Well-Known Member
update on my smoke report: okay, i am definitely running this again. a few days of smoking this and i really like it. the initial high, for lack of a better description, i'll describe it as that third-eye tingle you get on a good smoke, that lasts for around an hour--but i am getting a body stone from it that lasts me for a long time; so much so, that normally i would smoke again in the mid- to late-afternoon, but am waiting until the evening. i also harvested a bit early, and am not experiencing any couch-lock with her--i'm able to get up and get things done. a few tokes, and the high (third-eye thing going on) comes back quickly...and bumps up the body stone. did i mention i am running this again?
i'd also like to remind everyone that my SP was seeded up heavily. i really didn't think i had added that much pollen to her when i was chuckin' it at her. i don't know if that affects the potency.
spaaacecowboy, i'd run it if you haven't already.
That's great to hear ucg! You've got me hopeful again.

How did your SP look while growing her? Was it an impressive specimen, or just meh? Lot's of frost, or no?