Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

Ive only ever found a mulched up plastic water bottle from where my friends neighbour must have driven a lawnmower over it than shot it onto our garden lol
But i did find a quarter ounce of hash in a players tobacco can i bought at a local store.
I immediately went back and bought all the remaining cans but didnt find another g
worst i found was hairs stuck into the buds, still don't know if it was pubes or cat hair, either way i picked every single one out
I had some bubble hash one time and a peice of it looked funny so I burnt the edge of it and smelt burning shit. No idea how a peice of shit got in my hash.....
Back in the day we got a sack of brick weed off these shady mexicans we knew and once the "buds" were broke open we found a few chicken feathers and somebody had shoved a dime into one of the "buds" to make the sack weigh more,,,, I havent purchased any brick since then,,,,