Well-Known Member
It is 3 weeks into a war that Hamas started or continued depending upon how you look at it by raining rockets down on Israel. It doesnt matter what history is, what the geneva conventions are, what the UN thinks nor what treaties are supposed to be in place. When a nation is attacked it has the right to defend itself.
Hamas's platform is the destruction of Israel. Therefore, due to their actions and their platform they must be destroyed for Israel to survive.
The Palestinians voted Hamas into the government and allows them to attack Israel from the shelter of hospitals and schools and parades the dead for political purposes. By their own actions and by sheltering and housing the enemy they are complicit. If the palestinians dont like it they can seek refuge elsewhere. Isnt that what you liberals like to tell Americans that protest their government??
It isnt about land, it has never been about land. It is about the destruction of Israel and the Christian religion in the region.
You whine about construction embargo's while the Israeli's are uncovering dozens of tunnels dug into their country to allow for terrorist attacks...
I have yet to hear a Palestinian supporter call for an end to the shelling of Israel and peaceful talks... Until that happens I cant see the logic in siding with terrorists who are sheltered by the Palestinians.
Wow I heard Sean Hanity say the exact same thing you he must think alike