white widow,trance,ata tundra - SSH to follow


Well-Known Member
i read it was better to water in dark period so it doesnt burn the plants as much under the lights with nutes an stuff and so it doesnt dry out as quick under the light. it made sense to me....

im gonna try and stress em 2night an see what happens.
ok ;) keep me updated


Well-Known Member
U dont see balls either tho right? So why rush them? Thye might just be taking their time, also I dont think even a light leak would slow flowering down that much it happens alot more then u'd think especially outdoors.. if thye can handle full on moon light, it shouldnt matter lol :). I gave my girl some nights wt 11 hours of dark some wit 12, other wit 9 still showing female .


Well-Known Member
i would guess either light leak or those few mins watering them is the problem. The plants that flowered just arent as sensitive.


Well-Known Member
U dont see balls either tho right? So why rush them? Thye might just be taking their time, also I dont think even a light leak would slow flowering down that much it happens alot more then u'd think especially outdoors.. if thye can handle full on moon light, it shouldnt matter lol :). I gave my girl some nights wt 11 hours of dark some wit 12, other wit 9 still showing female .

the moon is something completly diffrent....... :blsmoke: Animals and plants need it to navigate or somin i dont know but they sure do know its a moon light and when its a other light source...

correct me if i am wrong.... :peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the moon is something completly diffrent....... :blsmoke: Animals and plants need it to navigate or somin i dont know but they sure do know its a moon light and when its a other light source...

correct me if i am wrong.... :peace::mrgreen:
Tru that ya its way dimmer lol. :PP


Well-Known Member
you cant beat nature ^^ been here for ages * i think * i might be like the trueman show ^^

ya know me talking here, and y'all getting a good laugh ^^


Well-Known Member
no pic updates but i left the Trance outside last night. since its a purple strain anyway i heard lowering the temp is good for it. ill see how it turns out, i checked it this morning but still no signs.

i left the Tundra under the lights, it hasnt really grown that much.

on another note, my other plants are looking sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :D im gonna water an nute them today coz i havnt done it since saturday. they like the blackstrap molasses.

also, question bout nutes (ive been working my way up). could i give them more than the bottle says to? i dont know if its a good idea or not. heres an example:

Canna flowering nutes:

NPK: 2-2-4. recommended measure: "100ml to 1000 littres" which i think is a stupid ass measure to go off. i give them 10ml per 1 gal 1st, then i did 20ml. would it be ok to go up to 30,40...?

Blackstrap molasses:

this is recommended as 1 teaspoon per 1 gal. would it be ok to use 1 and half or 2 tspoons?

dont forget im trying to speed this grow up as much as poss. i need to be looking at finishing and flushing in 2 weeks. im on day 39 flowering now from seed.

any1s recommendations or comments on that?


Well-Known Member
pic updates

i thought i was doing quite well for my 1st grow but maybe im having doubts.

the Trance plant that i tried to LST went horribly wrong and ended up with a snapped stem. ive tried different thing to try and make it show sex but nothing is happening. i left it outside for 2 days now just to see if that would nudge it along and show some pre flowers.

its gotton even worse, there seems to be some kind of insects eatin my plant, most of the leafs have been destroyed! any advice on this please?
(see first 3 pics)

also the Ata tundra still isnt showing any signs of sex. just seems to keep getting bigger. since this 1 isnt that messed up i might see if its suitable to make some hashish at the end.
(no pics of this plant)

the rest of the pics are of the white widow and the other 2 Ata Tundras. i personally think they are going quite well. ive had to tie one up alot because it got so tall and the stem isnt that strong. i have been rolling the stem inbetween my fingers to try and make it abit fatter so it can support itself; until then it has to be tied up.

last night i gave all of them some more nutes. 1 and a half teaspoon of blackstrap molasses and 20ml of canna flowering nutes (NPK:2-2-4) to 1 gal water.

could someone tell me how they think im doing and also.... since i might have to harvest early. how long do people think these have left? 4 weeks? ideally id harvest these in 2 weeks. but serious evaluations please, just so i know how much more i have to keep them going for. im gonna try and put them the full time.

any comments are welcome of course.



Well-Known Member
quick update.

as from friday i changed from 12/12 to 10/14 - trying to get these babies ready asap. they were also fed 2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses and 20ml of canna flowering nutes.

they started getting crystals on the buds and some of the leafs around them on friday. im just waiting for them to get abit bigger bcoz my camera probably wont capture the crystals.

on the widow, a few buds have orange hair coming out of them. ill see if i can get some pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
im gonna try but our baby is gonna be born in 8 days. im gonna try leave them as long as i can without the missus kicking up a fuss. i think switching to 10/14 was good idea. hopefully it will finish them faster but with smaller buds.

u rekon just 3 weeks b4 i can chop them down? ill get pics 2night when i get home


Well-Known Member
im gonna try but our baby is gonna be born in 8 days. im gonna try leave them as long as i can without the missus kicking up a fuss. i think switching to 10/14 was good idea. hopefully it will finish them faster but with smaller buds.

u rekon just 3 weeks b4 i can chop them down? ill get pics 2night when i get home

If u dont make a fuss about the plants then she wont... Just leave them there...... Take care of your kid & wife ;) and when its bed time or a little bed snack pop in to the shed :D

This way u are maximising fun & less stress.. prob allready knew that but i hope the best for you ;)


Well-Known Member
well ive hardly had to pay much attention to them recently except for transplanting some of them on the friday. two of the tundras went into 25cm pots. i think they should stay in there now till finish.

ive only been out once and that was to set the timer for the week. ill probably have to water them tonight or 2morro.

ill keep this thread updated until finish anyway :D


Well-Known Member
well ive hardly had to pay much attention to them recently except for transplanting some of them on the friday. two of the tundras went into 25cm pots. i think they should stay in there now till finish.

ive only been out once and that was to set the timer for the week. ill probably have to water them tonight or 2morro.

ill keep this thread updated until finish anyway :D

cool to hear ;)


Well-Known Member
haha, i totally understand how it is, but its still funny that your about to get a baby and yet your plant seems to be your main concern. gl, im gonna try the tundra soon as well so im watching


Well-Known Member
haha, i totally understand how it is, but its still funny that your about to get a baby and yet your plant seems to be your main concern. gl, im gonna try the tundra soon as well so im watching
ha, nah, we have everything sorted for the baby. he has everything possible needs.

i said id stop when he is born but now my gf said i can keep them as long as i want. yeah she says that when i switch to 10/14.... will have to keep it on this light cycle now so i dont cause hermies.


Well-Known Member
checked on the babies this morning. there looking ok. buds starting to get bigger. i just fed them 2 teaspoons of molasses and 20ml of nutes (2-2-4) which should help. also i think i might do 1 more feed with nutes and then flush for 2 weeks.

2 of the plants are still not showing sex :confused::confused:

the others are coming on quite nice. couldnt get a decent shot of the crystals or buds close up due to my camera and the light. if i have the flash on then it just comes out as bright white picture with the outline of the plant.

anyway, see pics below :p

first pic is the trance which isnt showing sex.
2nd is a ata tundra
3rd is the white widow
4th is another ata tundra
5th is the biggest plant i have which is ata tundra
6th pic is a ata tundra which isnt showing sex.


2 plants not showing
3 ata tundra
1 white widow

kind of disappointed in my grow. i should of had another 6 ata tundra which i made a noob mistake with that killed them. and my super silver haze feminised seed didnt germinate :( i was really looking forward to that, even more so than the white widow. kinda pissed how 2 of the plant havnt shown sex either, i think ill just keep growing them and make some hash after my grow. anyways, it was my 1st grow so i guess i should allow for mistakes.



Well-Known Member
haha, i totally understand how it is, but its still funny that your about to get a baby and yet your plant seems to be your main concern. gl, im gonna try the tundra soon as well so im watching
IF my dad told me he was growing weed while i was being born

I'd be a happy boy :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
IF my dad told me he was growing weed while i was being born

I'd be a happy boy :D :D :D
ha, well me 2 but we dont know were gonna end up smoking and growing weed when were babies. dont want him to smoke if i can help it.

Your plants are looking good ;)
they look ok for what is left of them and from using CFL's. hopefully ill get some nice bud in a few weeks.