Well-Known Member
You've waited for it and now here it is, The 5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Ladies and Gentlemen start your seeds!
If you posted on the 5th Official Party Cup Registrarion Thread, you successfully registered for the competition! If you did not register we are sorry but you are not qualified to participate in this Competiton, NO worries there will be more in the coming months, for now you can watch us in this thread:
Here is the basic outline of the comp. For those involved with the last competition it is very similar.
All the above methods are fine as long as your roots do not grow outside the confines of your cup. Trim your roots from growing out side the cup or be DQ (you may be subject for a picture in between weekly updates to confirm there are no roots growing outside the cup)

If you posted on the 5th Official Party Cup Registrarion Thread, you successfully registered for the competition! If you did not register we are sorry but you are not qualified to participate in this Competiton, NO worries there will be more in the coming months, for now you can watch us in this thread:
Here is the basic outline of the comp. For those involved with the last competition it is very similar.
- 1st post or germination post must contain the following: strain name, nutrients used, light source used, media used and germination date (day of sprout)
- Germ date and strain name must be written on the cup by first post.
- Party cups (16oz) only, no other sizes permitted or transplanting from other sizes once germied, no paper or fabric
- Roots must be confined inside the cup any roots outside the cup is automatic DQ
- Any Indoor light source allowed- no changing light sources once started (with the exception of a burnt out bulb). No Sunlight
- Participants and sponsors may vote on winner(s)
- Prizes are Available from these sponsors : Indagro, Root Pouch, Area51, Midweeksong, and Green Gator Filters
- Start from seed only. No Clones
- 12/12, 11/13, 13/11, the entire time = No Veg time
- Start a maximum of 5 seeds total, keep only 1 female plant for entry once sex has shown.
- Germination window begins 8-1 and ends 9-1. No exceptions
- weekly updates mandatory with picture or you're DQ
All the above methods are fine as long as your roots do not grow outside the confines of your cup. Trim your roots from growing out side the cup or be DQ (you may be subject for a picture in between weekly updates to confirm there are no roots growing outside the cup)

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