Positive people required!!

Well damn.Just damn you sound like a keeper!:mrgreen:
I'd be falling on my face..lmao!!! My sis wears hers all the time, even when we go on our 2 mile walks. I'm like..???? Hahaha

I only wear two kinds of flip flops: yellowbox or Nike. I have all colors and all designs. They are super comfortable! I walk a lot in mine too, I have dropped 20 lbs as of this week and not really even trying. I just cut back on portion control. I already cook healthy and roast or bake most everything these days. I found that drinking a lot of water helps too!

I love to dance so I try to dance every single day to keep moving and stay limber. Twerkin in the nike flops! Just KIDDING!
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I only wear two kinds of flip flops: yellowbox or Nike. I have all colors and all designs. They are super comfortable! I walk a lot in mine too, I have dropped 20 lbs as of this week and not really even trying. I just cut back on portion control. I already cook healthy and roast or bake most things I cook these days. I found that drinking a lot of water helps too!

I love to dance so I try to dance every single day to keep moving and stay limber. Twerkin in the nike flops! Just KIDDING!
Hell yeah girl, good for you!! Its great ain't it, seeing that work pay off. I was going to the gym four days a week but they had a leaky roof to fix, so they shut the doors. Hasn't opened back up since :( That's okay though, I walk a lot and have weights here at home that I use to tone up with. I drink at least 2 liters of water a day to keep hydrated, can't have sugary drinks too often or they make my tummy hurt. I LOVE to dance around the house. I have these big old hardwood floors, burning it up!

Hey Slim!! thanks for stopping by bro, and we are definitely smiling today, its a good day!! Hell, every day we're alive is a great day!!! ;)
Hell yeah girl, good for you!! Its great ain't it, seeing that work pay off. I was going to the gym four days a week but they had a leaky roof to fix, so they shut the doors. Hasn't opened back up since :( That's okay though, I walk a lot and have weights here at home that I use to tone up with. I drink at least 2 liters of water a day to keep hydrated, can't have sugary drinks too often or they make my tummy hurt. I LOVE to dance around the house. I have these big old hardwood floors, burning it up!

Something I have noticed is that since I started to broil and bake everything is that when I do eat fried food now, my guts really don't care for it. I am a southern girl so we love our fried foods here in the south. Fried chicken, fried pork chops, fried potatoes...

Once I started eating cleaner and fresh vegetables everyday and drink twice the water I once did, I found that I lose without even trying some weeks. I quit smoking cigs 5 years ago cold turkey and never looked back. But I gained weight each year til I couldn't ignore the fact my jeans didn't fit anymore. I really don't deny myself anything. I just eat one cookie now instead of 3. Once a month I eat a hershey bar with almonds and its the best! lol I find if I deny myself things I start to fall off the path and start to kind of crave things I denied myself.

I just dance everyday about 20 mins and I've been reworking the flower beds at our new house and its slowly coming off as I have decided to make a lifestyle change. When it comes down to it thats what it takes.

I find that when I am tempted to snack or really binge, I go weigh myself and see the lbs gone and be motivated all over again.
Something I have noticed is that since I started to broil and bake everything is that when I do eat fried food now, my guts really don't care for it. I am a southern girl so we love our fried foods here in the south. Fried chicken, fried pork chops, fried potatoes...

Once I started eating cleaner and fresh vegetables everyday and drink twice the water I once did, I found that I lose without even trying some weeks. I quit smoking cigs 5 years ago cold turkey and never looked back. But I gained weight each year til I couldn't ignore the fact my jeans didn't fit anymore. I really don't deny myself anything. I just eat one cookie now instead of 3. Once a month I eat a hershey bar with almonds and its the best! lol I find if I deny myself things I start to fall off the path and start to kind of crave things I denied myself.

I just dance everyday about 20 mins and I've been reworking the flower beds at our new house and its slowly coming off as I have decided to make a lifestyle change. When it comes down to it thats what it takes.

I find that when I am tempted to snack or really binge, I go weigh myself and see the lbs gone and be motivated all over again.
Oh boy, you said it right there. Us southerners got to stick together! I love fried chicken, pork chops, catfish and potato wedges..and green tomatoes! can't forget that..lol I eat a lot of chicken and pork, roasted or grilled. I still smoke cigs but I'm trying to quit. Have to, lungs can'[t take much more! that's why I use a vaporizer for my ganja..

Ever since I had the Rny surgery, I can't tolerate any grease whatsoever. Very very miniscule amounts once in a while, thats it. I wished I could have done it all the good ol fashion way but my health conditions were so severe I couldn't wait any longer. I no longer take any meds except my thyroid and cholesterol. I was on 7 a day!! nope, not for me. I love my veggies, have them with every meal. I still have trouble remembering to eat at times, I'm hoping I don't lose too much. That would not be a good thing..lol

I've got to get out and rework my flower beds, there's several of them here. My mother made them when she bought this place, now I get the honor of keeping them up! LOL I dance around here every day while doing my chores. I love my new life!!!
I was always content just dating someone and not getting married. I had two long term relationships and when they ended I felt kind of divorced I suppose. But I met my hubs who changed my life and after 4 years of dating we married when I was 47! Now I am turning 50 next month and I find myself speaking up for myself more. Not taking shit like I once did and find that whatever mood you decide to be each day is the mood you will be in all day. I start each day now reminding myself of how far I've came and how much more relaxed I am when I discard the wrong people from my life. I sometimes trust the wrong people and that is just a fault I will always have because I try to trust everyone until they give me a reason not to. Once shown that, I just withdraw any contact what so ever and tell myself its a valuable lesson learned.

I think the thing I have learned so far as I hit the half a century mark is you can't let people make you bitter. It only destroys you from the inside and they thrive on your misery.

Life is a garden... dig it!

Rosey I didn't know you were southern too? Yee HAW!
I was always content just dating someone and not getting married. I had two long term relationships and when they ended I felt kind of divorced I suppose. But I met my hubs who changed my life and after 4 years of dating we married when I was 47! Now I am turning 50 next month and I find myself speaking up for myself more. Not taking shit like I once did and find that whatever mood you decide to be each day is the mood you will be in all day. I start each day now reminding myself of how far I've came and how much more relaxed I am when I discard the wrong people from my life. I sometimes trust the wrong people and that is just a fault I will always have because I try to trust everyone until they give me a reason not to. Once shown that, I just withdraw any contact what so ever and tell myself its a valuable lesson learned.

I think the thing I have learned so far as I hit the half a century mark is you can't let people make you bitter. It only destroys you from the inside and they thrive on your misery.

Life is a garden... dig it!

Rosey I didn't know you were southern too? Yee HAW!
I was always content being a mother. The men that used to be in my life have disappointed me bad. I was young and naive. Just wanted to grow old with someone and watch my babies grow up. Now, I just wanna have fun!! Kids are raised, grandchildren galore! I'm very proud of my kids and want to set the best example I can for them. My oldest son is destined in being in the ministry, he has a heart of gold. I'm hoping that maybe now that I've shook off all that's happened up till now, I can do just that. No more lowering my own values for anyone ;)

You are right about hitting the mark!!! and you sound just like me. I feel like if you can't help them, help yourself! My sis says to help myself and forget about everybody else..she was right. But like you, I have a tender heart and get myself into trouble at times trying to help someone. Its me curse!! :lol: :lol:

Rollin, this is the best garden I've ever been in!!

Born and bred hon!!! Yee HAW!!! :D