Single Forever???


Well-Known Member
Hi All...I've been single for I guess about 5 or more years. I've only ever been with one girl. I'm begining to wonder if it's gonna be like this for the rest of my physical experience on Earth. Every female I meet thinks I'm really nice, but has no interest. I don't get it. Any opinions???:?


Well-Known Member
Relax. Be yourself, assuming you're not a masher. There's someone excellent for everyone and folks rarely find them while looking. Somehow they just always seem to meet. Nightclubs are not good places to meet serious women. Churches are.
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Well-Known Member
if you want to meet your wife go to church but if your looking to get laid go clubbin and be the biggest dick you can be and the bitches will flock to you, remember Bitches like asshole types, and women like nice guys, so it all depends on what your looking for.


Active Member
Women cannot stand 2 things above all. 1. Assholes 2. Insecurity. I'm not saying you are either by any means, but just throwing that out there. I don't think you'll be single forever.. there is someone out there for ya. Also, have to take a look at age difference. I heard on the radio one morning on the way to work that the age difference between men and women should be about 10-15 years (given you are old enough). Some say yes, some say no. But I'm 26 and my husband is 39 and has been the best and I believe it is because of the age difference. But I dunno about your case, I don't know you personally. You have to figure out what you don't want first...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Why is it that females expect guys to be assholes?

Little girls who haven't matured and are just looking for a hot guy with a fast car might prefer assholes...... but let me assure you grown up women DO NOT!

I would suggest you get involved in some activity in your area. For example, are there any lakes or rivers where you are at? If there are I'd bet money there are kayaking clubs around that you could join. Or do you like mountain biking? there are likely bike clubs around. Hiking? Hiking clubs..... get the picture?

Look for an activity you enjoy and find a group that does it. How do you find a group? Simple... go to the stores that sell the equip and ask. local kayak shops will know of groups.... local bike shops of groups...etc.

You can also look for groups on-line in your area. Yahoo groups always have pages for groups in local areas.

Steer clear of high maintenance barbie doll types. Nothing worse then a guy crying about how he can't find a woman... and then you come to find out all he does is seek out the barbie/model narcissistic type woman.

A real woman is one who will love you for who you are and not be so wrapped up in her own little narcissistic world that she thinks the world revolves around her. This street goes both ways and applys to women looking for men as well :D


Well-Known Member
Every female I meet thinks I'm really nice, but has no interest. I don't get it. Any opinions???:?
There in lies the problem,your a nice guy,lots of women say they like nice guys but you ask them this,how many bad boy's did they go through to find a nice guy,if they are honest the answer will be" very many",its simple & true,younger women like nice guys but are not attracted to them,they are attracted to bad boy types & the element of danger or the unknown that comes with them.Women envision boredome with nice guys & excitement with bad boys.

Look at all the guys you know in real life,all the nice guys are lookin at internet porn & the bad boys are for the most part hooked up with the best looking girls,ever see a smokin hot titty dancer with a nice guy boyfriend ?


Well-Known Member
I understand EXACTLY what your saying Florida Girl. The area I live in is probably part of the problem. There isn't much of anything to do. We have very few groups that aren't private & you can't even go in the parks without a pass. Feels like lockdown. I went to Florida once when I was younger - awesome atmosphere there. I'm a very humble person so I'm not looking for a female who wants the glamorous life. I think I just need to move, but I don't know where to go.


Well-Known Member
I'm really not tryin' right now. Kinda hard to stop caring - it's just who I am. Do you think it's possible to be too caring???


Well-Known Member
I'm really not tryin' right now. Kinda hard to stop caring - it's just who I am. Do you think it's possible to be too caring???
It depends, if you care too much they can tell and it will drive them away. But if you dont care at all you may end up settling for whatever. so it depends on if your looking for a lay or a long-term girl. If its the latter, remember, NEVER EVER settle. There is some girl out there who thinks your super-man and that your the greatest thing thats happened to the world. thats the girl you want. the trick is to be confident in who you are. You have to love yourself before others can/will:peace:


Well-Known Member
jeeze epsept ur dam uggly and relax end of, god i come here to read about maruguana plants not dear deardry

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I understand EXACTLY what your saying Florida Girl. The area I live in is probably part of the problem. There isn't much of anything to do. We have very few groups that aren't private & you can't even go in the parks without a pass. Feels like lockdown. I went to Florida once when I was younger - awesome atmosphere there. I'm a very humble person so I'm not looking for a female who wants the glamorous life. I think I just need to move, but I don't know where to go.

Well... judging by the "location" in your post I'm guessing you are in Delaware. That means you are a QUICK drive or ferry ride to at least 4 other States so you should be able to find SOME activity reasonably close.

If not... then it may very well be time to move. Moving can be a great adventure! I moved across country from CA to FL a few years back and I love it here! (except for our shitty MJ laws!). Think about the climate you want to live in along with the activities you like to do. Then do some research.... pack your bags and GO FOR IT!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
jeeze epsept ur dam uggly and relax end of, god i come here to read about maruguana plants not dear deardry

First of all... learn to fucking spell. Then learn some grammar!

Second of all he posted this on the Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy board.... you were free to simply NOT click on the thread.

Third of all... no one gives a shit what YOU come here to read!

Now stop being a dick-head and move along to another thread you putz!



Well-Known Member
Thanx Florida Girl - you seem to be full of useful advice & intelligent as well. You guessed right. If you don't mind me asking did you make that move on your own?


Well-Known Member
WOW -fiesty as well! I was going to respond to that post, but I think between mjetta & yourself there is not much more I could say - lol.


Well-Known Member
WOW -fiesty as well! I was going to respond to that post, but I think between mjetta & yourself there is not much more I could say - lol.
we got ur back:hump:

If someone doesnt wanna read a thread i dont get why they go out of their way to read then post in it. I always that was weird.