paclobuytrozol or daminozide?

I do know shit and have used paclo many times as have other veteran growers which includes one hydro pro out of Australia. Just gifted some to an expert greenhouse grower who is successfully using it as we speak.

Just because it's not labeled for food crops doesn't mean it's a threat to one's health. Bayer Ag may have not submitted Bonzi for use other than for ornamentals. The thousands of acres of greenhouses across the world are not growing cannabis. They are growing mums, petunias, poinsettias glads and other annuals to sell by the truckload to the Home Depots, Lowe's, nurseries across the land. For packing and marketing purposes, those retail outlets want shorter plants so the greenhouse grower will use a PGR to get what his customers demand.
I used Marlboro many times and I do not have cancer, they don't know shit!
i can give you good old tip to get rid of pests stealing your crop,,,just give them something else to eat, something they like more than your grapes, and theyll leave th alone,,cheap meat or old fruit,,,,i feed the slugs in my garden cat bisciuts, they love it and they fill up on cat bicuits then go back to bed,,,simple,,,you don't have to fight against them you'll never win , that's why there called pests. They just keep coming back,, being doing the cat biscuit thing for years ,never fails,,

Won't keep coming back if they're dead. Buzzards are having a feast.
For example, My grape crop is coming in and even though I've used netting the coons are thieving me again. Trapped and shot a big mama this morn. Not a way to start your day and I hate doing this as I'm a softie at heart but it's either them or my customers. Out of a ton of premium grapes, they stole 1,600 lbs. last year.
goddam... racist ben.