The secret knowledge that no-one tells newbies.

Oh look Meta, posts the same thing, that points him out as the most insecure, because 1 it proves he has no answer, 2 it's proves he's still reading, prolly hoping for his mates to like his post to show solidarity. Come on big dogs, little dog needs some help. And the gif, it repeats, you go away but you come back you're so uninterested that you keep returning. You're so dumb you forget to see the meaning of your own gif.

You are Clive Palmer's solicitor and I claim my £5

Pro Tip: Newbies this is not for nothing, this is also part of what you need to learn as newbies, so you do not get intimidated.
If you’d like a piece of advice posting here, I would recommend you keep your posts around the size of this one you made above. Most people surf this site on their phones, and several large blocks of text can be downright painful to read, especially if your eyes aren’t as young as they used to be.

As for slinging insults, you fail at that as well. Solidarity? I give zero fucks about what people think about my posts. I was phrasing my opinion, as well as giving you a succinct piece of advice, which I gave twice before having to explain further to

This is a website of stoners. I enjoy a good book, but the random ramblings of a madman on an Internet forum...well...if you made those ramblings a little shorter, people would actully read them.

And fuck, you’re rude. Lol. I didn’t insult you, I said “too long, didn’t read”, which is what 90% of the people on here will do when they encounter posts such as your long winded train of bullshit.

But you have a nice night, buddy :-)
Oh look Meta, posts the same thing, that points him out as the most insecure, because 1 it proves he has no answer, 2 it's proves he's still reading, prolly hoping for his mates to like his post to show solidarity. Come on big dogs, little dog needs some help. And the gif, it repeats, you go away but you come back you're so uninterested that you keep returning. You're so dumb you forget to see the meaning of your own gif.

You are Clive Palmer's solicitor and I claim my £5

Pro Tip: Newbies this is not for nothing, this is also part of what you need to learn as newbies, so you do not get intimidated.
Wow. Just.... Just, fucking wow. Noobs(like myself), this right here is a perfect example for you of how not to act. Don't preach to the choir, especially when you may need that choir to help you out later.... Man, this shit is a trip. BTW @Metasynth, that last post of yours was right on the money. Good one.
O M Fucking God, I have made an embarrassing discovery on my Blackberry Kush, everything seemed fine but I spotted these two leaves that are definitely something I've seen that sort of thing, calcium, or magnesium or is it overwatering, maybe a nutrient lock. What do you reckon experts how can I rid myself of this quarrelsome leaf.

Pro Tip: I don't know about the experts but what do is remove them because the plant is always ready for a defoliation anytime and the problem is instantly cured.


I do want to remind everyone that these instructions are not for general growing, they are specifically for doing it my way either shallow water culture or the Pot on a Box method. And also GH Flora Series, I'm not saying that others are not the same but, I'm just guaranteeing the result doing it this way because I know the ratios.

I'm basically pretty lazy so I'm happy that the best way to do this is also the way that requires minimal effort. In my DIY grow, which was a bit annoying because the tubs were too flexible on the side so I only bothered to change the nutrients twice and slashed a bit of concentrated nute in if I felt in the mood. The point here is the next...

Remember I'm not saying do this forever only grow like this, I'm saying do this for one year then you'll be golden to try anything.
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I can prove you wrong there I'm doing my first indoor grow listening to guys who been doing it a lot of years ....follow there advice I'd say I've saved my self 2 or 3 years of learning and disappointments....
I'm not finished yet into week 4 of flower but I listened and put it into practice...something you still fail to do

Yes, there's the proof Newbies, my story of my first grow is further upthread, and it's funny that Dave said "your [sic] not going to grow high times cover worthy bud", because on that 8 zip grow we had at the time a copy of a High Times mag with an Amsterdam costumed blonde with plaits, holding a bowl of bud, so the girly always up for some fun dyed her hair blonde plaited becostumed and we set the cover up, just for our own fun precisely because the buds looked just like the High Times cover buds. And in fact I'm still rather amazed that such a large proportion of people grow such shitty bud when it's so easy do to right and it takes so much effort to fuck up.
Start in soil newbs, don't listen to gimmick growers. Dont pay for your first bag of seeds. Dont be afraid to experiment. Dont be afraid to kill a few plants. Seeds are free.. Soil is free. Save your money for when you aren't a novice.

The first plant you sew doesn't HAVE to survive. The first bag of herb you produce doesn't dictate what the next will be. It's okay to start growing 2nd tier weed. If you didn't open pollinate your first grow you're taking it too fast and have no seed to play with.
I followed the grow journals in the OP's sig, and personally I think they look pretty crappy Premature looking autos. Dude should keep reading, and less posting. Sorry, not trying to be a dick, just calling it like I sees it.
If you’d like a piece of advice posting here, I would recommend you keep your posts around the size of this one you made above. Most people surf this site on their phones, and several large blocks of text can be downright painful to read, especially if your eyes aren’t as young as they used to be.

As for slinging insults, you fail at that as well. Solidarity? I give zero fucks about what people think about my posts. I was phrasing my opinion, as well as giving you a succinct piece of advice, which I gave twice before having to explain further to

This is a website of stoners. I enjoy a good book, but the random ramblings of a madman on an Internet forum...well...if you made those ramblings a little shorter, people would actully read them.

And fuck, you’re rude. Lol. I didn’t insult you, I said “too long, didn’t read”, which is what 90% of the people on here will do when they encounter posts such as your long winded train of bullshit.

But you have a nice night, buddy :-)

Well that's total bullshit isn't it, you can't read an article on a mobile phone, do I really need to point out to you how ludicrous that is. I do not write for the lowest common denominator.

Start in soil newbs, don't listen to gimmick growers. Dont pay for your first bag of seeds. Dont be afraid to experiment. Dont be afraid to kill a few plants. Seeds are free.. Soil is free. Save your money for when you aren't a novice.

The first plant you sew doesn't HAVE to survive. The first bag of herb you produce doesn't dictate what the next will be. It's okay to start growing 2nd tier weed. If you didn't open pollinate your first grow you're taking it too fast and have no seed to play with.

Are you calling my grow a 'gimmick'? please explain, because it's the complete opposite of gimmick, it is stripped down to a bare minimum, so if there is any 'gimmick' it's that there are no gimmicks. You're basically saying that newbies are not going to be able to get it right first time, and the secret knowledge is that they can. And I have proved it. proved it. And there are plenty of others who have proved it too.

Well here is some NOT so secrete knowledge. Just do it! As a 71 year old timer that spent the 80's as a Humbolt grower I promise you that no amount of reading forum post or watching YouTube videos is going to be more rewarding then getting your hands dirty.

Show me the money.
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Here are two current Jedi Kush, under the same lights same nutrients in fact they are in the same pot. One of them is stretching more than any other plant I've grown, the other is more normal looking.


Pro Tip: Once you've seen two plants stretch in completely different ways under identical conditions then you should dismiss as complete non science bullshit any concepts of plants 'stretching to reach the light' seriously there's a lot of that.

I followed the grow journals in the OP's sig, and personally I think they look pretty crappy Premature looking autos. Dude should keep reading, and less posting. Sorry, not trying to be a dick, just calling it like I sees it.

OK now I can ask some questions, please explain what a premature auto is because that makes no sense to me. As far as I can see an immature auto is one that is harvested early. What do you mean. Also now that you've gone through my 'immature auto' grows, please point out the worst one, just the title of the grow will do.
OK now I can ask some questions, please explain what a premature auto is because that makes no sense to me. As far as I can see an immature auto is one that is harvested early. What do you mean. Also now that you've gone through my 'immature auto' grows, please point out the worst one, just the title of the grow will do.

Immature means it's not ready to harvest yet. Premature means you harvested it in an immature state (aka harvested prematurely). Words are tricky, but you type a lot of them.

Your DIY shallow water harvest looks like it was harvested prematurely. I don't know if this is the worst, as I didn't look at everything. Here's the pic of your harvest shot as a reference, so everyone else can see what I'm saying:

Removing leaves to ignore an issue seems kind self denigrating... your leaves are a blueprint to abiotic issues with nutients or enviroment... they are a trail of clues, but yes defanning is a real must to promote good growth and light access which promotes atypical growth
Here are two current Jedi Kush, under the same lights same nutrients in fact they are in the same pot. One of them is stretching more than any other plant I've grown, the other is more normal looking.

View attachment 4405396

Pro Tip: Once you've seen two plants stretch in completely different ways under identical conditions then you should dismiss as complete non science bullshit any concepts of plants 'stretching to reach the light' seriously there's a lot of that.

Pro Tip: Each plant should get it's own container.
Pro Tip: Each plant should get it's own container.

Why? I can get 12zips off one plant or I can get 12zips off 3 in the same size pot on my growdiaries post one of them was a pineapple gum which was nice but not to my taste, then there was a nuggety white widow and a massive Pink Grapefruit. Now I know I don't want to grow the Pineapple Gum particularly, and I also know that the White Widow will be good to grow next year when the humidity is going to be 80 RH when I'm flowering because there's not many leaves and all the buds are separate a very low candidate for bud rot. I would never have known this as I wasn't going to grow it, it was a last minute inclusion now I'm confident that I have a plant suitable for my particular needs.

Remember my full suggestion is to spend one years growing different autos using absolute minimum and having the ability to grow multiple plants in a smaller space without losing yield means not only more variety to smoke but more variety to learn.

That was also 12 zips in total. 6 of pinky and 3 3each of the other two. Now I would not have known that the White Widow is the plant to grow in the summer. I've got the same result but more variety and more knowledge.

What is the problem? The problem as I see it is that there's no hope of this in soil and from I've seen of other people's grows I think they'd have problems too. But as you see the only difficulty that there really is, is deciding what you're going to remove.

Removing leaves to ignore an issue seems kind self denigrating... your leaves are a blueprint to abiotic issues with nutients or enviroment... they are a trail of clues, but yes defanning is a real must to promote good growth and light access which promotes atypical growth

Yeah know it does sound a bit crazy and It took me a while to work this out. Here's the reasoning, it made no difference. My just harvested weirdo MobyDick was covered in this sort of weirdness, but since no other plant did that I just figured I'd see what happens and ignore it because otherwise it all looks fine, and the result, yet again 12zips of what turned out to be my favourite smoke so far.

Now say there was something I could have done about it, well first of all I'd have to take a trip to the rabbit hole to work out what I need to do and already my ears are bleeding.

You see one of the premises of my suggested one year grow with auto with a pared down system with no additives, is to gain knowledge FOR ONESELF, then it doesn't matter what anyone says.

Immature means it's not ready to harvest yet. Premature means you harvested it in an immature state (aka harvested prematurely). Words are tricky, but you type a lot of them.

Your DIY shallow water harvest looks like it was harvested prematurely. I don't know if this is the worst, as I didn't look at everything. Here's the pic of your harvest shot as a reference, so everyone else can see what I'm saying:


I'm not telling people when to harvest so saying you looked at my grow and then saying the worst thing you have to say is I harvest one of them that was according to you taste 'too early'. Beside you cannot tell when to harvest from a photo better than the person who's growing it can from looking right at the plant. And you know that.

You now see why single word troll comments get the treatment from me because only cowardly cunse do that, and I'll give you credit for answering now, and now you see why I demand that people back up what they say, and you have done and all you have to say is you reckon I harvested too early and right or wrong that has absolutely nothing to do with any criticism of my ideas in this thread. So you've done your best and come up with nothing. Maybe I'm right, ever considered that?
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Why? I can get 12zips off one plant or I can get 12zips off 3 in the same size pot
Why? Because your plants are competing against each other for root space. One will win, and one will lose.

I'm not telling people when to harvest so saying you looked at my grow and then saying the worst thing you have to say is I harvest one of them that was according to you taste 'too early'. Beside you cannot tell when to harvest from a photo better than the person who's growing it can from looking right at the plant. And you know that.

Dude, it wasn't ready. You shouldn't be writing growing books yet, it's really just that simple. I really don't think you should be giving advice to noobs, except for some noob advice.
Why? Because your plants are competing against each other for root space. One will win, and one will lose.

Dude, it wasn't ready. You shouldn't be writing growing books yet, it's really just that simple. I really don't think you should be giving advice to noobs, except for some noob advice.
Cant fill a cup already full.... confirmation bias is a jerk
Newbie Pro Tip

The single most important skill to master and this is something that can only be learned by experience, is how to prune or not prune a plant. I could explain a lot here but there's no point because it's a skill that you can only impart by showing not explaining, sure you can get the ideas across but it's a 'feel'. And if their mind is preoccupied with air, and whether the pH is drifting too fast or is 6 too high for hydro and other such nonsense, then the most important thing to learn that they can only get from hands on experience is diluted by worrying about bullshit.

really thats the single most important skill to master ? How to top a plant and pick off a leaf?
Pro Tip: Each plant should get it's own container.

Why? I can get 12zips off one plant or I can get 12zips off 3 in the same size pot on my growdiaries post one of them was a pineapple gum which was nice but not to my taste, then there was a nuggety white widow and a massive Pink Grapefruit. Now I know I don't want to grow the Pineapple Gum particularly, and I also know that the White Widow will be good to grow next year when the humidity is going to be 80 RH when I'm flowering because there's not many leaves and all the buds are separate a very low candidate for bud rot.

That was also 12 zips in total. 6 of pinky and 3 3each of the other two. Now I would not have known that the White Widow is the plant to grow in the summer. I've got the same result but more variety and more knowledge.

What is the problem? The problem as I see it is that there's no hope of this in soil and from I've seen of other people's grows I think they'd have problems too. But as you see the only difficulty that there really is, is deciding what you're going to remove.

Removing leaves to ignore an issue seems kind self denigrating... your leaves are a blueprint to abiotic issues with nutients or enviroment... they are a trail of clues, but yes defanning is a real must to promote good growth and light access which promotes atypical growth

Yeah know it does sound a bit crazy and It took me a while to work this out. Here's the reasoning, it made no difference. My just harvested weirdo MobyDick was covered in this sort of weirdness, but since no other plant did that I just figured I'd see what happens and ignore it because otherwise it all looks fine, and the result, yet again 12zips of what turned out to be my favourite smoke so far.

Now say there was something I could have done about it, well first of all I'd have to take a trip to the rabbit hole to work out what I need to do and already my ears are bleeding.

You see one of the premises of my suggested one year grow with auto with a pared down system with no additives, is to gain knowledge for oneself, then it doesn't matter what anyone says.