Armed citizen shoots gunman and saves lives


Well-Known Member
That seems like a stupid statement. You are somehow trying to equate not owning weapons to not having the knowledge to make them. Ok :lol: Why not go for a grenade then? Chuck one or two down the stairs at the intruder and that's as efficient a defense method as there is gonna be. We don't need guns because we have plenty of methods that are as efficient as it needs to be. Americans always go on about how they have to have guns because otherwise they will get shot instead. It's a circle. You need guns because you've let the bad guys obtain them without breaking a sweat. Here, the bad guys rarely ever have guns, and history has rather taught us that if the bad guy does not have a gun, then there is no need for the home owner to have a gun. We are intelligent enough to know that we don't need guns.
Grenades are a poor home defense tool. First you have to clean up all the blood and body parts, then replace the windows, then patch the holes in the walls, floor, and ceiling, and then repaint everything. And they're only good outdoors if the perps are far enough away that you don't kill yourself, too.


Well-Known Member
Unless they used their bare hands, it was the weapon. Spoons kill people. Restrict the ownership of spoons. Water should be a controlled substance. What a can of worms you just opened.
naw, just see it for what it is m8, that is all, nothing more. Try not to look to deep into it, not worth it




Well-Known Member
naw, just see it for what it is m8, that is all, nothing more. Try not to look to deep into it, not worth it


I just got my concealed carry permit for my spoon. I have a military grade soup ladle. Had to get the special Federal tax stamp for it because it's a full-auto ladle.


Well-Known Member
Evolution occurs over millions of years, not a couple decades. We are currently de-evolving. The least fit among us breed the most.
i can't believe no one else jumped on this retarded and racist statement by red.

anyone else want to spell out the complete misunderstanding of how evolution works, and tease out the racial implications being made here? or am i gonna have to draw that picture?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
RE: illegal arms and Mexico.
I can't dispute that logic. After all, we have plenty of illegal arms, too, smuggled from the USA.
But FYI, we have (had) plenty of home invasions, as well, generally among the Asian community (ahemtriadscough). We also have other gang problems including out-in-the-open executions at coffee shops or "bubble-tea" lounges.
Yet ,we still don't feel the need to be armed to the teeth at all times.
I don't believe this is strictly a "crime" or "meth-PCP-Crack-crazed" issue, either. It's probably John Wayne's and Charlton Heston's fault.

Our greatest hero (of the last 40 years, anyway) was a man with cancer who ran across the country on one leg and a prosthetic.
America (from my perspective) prefers the traditional "Rambo" who will blaze a path through a bunch of "bad guys" to save that poor sap who got popped in the leg by a sniper (in a war he probably didn't want in the first place).
I suspect therein lies the fundamental pivot. But I stand to be corrected.

We also don't go around the world creating boogeymen for our MI-complex to profit on, while reinforcing the irrational fears of the populace (in the event of Red Menace, duck and cover). That might be another factor which has played into the median American's psyche, especially during the 20th century.

So, I guess I agree; the issue is more complex in America considering the history and priorities.
Never mind the inflection point was probably passed loooooooonnnnnnnng ago; therefore, it may not even be a feasible option to propose less armaments.

But, what about 4 or 5 generations from now? Considering the influence of global communication in geo-political change, those anachronistic values which have sustained the "gun culture" will be hard-pressed to continue unabated; people will simply be more informed or into "new" things.
Or maybe the gunpowder method will be surpassed by new classes of "home" protection, like portable rail-guns or chemical "immobilizers". Hell, why not zap intruders with Tesla-coils and sonic-weapons?

Who knows, though...maybe the US will become what Mexico is today, and it'll be Canada and Mexico trying to keep the American "fat-backs," with man-boobs like "cantaloupes", from rolling their gelatinous carcasses across the ditches along the 49th. Or maybe tie a bunch of them together and make a raft on course for Cuba!

We can't let dem terk er jerbs!

But I digress...if you want to champion the anecdote of Dr. Gunemdown, go ahead; however, don't forget about the other people who died that day because of the easy access. After all, how did the fuck-up get the gun in the first place?

"Freedom" (undefined) is never without cost.

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america's "gun culture" has been blown out of all proportion by the media.

american gun owners dont sit around in the dark cleaning their guns, making lists and masturbating with Hoppes No 9

those of us who grew up with guns, enjoy shooting, and keep em on hand for defense do so because thats the american way.

why do you think there are no shooting rampages at NRA meetings, gun shows or shooting ranges, despite the noteable presence of firearms at all those locations?

because GOOD people with guns reduce crime, while "Gun Free Zones" create a safe and pleasant working environment for frootloops who decide to try for the high score.

everyone recognizes that cowardly shitheels who shoot up schools, or hijack airliners only do so because they know their victims will be unarmed and easy prey.

canada and most of europe have decided that ALL their people should be easy prey, because they really dont give a shit if a few get murdered by a nutcase who has no compunction about breaking laws, but the real benefit to disarming the populace is that it makes the people defenseless against the government when they decide to do shit that deserves a violent uprising.

throughout history, arms control has had ONE purpose, and it has nothing to do with public safety.

disarming the populace is solely to secure government control, and ensure the powerful are protected from their victims.

your arguments may SEEM rational but they are really just rationalizations to justify arms control and enable people control.


Well-Known Member
america's "gun culture" has been blown out of all proportion by the media.

american gun owners dont sit around in the dark cleaning their guns, making lists and masturbating with Hoppes No 9
Is there a percentage associated with that? That old coot who was waiting in his basement for those kids seems to break that 100% mark. Soooooo, 99.44% Pure?

those of us who grew up with guns, enjoy shooting, and keep em on hand for defense do so because thats the american way.
My first exposure to firearms proper was through Boy Scouts, and a trip to Washington State for a cross-border Jamboree.
For $5 one received unlimited 22LR rounds (10 at a time) for the week, using a bolt action rifle.
That was also my first realization of some of the fundamental differences between US and Canada. We never did stuff like that. We just did all of the traditional, basic survival stuff using knives, fire, ice and wood. The American way seemed to have an entertainment aspect with more craftwork (like leather working and lanyard making) along with the sport-marksmanship (Archery and Firearms) added to it.
So I do understand there is an early--and continued--indoctrination of gun culture for the median American. And I am not trying to imply it is inherently bad. It is an element in the equation, though.

because GOOD people with guns reduce crime, while "Gun Free Zones" create a safe and pleasant working environment for frootloops who decide to try for the high score.
Chicken and the Egg...which came first? Good People with guns or Frootloops?

canada and most of europe have decided that ALL their people should be easy prey, because they really dont give a shit if a few get murdered by a nutcase who has no compunction about breaking laws, but the real benefit to disarming the populace is that it makes the people defenseless against the government when they decide to do shit that deserves a violent uprising.
And there we have it. The answer I was expecting from Wilksey, originally.
100 people with shotguns are no match for an Air Force.
One might as well use the zombie apocalypse as an excuse.

your arguments may SEEM rational but they are really just rationalizations to justify arms control and enable people control.
They are rational because of the differences in societal perspective.
I wasn't raised in an environment where firearms were glorified or enthused, and they sure were not easy to access, either. It is still easier to get a Canadian passport than a Firearms License.
Nevertheless, as I alluded to earlier, these differences make it more difficult for someone outside the US to comprehend the complexity of the gun culture which the median American is raised in.
To which, your argument could be equally rational. That doesn't mean it is better.

Another way I can compare the situation is with plants:
Countries, like Canada, are grown in a small pot of regular, boring soil on a window ledge, that maybe gets a couple hours of direct sunlight a day.
America is a DWC in a 5o gallon container under 4kW HPS (with LED supplement) in a greenhouse.

The environmental conditions are optimum for the negative outcomes.

At the end of the day, the cost of this glorified right (note the adjective) in America to defend one's self against the British is going to be continually measured in blood of the citizens, needlessly.

Think of it as a tax, I guess.
Or maybe it's one of those self-correcting mechanisms, which keeps the herd managed so as to weed out the "useless eaters". Like that 53 year old caseworker...I'm sure America didn't need her anymore, right?

No...America needs more hero doctors packing heat!
Charles Bronson M.D. !

Speaking of which, can you imagine the cognitive dissonance going through that poor doctor's mind, right now?
His goal was to save lives through medical means...and here he is, stuck in this horrid situation where he was forced to potentially take one, after witnessing one taken.
The pernicious side of "freedom" is encapsulated in that one triangle of transactions...and there is no cure to undo it.



Well-Known Member
why has no one else had some fun with this one?
It is too obvious...personally, I think it is cruel to go there. However, you have a different relationship with him that seems to know no bounds.
That could be why some others aren't jumping into the fire to roast him verbally.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
i can't believe no one else jumped on this retarded and racist statement by red.

anyone else want to spell out the complete misunderstanding of how evolution works, and tease out the racial implications being made here? or am i gonna have to draw that picture?
You are the self proclaimed master of the thoughts, words and actions of others, so I will just wait for you to make a jackass of yourself, as usual.


Well-Known Member
It is too obvious...personally, I think it is cruel to go there. However, you have a different relationship with him that seems to know no bounds.
That could be why some others aren't jumping into the fire to roast him verbally.
i'm not talking his pyromania, i'm talking about putting evolution on its head to accommodate a racist worldview.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Every time a shooting is in the news we suffer an untold amount of bullshit post from liberals and yet not a peep about this. Odd don't you think?

Police Chief Donald Molineux said that “without a doubt, I believe the doctor saved lives.”

“Without that firearm, this guy (the patient) could have went out in the hallway and just walked down the offices until he ran out of ammunition,” the chief said.

What an ignorant posting. I haven't missed this site at all. But I'm back fro a moment to laugh at you.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It sounds like a cynical statement. Big fucking deal. You make hundreds of negative, cynical statements per hour. Big fucking deal.
just cynical? not racist, or betraying an almost complete amount of mental retardation?

is it too racist for even you, RIU's most prominent remaining member from the infamous white supremacy groups?


Well-Known Member
i'm not talking his pyromania, i'm talking about putting evolution on its head to accommodate a racist worldview.

Oh, I see now. I was reading it in a different context completely.
I was thinking more along the lines of Idiocracy.
My radar is tuned differently than yours.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Is there a percentage associated with that? That old coot who was waiting in his basement for those kids seems to break that 100% mark. Soooooo, 99.44% Pure?

My first exposure to firearms proper was through Boy Scouts, and a trip to Washington State for a cross-border Jamboree.
For $5 one received unlimited 22LR rounds (10 at a time) for the week, using a bolt action rifle.
That was also my first realization of some of the fundamental differences between US and Canada. We never did stuff like that. We just did all of the traditional, basic survival stuff using knives, fire, ice and wood. The American way seemed to have an entertainment aspect with more craftwork (like leather working and lanyard making) along with the sport-marksmanship (Archery and Firearms) added to it.
So I do understand there is an early--and continued--indoctrination of gun culture for the median American. And I am not trying to imply it is inherently bad. It is an element in the equation, though.

Chicken and the Egg...which came first? Good People with guns or Frootloops?

And there we have it. The answer I was expecting from Wilksey, originally.
100 people with shotguns are no match for an Air Force.
One might as well use the zombie apocalypse as an excuse.

They are rational because of the differences in societal perspective.
I wasn't raised in an environment where firearms were glorified or enthused, and they sure were not easy to access, either. It is still easier to get a Canadian passport than a Firearms License.
Nevertheless, as I alluded to earlier, these differences make it more difficult for someone outside the US to comprehend the complexity of the gun culture which the median American is raised in.
To which, your argument could be equally rational. That doesn't mean it is better.

Another way I can compare the situation is with plants:
Countries, like Canada, are grown in a small pot of regular, boring soil on a window ledge, that maybe gets a couple hours of direct sunlight a day.
America is a DWC in a 5o gallon container under 4kW HPS (with LED supplement) in a greenhouse.

The environmental conditions are optimum for the negative outcomes.

At the end of the day, the cost of this glorified right (note the adjective) in America to defend one's self against the British is going to be continually measured in blood of the citizens, needlessly.

Think of it as a tax, I guess.
Or maybe it's one of those self-correcting mechanisms, which keeps the herd managed so as to weed out the "useless eaters". Like that 53 year old caseworker...I'm sure America didn't need her anymore, right?

No...America needs more hero doctors packing heat!
Charles Bronson M.D. !

Speaking of which, can you imagine the cognitive dissonance going through that poor doctor's mind, right now?
His goal was to save lives through medical means...and here he is, stuck in this horrid situation where he was forced to potentially take one, after witnessing one taken.
The pernicious side of "freedom" is encapsulated in that one triangle of transactions...and there is no cure to undo it.

more rationalizations.

1 ) good people with guns are NOT in any way related to frootloops with guns.
one does not lead to the other, any more than healthy dogs cause rabid dogs. rabid dogs get put down, but healthy dogs are not blamed for the rabid one's actions.

2 ) being outgunned by the US military doesnt justify disarming the people. armed insurrections have toppled oppressive governments, and even superpowers before.
the government is ALWAYS better armed than the populace, and always has been. this argument is specious.

3 ) many guns =/= more violence. look at mexico, where the law abiding populace is prohibited from possessing arms at all, yet the criminals are armed to the teeth.
even the netherlands and finnland, those unarmed socialist paradises are subject to "gun violence" when a frootloop gets his hands on a weapon, even if he makes it in his kitchen.

4 ) you always need more cowbell. i got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.