How long CAN you leave a kid in a car?


Well-Known Member
My nephew said he hasn't seen the bullies for a couple of days but I'm thinking BS. He's the kind of kid that would go looking. Then last night on the news there was a report of a hold up by a female midget in a mask. I'm putting it together and decide to pick him up from school today. On the way home I stopped at a strip club for a couple of beers and leave him the car. On my way out a half hour later I see a woman looking in my windows and yelling for help.

I'm all like "hey crazy lady, what are you doing to my car?!?!?" She starts asking me if it's my car, like three times in a row. I said yes, no and yes. She's yelling that I've killed my kid and I'm like he's not my kid so she starts in again about who the car belongs to. I told her to get back so we can leave. She's like "No! I am calling the police!" I'm looking at my nephew and he's acting like he's asleep, or dead. She is yelling about how I came out of a strip club drunk and killed my kid. People around are starting to notice and pay attention. I can see one bitch making the call, then head over to put her stupid nose in it.

I walked around to my door and this woman throws herself against my car. I am really getting mad now. I asked her if she is a worthy christian and she says yes, so now I am REALLY getting mad. I start yelling at her to get away from me and my car and now the nosey bitch and a friend of hers are yelling at me. I was about to go hands on when the first cops car showed up. They are all on my shit frisking me and putting me in cuffs. They're like "why is there a child in your car? open it now!" I told them I was trying to but crazy lady wouldn't let me. SHE was keeping the kid in the hot car. She's loosing her mind yelling about how I'm drunk and let him die. The cops get in and my nephew springs to life all wide eyed like he's terrified.

The cops ask him how long he'd been in there and he said forever since the crazy lady showed up. He said I went in for about a minute to look for a friend and the crazy lady approached him trying to get him to leave with her. NOW shit has changed. She's back pedaling and stuttering. I look at the other two bitches and told them eat shit. The cops are asking her for ID while slipping my cuffs off. I told the cops she was trying to steal my car or my nephew and I just wanted to get away but she was kidnapping us by not letting us leave. I said "She told me she's on a mission from God!". They asked if I wanted to press charges and I said to the fullest extent of the law! While they were cuffing her she was fighting and yelling so I started yelling "use the choke hold!" the create more excitement and chaos.

They took her down and almost tazed her ass. The other two bitches told the cops all they saw was her yelling at me and me yelling at her to move so we could leave. Fucking awesome.

On another note, how much ice cream is too much for a 7 year old?
18.5 years is about right any more the local city officials will hit you for property taxes, see trailer park boys for more
That was too much. The last I remember this is America, land of the free, if you want to leave your kid in your car while you run an errand, that should be your right to, but there should be a courtesy rule of at least a 1.5" window roll down though. Who likes giving themselves a dutch oven, now that's just cruel.
:lol: Nice.... learned something new today at RIU.
The REAL dutch oven is after you have been making babies, you roll over and fart the stinkiest fart of you life , ...then hold your lovers head under as he or she screams the place down, I learn't this in Newcastle UK ...thank you
Everyone knows there's no rules in strip club parking lots. One time I found a but plug laying in the parking lot of one. Still have it to this day. Dumb bitches.
I hope you have cleaned it since ...if not try toothpaste, for that minty flavor