I've had those found money dreams always in coin. Weird. Such a bummer to wake up from, huh?
It's a hoot!

It took me 15 hrs to really nail the hover, but after that was like putty in my hands. Thought to ship Wetware. :)

I can't really advise you because the physics are the opposite with the Switz. You have a heavy rotor and all the inertia you need. OTH, you have an articulated rotor system and a ground resonance risk landing gear.

I can pull the blades off the R-22., if I am not careful. I can stall rotor in a heartbeat and have an UN-recoverable death. There are the same number of coffin corners but they are completely different.

I live for auto-rotation, like I live for downhill skiing.

Dynamic roll diversion is the same however. Don't get sideways. :)
I'm not quite sure what most of this means, but thanks! I'll start reading up.
How about engine off at hover, drills?

Another HOOT! For me I have 1/2 a second to do 3 controls correctly.

You could yawn, lift her a foot, set her down and lift her a foot up again and set down, before you loose rotor inertia.
Who was that?

I've enjoyed this thread, by the way. I'm on the fence, but i LOVE the big debate/evidence/hoax thst surrounds it all. Carry on...

There's a lot of information available on the net that details the accounts of military and civilian aviators over the years. There's just too much information to be discounted, especially when combined with law enforcement sightings, and the average citizen.

The scariest thing of all, IMO, are the mutilations. Apparently "somebody" has been mutilating more than just cattle, and while the incidents seem to be rare, those incidents also include humans.

There's a LOT of people all over the world that seem to disappear off the face of the Earth, never to be seen again, and there seems to be evidence to suggest that perhaps they actually DO disappear off the planet because they were TAKEN.

Freaky shit.
How about engine off at hover, drills?

Another HOOT! For me I have 1/2 a second to do 3 controls correctly.

You could yawn, lift her a foot, set her down and lift her a foot up again and set down, before you loose rotor inertia.

there is a line
here vato I'll draw a line wutr you?

Addressing ma G's

Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks.
But dicks also fuck assholes:
assholes that just want to shit on everything.
Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way.
But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls.
The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that.
But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!
I was looking for the delta craft and found this. from the description this one is about a third smaller than the one I seen.And the rearend is different
Delta shaped craft with lights seen near dam, near Denton, Texas
Date: January 11, 2008
Location: Denton, Texas, United States

From the witness: "It was flying very slow approx. 30 mph. 30-50 yards away. It seemed to be hugging the shore line, flying at eye level. It made no sound at all. Black and gray in color. Delta shape. No bigger than his 1978 thunderbird. Rectangular rear, with three large round openings in side. The top of the craft looked as if it had an extended canopy. Running about three quarters of the way down the fuselage."


Sketch of the object and location by the witness.

My son saw this on his way to work. He drives from Denton, by way of the back roads. Its a faster route to work. At approx. 6.50am he turned east on sr.455 from Running Bear road. He saw bright white lights coming over the hill, on the opposite side of the dam. His first thought was (air craft). He had been in the Navy, in the past. He is familiar with aircraft. He started looking for the red and green lights. Not only did he not see them, but it was flying very slow approx. 30 mph. 30-50 yards away. It seemed to be hugging the shore line, flying at eye level. He slowed down, opened the car window, observed the craft as it went past. It made no sound at all. Black and gray in color. Delta shape. No bigger than his 1978 thunderbird. Rectangular rear, with three large round openings in side. No apparent thrust, no fire, etc. The top of the craft looked as if it had an extended canopy. Running about three quarters of the way down the fuselage. It was matallic as well. The bottom looked like it had panel lines. As I said, it had three white lights under it. Non blinking! He stopped by the house for a refill on his coffee, told my wife about it, drew a picture of the craft, and wrote down all details, then went off to work. After telling a co-worker at the shop his story, the guy told him he had seen it as well. But thinking people would think he was nuts, didnt say anything. His friend had seen it in Sanger (the town on the other side of the dam). Later the news cast ran a story on a sighting in Stevenville Tx. Thay are approx. 60 mi. south of us. The object thay saw, was very large. I see no comparison to that craft, but wonder if thay are related in some way. All I have to say is, is it one of ours? (This tecnnology is out of this world.)

(From MUFON (
The thing, everyone has a camera. We see vidcam of all manner of flying objects. People tossed in an accident. Birds fighting in mid-air. We see a lot of footage of atmospheric meteor passes.

And even that one in Russia before it blew up was photographed across hundreds of miles, by dozen of people.

Yet there exist no credible photo of a single thing not of this earth.

So that says to me, it is not real. If it was there would be more than just stories by now.
The thing, everyone has a camera. We see vidcam of all manner of flying objects. People tossed in an accident. Birds fighting in mid-air. We see a lot of footage of atmospheric meteor passes.

And even that one in Russia before it blew up was photographed across hundreds of miles, by dozen of people.

Yet there exist no credible photo of a single thing not of this earth.

So that says to me, it is not real. If it was there would be more than just stories by now.

The problem isn't a lack of pictures, it's the lack in belief of those pictures.

Even when pictures have been examined, and absolutely NO indication of fakery exists, people STILL won't believe the object / objects are indeed non-human craft.

Some people simply don't WANT to believe we are not alone. Period. They're scared. Alien intelligence means that we aren't so fucking special after all...which we aren't.

A non-human craft could land on the white house lawn, a non-human could get out of said craft and shit on said lawn, WHILE being filmed, and people STILL wouldn't believe it happened.

Hell, look at that vid I posted about the 52' incident. Those fucking things flew over the nations capital, and people STILL think that shit was fake.
Some people simply don't WANT to believe we are not alone. Period. They're scared. Alien intelligence means that we aren't so fucking special after all...which we aren't.

A non-human craft could land on the white house lawn, a non-human could get out of said craft and shit on said lawn, WHILE being filmed, and people STILL wouldn't believe it happened.

Hell, look at that vid I posted about the 52' incident. Those fucking things flew over the nations capital, and people STILL think that shit was fake.
I have a story about this hang on.