STL is about to start rioting.

QUOTE="WORDZofWORDZCRAFT, post: 10783444, member: 875090"]this aint about that kid any more.[/QUOTE]
I'm afraid it stopped being about the kid the minute the looting began
Soon as Reverend Al smells smoke his ass will be in the middle of all this !
the new GOP will be a pic of guns with no people.

you don't even get it BNB..the GOP's membership is not being case you've need members and the millennials are clearly non-religious.

in case you are interested in FACTS:

There is nothing you said that is wrong, other than calling me BnB... Whoever he is, not seen him here since I joined.

Anyway, parties change a little as they go. In 5 or 10 years the old religious guard will be out of the way. When that happens the republican party will be home to a set of ideas that is attractive to young people.

Millenials still love guns, they still love money and being able to keep it when they've earned it. They still have a desire to not bash and hate the traditions of their fore bearers. In other words they aren't religiouphobic, they do resent being confined to it, but won't mind having to see it in those who keep it. The religious conservatives will learn and are learning that their time is up.

I think it is you that doesn't get it. The country will always have issues that divides it, always have two sided to an argument. And the parties will evolve to accommodate what it needs.

That union block the Democrats have counted on will or could move red. Why? Who do middle income blue collar workers have more in common with? The leftist elite that is very liberal? These people are more traditional, and as unions die their slow death, they will decide for themselves, instead of having their union leaders tell them that the Democrats will save them.

Populations shift alliegences. They will continue to do so.

Not too long ago an MTV audience boo'd John Kerry's daughters at a MTV awards show. That was millenials. Their natural inclination was Republican. Bad republican leadership has moved them. They can and likely will return to their conservative inclinations as they mature.

That was in 04, those were 18-24 year olds at that time, now 28-34. They are the older millenials, but millenials just the same. Millenials are now the 14-35 year range.
You're a dumbass if you think a mob of rioters have the right to smash up businesses and homes as a way to get their point across. They have every right to protest a serious grievance in a peacefull manner, but no right to smash their way through neighbourhoods.

when did i say they had a right to?

i am simply shocked that so many people can't understand why they would.
You're a dumbass if you think a mob of rioters have the right to smash up businesses and homes as a way to get their point across. They have every right to protest a serious grievance in a peacefull manner, but no right to smash their way through neighbourhoods.

Well said. Displaced aggression is not an excuse to harm a person that has not harmed you.

when did i say they had a right to?

i am simply shocked that so many people can't understand why they would.

You imply often that people that don't own something have a "right" to take it even if the owner doesn't want to do business with them.

The people that looted are thieves and losers. The people that shot the kid are cowards. If you think because a kid was shot that makes it excusable for some opportunistic thieves to rob from somebody, you sound like the kind of person that would shit on somebodies floor.
thank god your kind will be dead soon.

You love the gun. You pretend that when you advocate forcefully redistributing other peoples stuff that there is no gun or threat implied....of course you are wrong.

You think a consensus can make a thing wrong somehow right. Silly, just silly.
QUOTE="WORDZofWORDZCRAFT, post: 10783444, member: 875090"]this aint about that kid any more.
I'm afraid it stopped being about the kid the minute the looting began

Its too bad more shop owners aren't armed. Looting would end quickly after a couple bodies caught 12 gauge at close range and landed back in the streets.
pressure busts pipes
In Xenia, Ohio, after a tornado went thru and decimated the town, they sent in the National Guard with the orders to shoot to kill looters. There apparently was no looting, except two National Guardsmen assigned to guard a roofless liquor store who got so drunk they managed to burn the store down around them, causing their deaths.
Looting is not a form of protest. It is nothing but criminality.
You imply often that people that don't own something have a "right" to take it even if the owner doesn't want to do business with them.

The people that looted are thieves and losers. The people that shot the kid are cowards. If you think because a kid was shot that makes it excusable for some opportunistic thieves to rob from somebody, you sound like the kind of person that would shit on somebodies floor.

when did i say it was excusable?
If they assassinated cops, they might keep some sympathy.

Invading the homes of citizens won't do well for the public perception.

That's because you mistakenly assume this is a form of protest. It isn't. This is criminals taking advantage of the disorder to get some new rims or whatever.
tell me why you think that.

Buck, I think that because I believe this country has gone so "politically correct" that it's afraid to acknowledge that in certain situations, reactions by blacks are very racially motivated. White hatred toward blacks is real to some extent, well-documented, and reported. But black hatred toward whites seems to never be reported, even though it most certainly exists. Unless I'm just sorely mistaken.
Buck, I think that because I believe this country has gone so "politically correct" that it's afraid to acknowledge that in certain situations, reactions by blacks are very racially motivated. White hatred toward blacks is real to some extent, well-documented, and reported. But black hatred toward whites seems to never be reported, even though it most certainly exists. Unless I'm just sorely mistaken.


tell me more about why you think black people might riot in general, or even feel free to tell me why you think they are rioting now.

or better yet, tell me what might compel YOU to riot.