Armed citizen shoots gunman and saves lives

desert dude

Well-Known Member
but according to your hero rawn pawl: "we can safely assume that 95% of black males in that city or semi or entirely criminal".

i thought you weren't in favor of criminals with guns? am i missing something here?
Why should this post be any different than the other 60,000.


Well-Known Member
more rationalizations.

1 ) good people with guns are NOT in any way related to frootloops with guns.
one does not lead to the other, any more than healthy dogs cause rabid dogs. rabid dogs get put down, but healthy dogs are not blamed for the rabid one's actions.

where k is some value and D is an element in the set of death. One can take the "guns" part of the equation and break it down further into types, geography, economics, etc.
The common component is guns, though.
Therefore, they must be related.
Of course, without numbers to compare, it is pure speculation to say whether k is less than or greater than zero, although that number would speak volumes.

2 ) being outgunned by the US military doesnt justify disarming the people. armed insurrections have toppled oppressive governments, and even superpowers before.
the government is ALWAYS better armed than the populace, and always has been. this argument is specious.
Pffffttt... Using the government of the US as an excuse to bear arms is equally specious.
Also, I'd like to see a detailed comparison of armed insurrections through the 20th century, to see how that all played out. How many times was the army involved in the initiation.

3 ) many guns =/= more violence. look at mexico, where the law abiding populace is prohibited from possessing arms at all, yet the criminals are armed to the teeth.
even the netherlands and finnland[sic], those unarmed socialist paradises are subject to "gun violence" when a frootloop gets his hands on a weapon, even if he makes it in his kitchen.
Yah, a mill and lathe can do wonders. It must be a special kind of nut to go to that extent and effort.

The estimated rate of private gun ownership (both licit and illicit) in Finland is 45.7 firearms per 100 people

In Finland, annual handgun homicides total

2011: 2
2010: 7
2009: 8
2008: 14
2007: 9
2006: 3
2005: 2
2004: 6
2003: 5
2002: 10
2001: 6
2000: 9
1999: 9
1998: 7
1997: 18
1996: 17

Those numbers aren't scalars, either. They are integers. Bad comparison, Kynes. Meanwhile, just to expand the picture a little more:

In Finland, annual handgun suicides total

2011: 55
2010: 58
2009: 62
2008: 57
2007: 67
2006: 54
2005: 54
2004: 73
2003: 64
2002: 63
2001: 79
2000: 61
1999: 76
1998: 86
1997: 98
1996: 104
Do I need to look at US numbers, or can we assume them to be large (i.e. >60x) in relation?

4 ) you always need more cowbell. i got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
The only problem is, it never stops at the cowbell. Eventually, a bass and snare get in on the action. Then a thing you know, a guitarist and some angry loser, shouting political witticisms, join in...
Poof, you have a punk band.