I honestly cant remember what I did. I think I sold 33% of it, 33% went into oil (everclear dissolved) and 33% of it is still sitting in a silicone container somewhere.
but yeah those were the chunks, it was a few months ago but I went through about 4 ozs of that stuff. the only tiny spec of mold looking stuff were those 2 tiny specs you guys caught, otherwise nothin.
I also didnt break it up like you recommended and the inside didnt mold.
it was very nice hash though, full melt. I just didnt understand how every puck was so different, the guys selling it to me must have been bullshitting me. said they do it in a 20 gal garbage bag with a sump pump all taken apart so its just an impeller or something spinning... and just 2 wash bags. I dont know, I didnt really care in the first place, not much of a hash guy. the makers didnt seem to care either... they had so much of this full melt hash they didnt even know what to do with it all.
almost 1 oz each
froze it and ground it up in the hand grinder (fuck me.....dont ever do that)