white widow,trance,ata tundra - SSH to follow


Well-Known Member
well the plant is tied down atm. ill have to get the other internodes tired down. its growing big so i think i might have to replant it in a week or two. didnt have any string at home so will have to make do with the hook for now.

should have some pics 2morro of the plants budding. they smell sweet :)
:) very nice....... please get some string... or take those red/black cables for headphones if ya havnt got anything else :D

what i did ^^ ........ I would definitly do another internode dude..... cuz otherwise it wont look that nice.. :)


Well-Known Member
what wont work? if i take the hook out then the plant stays as it is. i just need to curl it round. im gonna find something to tie it down with anyway

would u suggest doing that 2night or leaving it for another day or so to let it do its own thing. i dont wanna stress it too much


Well-Known Member
Nah dude just do as i said man... really....

U take string... teigh it around the bottom of the plant 2cm's above the dirt..

okey u got the other strings allready on the 2 internode 3rd internode

Now what u do is make it bend up and around...... thats why u need to make the first string at the bottom to make it bend correctly... just think logicly and you will get a nice lst..

and if you are gona repot make sure u repot in a Ruber Pot.... so that u can slice the pot and slide the strings through there...

;) PEACE & check out my Early Cali... updated with some videos


Well-Known Member
yer i know what u mean, im gonna have to make a corner on it and grow it upwards. ill have a look 2night. ill check ur cali soon, didnt know u was doing more than 1 grow.


Well-Known Member
yer i know what u mean, im gonna have to make a corner on it and grow it upwards. ill have a look 2night. ill check ur cali soon, didnt know u was doing more than 1 grow.

yeah i am doing 3 grows........


Well-Known Member
Damn smoke.. alot has happened since i've been here, good try on the LST, usually the first bend shouldnt be to far so just be careful, dont wanna freak her, ur suppose to bend her just alittle bit, then make it tighter each day to get her use to the full bend, then grab another part to bend. Just like dwr is saying :P .Looking good man.


Well-Known Member
yer, the once im doing atm (Trance) bent over easy. so i just did it at the top node (at the time) so i didnt hurt her. if i had done it in the middle it would of been to much i think.

cant wait to see what the buds are like when i get home :p


Well-Known Member
ok, bit disappointed after goin home last night and finding the plant i thought was budding was a male. an Ata tundra. i left it on the shelf for the night then realised i had to take males out so i took him out of the shed and put him down the other end of the garden.

if theres nothing i can do with this male, like make tea or anything out of it then im gonna destroy it 2night.

also, i checked my lights this morning and 1 of my 2700k flowering CFL's wasnt working :? any1 know why?

first two pics are of the male plant.
3rd pic is off another Ata tundra which is doing quite well
4th is WW
5th is the CFL that doesnt work. whats all the black stuff?



Well-Known Member
happend to me aswell..... Fucking shit !

I had 2 Purple cfl's.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im gona send mine back those cunts ! 10'000 hours they should last... not even 50h they lasted !


I want my 2. back to veg the shit out my plants... :(


u gota send em back dude.... thats just fuck'd up.... u could of hurt ya self ^^


Well-Known Member
i bought em from someone who had already used them for 1 grow. i think this is the 2nd grow they've been used.

im supposed to be selling them after this grow to someone i knew but i guess ill have to knock abit off the price. now i got 2 veggin and 3 flowerin cfls.

think is, couple of plants havnt got light now, im gonna have to try bunch them up somehow, also probs lost abit of light and light reflection from that area.

EDIT: could the ballast of gone?


Well-Known Member
yeah it's prob the ballast that went crazy....

But yours is black.... Wouldnt try anything.......


Well-Known Member
just a quick update, i chucked out another male on friday evening i think it was. all the rest of them are females except 1, which, ironicly is my best looking plant in terms of height and flower size etc. thats still yet to show sex.

so now i have 1x fem white widow, 1x fem trance, 3 fem ata tundra and 1 ata tundra unknown.

im hoping for about 5 ounces as it stands at the moment, thats an ounce per plant. maybe another ounce if the last one is a female.

ill take pics tonight, was gonna do it last night but u couldnt see the female hairs that good. they were quite big this morning.


Well-Known Member
My buddy whos plants were grown really well I think he had only 6 plants in a hydro setup they got pretty big, he only pulled about 4-5 ounces out of it .


Well-Known Member
hmm, maybe not then. spesh if im gonna finish early.

i dont think i will get very much now that ive added up the calculations. im gonna have to finish in about 3 weeks and only 1 of my plants have started to show some bud.

its quite depressing actually.

ill post pics 2morro, see what u 2 guys think.


Well-Known Member
pic updated for a few days. ill also upload the plant problem im having. not much response from the other thread.

ill post the new pics 1st then ill make a new post with the problem second. be easier if i split them up.

ok, the last 2 pics are the white widow. the rest are Ata Tundra.




Well-Known Member
Looks good fora mini grow dude ;)

Excellent... So your not doing the lst cuz theres no point realy is there .... ;)

What kind of problem do u have ?