no pic updates but i left the Trance outside last night. since its a purple strain anyway i heard lowering the temp is good for it. ill see how it turns out, i checked it this morning but still no signs.
i left the Tundra under the lights, it hasnt really grown that much.
on another note, my other plants are looking sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

im gonna water an nute them today coz i havnt done it since saturday. they like the blackstrap molasses.
also, question bout nutes (ive been working my way up). could i give them more than the bottle says to? i dont know if its a good idea or not. heres an example:
Canna flowering nutes:
NPK: 2-2-4. recommended measure: "100ml to 1000 littres" which i think is a stupid ass measure to go off. i give them 10ml per 1 gal 1st, then i did 20ml. would it be ok to go up to 30,40...?
Blackstrap molasses:
this is recommended as 1 teaspoon per 1 gal. would it be ok to use 1 and half or 2 tspoons?
dont forget im trying to speed this grow up as much as poss. i need to be looking at finishing and flushing in 2 weeks. im on day 39 flowering now from seed.
any1s recommendations or comments on that?