the new GOP will be a pic of guns with no people.
you don't even get it BNB..the GOP's membership is not being case you've need members and the millennials are clearly non-religious.
in case you are interested in FACTS:
There is nothing you said that is wrong, other than calling me BnB... Whoever he is, not seen him here since I joined.
Anyway, parties change a little as they go. In 5 or 10 years the old religious guard will be out of the way. When that happens the republican party will be home to a set of ideas that is attractive to young people.
Millenials still love guns, they still love money and being able to keep it when they've earned it. They still have a desire to not bash and hate the traditions of their fore bearers. In other words they aren't religiouphobic, they do resent being confined to it, but won't mind having to see it in those who keep it. The religious conservatives will learn and are learning that their time is up.
I think it is you that doesn't get it. The country will always have issues that divides it, always have two sided to an argument. And the parties will evolve to accommodate what it needs.
That union block the Democrats have counted on will or could move red. Why? Who do middle income blue collar workers have more in common with? The leftist elite that is very liberal? These people are more traditional, and as unions die their slow death, they will decide for themselves, instead of having their union leaders tell them that the Democrats will save them.
Populations shift alliegences. They will continue to do so.
Not too long ago an MTV audience boo'd John Kerry's daughters at a MTV awards show. That was millenials. Their natural inclination was Republican. Bad republican leadership has moved them. They can and likely will return to their conservative inclinations as they mature.
That was in 04, those were 18-24 year olds at that time, now 28-34. They are the older millenials, but millenials just the same. Millenials are now the 14-35 year range.