Well-Known Member
Even If the return is not to the room? I was thinking of making the return into a closet near the furnace cold air return, which exchanges with the rest of the house.
this is how i think might work for u
think of the room and the whole design the airflow now replace that with water and the plants used is food coloring now was it move it defuses to nothing but u need a much larger space to dump in ............now if u dump that air into anouther room and mix it with fresher to defuse the food coloring to nothing then u can do it .....but if the air is not getting replaced out of that area at a faster rate then it being dumped in the food color will pool up and get darker and darker
honestly it is best to dump your used air outside forcing the air in the house to be sucked out making a slightly negtive pressure in the house sucking air in from the outside