known Member
few more pics.

the first two are just under the lights.
3rd pic is all of my plants together
4th is two different Ata Tundra plants. these are the smallest plants and seem to be lagging behind.
5th is a pic of all the Ata Tundra plants

bottom row, 1st pic is an Ata Tundra. 2nd and 3rd are diff ata tundra plants. 4th is the Trance and 5th is White Widow.

theres a few plants that seem to be struggling. i was using only 3 flowering CFL's until last night. i added a 4th because some of the plants were requiring more room and more light. so theres abit more room for them in there now and abit more light. ill see how they go over the weekend.

if any1s got any comments then feel free to ask. also, lemme know what u guys think of my plants so far.

its a ghetto setup. just lights and a fan :p


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Well-Known Member
cheers, looks like the only one who thinks so,lol.

i dont think im doing half bad for my 1st grow and learning stuff in a month or somethin.

anyway, i MIGHT be tempted to look at nutes on the weekend. just a small bottle for a week or so.

i might see how the Trance is doing. i might repot it and have a look at LST


Well-Known Member
cheers, looks like the only one who thinks so,lol.

i dont think im doing half bad for my 1st grow and learning stuff in a month or somethin.

anyway, i MIGHT be tempted to look at nutes on the weekend. just a small bottle for a week or so.

i might see how the Trance is doing. i might repot it and have a look at LST

Lucky me :) lol. Ya brotha ur not doing half bad at all, its amazing how fast you can actually learn something that interests you soo much. It really is fascinating. Nutes man .I still have my nutes sitting in my room even tho I cant grow , nutes are awesome and their old enuff for that. You said ur flowering already? Or still veg growing? What is ur light cycle on. When you get nutes tho make sure to start off slow only like 1/4 or 1/2 of what the label actually says until they get use to it, then work ur way to full strength.Ya just be careful make sure the plant is doing perfect before LST cause well its stress training. Very helpful tho, all depends on how the plant is growing some are better for it then other, as well as strains. Best of luck to you brotha. +rep When I can again