The secret knowledge that no-one tells newbies.

Is it like a thing with novice growers where the delineation of quality individuals goes auto/fem/f1s/f2+, left being worst right being most agreeable...
Pro Tip: soaking your bean over night is completely unnecessary if you use an eazyplug, I began by soaking then opening an eazyplug like a muffin and placing the sprout in an ideal location. This worked of course, and it worked well but the best is not handling the seedling at all because of the superfine root hairs that you cannot yet see.

Analysis: Ok so I'm giving this some thought and I see that the paper towel method is providing the same environment as the paper towel but better because it cannot dry out and doesn't need to be handled. I've done six so far just putting the seed straight into an eazyplug pointy end down, with no soaking. I was nervous for the first one, but now I see the paper towel and other methods like it are all inferior in every way to putting the seed straight into an easy plug. And although I don't use soil it's actually made for soil so it would work even better.

Why soak, handle and possible risk damage to a seed when it is completely unnecessary. Oh I know because most people do it.

Try not to get your keyboard too sticky.

..I seem to have accidentally ran into what appears to be a cleavage shot of the OP during a trim session in one of the grow journals..

It takes a dedicated experienced wanker to notice that.

This is for you PJ
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From the #1 post, message to the trolls...

" abusive if you dare, because I don't mind abuse as long as you can back it up. But please try to think before posting, read what you're writing and ask yourself if you have fully understood."

just reread my OP and I found this again at the end...

"There are few things I'd welcome more that someone convincing me that something I think I understand is wrong. But you can just tell me I'm wrong, you need to convince me."

So far no one has even even tried to convince me of anything, much less explain why any of this advice for the purposes laid out in the OP is no good for newbies, which has actually been stated by Diaz. Talk is cheap, toilet paper is expensive.
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This is not an informative thread for newbies. There’s no clear, direct info anywhere and I would say 90% of RUI would disagree with the nonsense the OP is posting in this thread. To each their own but my advice to newbies is to avoid this thread for any source of knowledge.

Read my above post and either concede you're a complete and utter fuckwit or give me some proper reasoning to support what you say. As if that's going to happen.

Are you saying people are not smart enough that they cannot work out for themselves what to make of this.
Whoa, look at the above three posts. Have you ever seen anything more pathetic. After all this fucking stupid crap from utter cunse who have no fucking idea what the thread is about now post some individual photos of buds to prove... er I'm not really sure what the fuck they are trying to prove.

But further upthread there was the argy bargy with PJ Diaz basically he was saying my three in a pot grow was crap because everyone is eating everyone else lunch and he went to college and he read books and he has studies and he knows and I do not.

I say to any newbies take a look at them before the harvest and put you hand on your heart and say to me, 'no that's not what any newbie would be happy to grow'

Heres another one then from someone else, who you have been ignoring very well. . Nearly there.
By the way i also dont agree on new growers growing "bag Seed'. Not saying bad seed is bad its just that genetics are one of the key ingredients.

For me the only redeeming thing about this thread is that I seem to have accidentally ran into what appears to be a cleavage shot of the OP during a trim session in one of the grow journals..

Thats his partner, he posted a vid of her dancing in his house once on the Aussie thread. I dont recommend u trying to find it.... But perhaps we know who does the growing in his house eh?
Pro Tip: soaking your bean over night is completely unnecessary if you use an eazyplug, I began by soaking then opening an eazyplug like a muffin and placing the sprout in an ideal location. This worked of course, and it worked well but the best is not handling the seedling at all because of the superfine root hairs that you cannot yet see.

Analysis: Ok so I'm giving this some thought and I see that the paper towel method is providing the same environment as the paper towel but better because it cannot dry out and doesn't need to be handled. I've done six so far just putting the seed straight into an eazyplug pointy end down, with no soaking. I was nervous for the first one, but now I see the paper towel and other methods like it are all inferior in every way to putting the seed straight into an easy plug. And although I don't use soil it's actually made for soil so it would work even better.

Wow..what a pro tip!!!
Its a seed mate....u can throw it in the dirt under a dog kennel in the middle of summer and there would be a 50/50 chance it would sprout....
Here is an example of what some analysis can achieve and also how no one else has thought of this not even the inventor, yet there are a large percentage of people who have problems with blowouts. At the end of the normal slug video by the inventor you'll always see the slug lift at the end before being squeezed back down. This is not good. I've been working on various prototypes which you can see in my other videos, but just for the hell of it once the problem is fully analysed, all it took was a bent coat hanger and now the slug is perfect, at what it does.

I missed that. What can I say, except well put. In fact my first dilemma was wading into the defoliation controversy and it was grow weed easy that set me straight, including the famous original thread that has been condensed into a pdf without the clutter. For me, I saw the results, and that's all I needed to know.

Yep, that's a good one. Fully deserving of extra highlighting. thx.
Yep best advice....... leave it alone for a couple of days
I think it's prudent to remind readers from the post #1 that the advice in this thread that I give, is what I would have wished I knew when I began autos last year. But gradually discovering how most advice for newbies is simply wrong has also been illuminating. I mean I find that with most things but it still never ceases to amaze me. Like the slug thing upthread, to me it's just bizarre that it's not sold with a strip of bent metal, or that no one in any of the threads I've seen about it anywhere has worked it out. Although there's plenty of theories about time and temperature and so on, but they completely fail to perceive a problem. Most people seem to think that the slug popping up is not a problem, they think it's part of how it just works, and that's what I thought too. It took me a couple of months and a few zips to go to myself, hey wait a minute that pop up is what's causing all the trouble.

It began by me trying work out how slowly to I need to wind this fucker down so that it doesn't pop up till I get a bit further down, then slowly it dawned on me. It also means it can be loaded with more weed now because it doesn't pop up which increased the pressure. So now without having to think about the fucking pop up, I can do some time and temp test in peace.

The point is the same as the point I'm making in this thread, it does not seem to have dawned on anyone that all the plant clinic problems and nute problems and water problems and additive problems and RH problems and pH problems, with just a little thought, can be effectively eliminated.

Everyone at the time knew that the speed of light came out of Maxwell's equations and that it was constant. No one seemed to think it meant anything except Einstein, same with gravity, all objects fall at the same speed, everyone knew that then but no one considered it anything more than curious that mass was the same as inertia.

Yang and Mills and their suggestion of left handed particles was so absurd that no one even suggested to test it. This is probably more apt for my advice, I test things and find that what I and everyone else assumed was necessary in fact is not, or is not in circumstances of a small grow.
Look at this fucking insanity newbies, 12 zips from an auto in one pot is garbage, what a loser I am. Here you go newbies, you work out who you reckon knows what they are talking about.
Be a lot more if you harvested at the right time and not "premature " or early
I cant take and I prob speak for a few of us here...cant take your posts seriously you seem to be enjoying spewing repeated info that is going to guide other newbs down a rabbit hole of confusion.

Your ice dealer must be wraps with your purchases