I'm not quite sure what most of this means, but thanks! I'll start reading up.It's a hoot!
It took me 15 hrs to really nail the hover, but after that was like putty in my hands. Thought to ship Wetware.
I can't really advise you because the physics are the opposite with the Switz. You have a heavy rotor and all the inertia you need. OTH, you have an articulated rotor system and a ground resonance risk landing gear.
I can pull the blades off the R-22., if I am not careful. I can stall rotor in a heartbeat and have an UN-recoverable death. There are the same number of coffin corners but they are completely different.
I live for auto-rotation, like I live for downhill skiing.
Dynamic roll diversion is the same however. Don't get sideways.![]()
Who was that?
I've enjoyed this thread, by the way. I'm on the fence, but i LOVE the big debate/evidence/hoax thst surrounds it all. Carry on...
How about engine off at hover, drills?
Another HOOT! For me I have 1/2 a second to do 3 controls correctly.
You could yawn, lift her a foot, set her down and lift her a foot up again and set down, before you loose rotor inertia.
here vato I'll draw a line wutr you?there is a line
..LOLOLOL .lolI was looking for the delta craft
The thing, everyone has a camera. We see vidcam of all manner of flying objects. People tossed in an accident. Birds fighting in mid-air. We see a lot of footage of atmospheric meteor passes.
And even that one in Russia before it blew up was photographed across hundreds of miles, by dozen of people.
Yet there exist no credible photo of a single thing not of this earth.
So that says to me, it is not real. If it was there would be more than just stories by now.
I have a story about this hang on.Some people simply don't WANT to believe we are not alone. Period. They're scared. Alien intelligence means that we aren't so fucking special after all...which we aren't.
A non-human craft could land on the white house lawn, a non-human could get out of said craft and shit on said lawn, WHILE being filmed, and people STILL wouldn't believe it happened.
Hell, look at that vid I posted about the 52' incident. Those fucking things flew over the nations capital, and people STILL think that shit was fake.