Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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It is 3 weeks into a war that Hamas started or continued depending upon how you look at it by raining rockets down on Israel. It doesnt matter what history is, what the geneva conventions are, what the UN thinks nor what treaties are supposed to be in place. When a nation is attacked it has the right to defend itself.

Hamas's platform is the destruction of Israel. Therefore, due to their actions and their platform they must be destroyed for Israel to survive.

The Palestinians voted Hamas into the government and allows them to attack Israel from the shelter of hospitals and schools and parades the dead for political purposes. By their own actions and by sheltering and housing the enemy they are complicit. If the palestinians dont like it they can seek refuge elsewhere. Isnt that what you liberals like to tell Americans that protest their government??

It isnt about land, it has never been about land. It is about the destruction of Israel and the Christian religion in the region.

You whine about construction embargo's while the Israeli's are uncovering dozens of tunnels dug into their country to allow for terrorist attacks...

I have yet to hear a Palestinian supporter call for an end to the shelling of Israel and peaceful talks... Until that happens I cant see the logic in siding with terrorists who are sheltered by the Palestinians.

Wow I heard Sean Hanity say the exact same thing you he must think alike
Wow I heard Sean Hanity say the exact same thing you he must think alike

I used to like him but he is too partisan for me now. I usually turn his show off if it comes on.

What does he have to do with anything I said? Why dont you address the topic rather than trying to side track it?
Don't tell me I'm arguing with the Fox News Gang geez what a waist of time

You are arguing with me but it appears you ran out of rhetoric when faced with facts...

Get back to me when you figure out how America is responsible for something that was going before the writing of the bible...
You are arguing with me but it appears you ran out of rhetoric when faced with facts...

Get back to me when you figure out how America is responsible for something that was going before the writing of the bible...

I'm sorry but I'm not going up to Bullshit Mountain
Mr Alejandro,

Your racist arguments give enough reasons for palestinians to "destroy israel".

I'm so much convinced that israel does not want peace with gaza as it constitutes its backyard storage of cheap labor.

The peace proposal actually came from the arabs side in a Beirut, Lebanon summit of all arab leaders Islamist militants were not as powerful as today and they had all agreed on a 2 state solution with israel based on 1967 borders. This literarily translates to: give us some of the land back, and the military operations/ missiles stops. Guess who rejected this settlement?
Here is the deal.

The Palestinian supporters feel that it is justified to launch rockets and terrorist attacks and kill children and civilians because Israel has committed treaty violations.

The very act of launching rocket

You know, I would take you slightly more seriously if this war hadnt been going on FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS!!!

You cant blame it on America and Bush.

Unless you want to claim that without US assistance, Israel would have been destroyed in '67 and thus no longer a problem.

LOL after more than a decade of war the republican right is still as bloodthirsty as ever. Thank dog bush killed it for the rest of you.
when fighting against spies saboteurs and assassins who wear no uniforms and hide among the populace, the geneva convention prpovides wide altitude for the occupying force

hence: NO TRIALS, because there is no crime.

if the pallies pursued their fight as dictated by the geneva convention, they MIGHT be able to make such claims but they dont so they cant.

if the israelis actually wanted to make a genocide or institute apartheid, or drive the pallies out to the arab nations THEY COULD, but they dont, so your narrative is nothing but sophistry.
Oh yeah, cos the use of White Phosphorus ammunition is totally allowed against civvies...
Mr Alejandro,

Your racist arguments give enough reasons for palestinians to "destroy israel".

I'm so much convinced that israel does not want peace with gaza as it constitutes its backyard storage of cheap labor.

The peace proposal actually came from the arabs side in a Beirut, Lebanon summit of all arab leaders Islamist militants were not as powerful as today and they had all agreed on a 2 state solution with israel based on 1967 borders. This literarily translates to: give us some of the land back, and the military operations/ missiles stops. Guess who rejected this settlement?

I am the same race as Arabs. cry racism elsewhere.
The year is now 4376AD and the fighing sill continues in he middle east.
Don is not rasist.
wrong year; off by over 1000 years.

Arabs are the same race, and even linguistic group, as I.

its really the year 454000000000...........give or take.

now you can go slop the hogs, Reuben.
Bird McBride...........your typical "palestinian supporter." ignorant of history, ignorant of his own "holy" book.......yet blessing us with his pearls of wisdom. thank you, may be seated.
Mr Alejandro,

Your racist arguments give enough reasons for palestinians to "destroy israel".

I'm so much convinced that israel does not want peace with gaza as it constitutes its backyard storage of cheap labor.

The peace proposal actually came from the arabs side in a Beirut, Lebanon summit of all arab leaders Islamist militants were not as powerful as today and they had all agreed on a 2 state solution with israel based on 1967 borders. This literarily translates to: give us some of the land back, and the military operations/ missiles stops. Guess who rejected this settlement?

no 1967 borders. this is 2014.
I actually met Bin Ladin after 911. I was checking the pressure in my tires at a gas station. When I was done he picked up the air hose, pointed it in his face and pressed the lever. It scared the piss outta him. This is the mastermind of world terrorism?
I didn't make the phone call to the CIA but I did advise the Canadian government to resurface Gander airforce base in an effort to avoid an internaional incident. Gander was closed at the end of WW2.
I scored 98 percent in anti-terrorism.
My interests in middle east politics ended at the end of the cold war.
It has always been a strategy by domininating powers to support the underdog in an effort to control various regions. It is less costly to mop up after than to engage their own forces.
I actually met Bin Ladin after 911. I was checking the pressure in my tires at a gas station. When I was done he picked up the air hose, pointed it in his face and pressed the lever. It scared the piss outta him. This is the mastermind of world terrorism?
I didn't make the phone call to the CIA but I did advise the Canadian government to resurface Gander airforce base in an effort to avoid an internaional incident. Gander was closed at the end of WW2.
I scored 98 percent in anti-terrorism.
My interests in middle east politics ended at the end of the cold war.
It has always been a strategy by domininating powers to support the underdog in an effort to control various regions. It is less costly to mop up after than to engage their own forces.'re bat-shit crazy. you spotted bin Laden (some Sikh from the mini-mart) but let him get away.