racial bullcrap


Active Member
now remember son, no 1 is allowed to tell you no, say that you are black, tell you to pull your pants up and anything less than bowing to you is racist. now scream this the rest of your life son because being a mature hard working member of society is over rated.



Well-Known Member
STOP nothing else you can say to me after this sentence. Until you walk in the shoes, you are clueless
SES has more to do with how you are treated than skin tone, but keep beating that drum that you think your lot in life was so much different than anyone not black, and anyone black dealt with the same thing as every other black.

There are two people on this site that group people by color consistently. You are one of them. But hey, soon the majority will be the minority and you can celebrate that like it actually means anything in this day and age. Even if it is patently false.


Well-Known Member
SES has more to do with how you are treated than skin tone, but keep beating that drum that you think your lot in life was so much different than anyone not black, and anyone black dealt with the same thing as every other black.

There are two people on this site that group people by color consistently. You are one of them. But hey, soon the majority will be the minority and you can celebrate that like it actually means anything in this day and age. Even if it is patently false.
save your speech for someone who gives a fuck. I care less what you say. You have showed me exactly who you are


Well-Known Member
save your speech for someone who gives a fuck. I care less what you say. You have showed me exactly who you are
Yeah, I'm the guy who thinks you are part of the problem and you don't like that. I call you on your bullshit and you don't like that. I don't make skin color part of my every day life and you don't like that. I don't think you deserve any more or any less because of skin tone and you don't like that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm the guy who thinks you are part of the problem and you don't like that. I call you on your bullshit and you don't like that. I don't make skin color part of my every day life and you don't like that. I don't think you deserve any more or any less because of skin tone and you don't like that.
no you are a person who pretend to be something whilst he really is a wolf in sheep clothing. Don't you have some poker to play or are you at work.
You don't make color a part of your life because you are white.


Well-Known Member
no you are a person who pretend to be something whilst he really is a wolf in sheep clothing. Don't you have some poker to play or are you at work.
You don't make color a part of your life because you are white.
There it is.

I'm white so therefore I am _______.

You should probably yell RACIST! now just to cement who you are.

Hang in there man, the other race focused idiot should be rolling out of bed to help you any minute now.


Active Member
I have no idea what it's like to be anyone but me. I don't know what it's like to even be my brother.

But hey, it's probably the same, since we share skin tone.
you didnt know that every black person has the same brain, dna , genetics etc...... they must be feminized hybrids. hahah


Well-Known Member
what a stupid fucking thread.

Fear. It's the oldest tool of power. If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above.


Well-Known Member
what a stupid fucking thread.

Fear. It's the oldest tool of power. If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above.
weren't you a founding member of the 'white nationalism and white separatism' group, the "tacoburritonacho and holocaust denial group', and other versions of that neo-nazi group?


Well-Known Member
racism did not stop with slavery. Who told you it did ?
I agree...

But it seems racism between white and black society is worst right now than any race and middle eastern folk.

There hasent been anything to encourage such anger for racism to take place since back then with white and african amercians. But here we are invading and bad mouthing religion for muslims current day and there is not huge racist media frenzy.

I think the whole racism for that cop shooting is to take away the fact that a cop fucked up bad. Now a days cops are getting out of control.


Well-Known Member
i'll take that as a yes.

although to be fair, you were just there for the jew hating and holocaust denial, all the racism and white supremacy shit was just an added perk for you.


Well-Known Member
You have to be the dumbest fuck ever. They will wash clothes and wash themselves if given the opportunity. Some will even see if you have any extra clothes that people left.
Just because you are to stupid to have known I was black/brown does not mean that info was not out there. Others have known for years. I see now how you have so many misfortunes in your life. You don't pay the fuck attention.
I never knew you weren't white. But then again that is kind of irrelevant to me


Well-Known Member
Not saying they did nothing to help or that younger generations helped in the fight but AT THIS POINT IN TIME, the fight could be over. Racism is alive because people continuously bring it up and put it on a pedestal. It can be overwith with new generations. Its media and these older people who just cant keep mouth shut.

You think that an african american child will growup to hate white people cause action he never personlly witnessed and his parents were not involved in? Its only even a part of society because people bring it up and have their comments to say. The REAL racist acts of violence end up with people going to jail. Much of todays "racist acts" are considered racist because a 3rd party who has nothing to do with it says a dumb comment and start an arguement or debate that is irrelevant.

Name one thing in that shooting that is from racism... did he go to complex and shoot kid while wearing a white outfit? No, he was attacked. White or black, he was attacked. He should have just called in and chased kid when he ran instead of shoot but ..

There is nothing racist about what happened but yet somehow race is brought into it by media.
Don't forget Rev. Al Sharpton. I see he's involved now too.