curious about enhancing plant flavors...

I think they work, I recently treated a grow with General Hydroponics FruitNFusion. and Floralicious. They have very different functions.

I have a different grow that is totally untreated with any flavor enhancer and it still has the fruit and citrus type aromas.

I would use products that contain sugars towards the end of the bloom cycle. The FruitNFusion did add some flavors that didn't seem to belong there (totally subjective) So that in my opinion is a flavoring adjunct. I would caution using sugar/carbohydrate products in hydroponics it smelled like there was fermentation going on in my tank. I guess you could use molasses, however some research indicates that some sugars are used over others when the plant needs sugar in time of late flower.

Floralicious is a fermented seaweed type product, and it adds to the oils and IMHO mass of the the flowers. This would bring about the more natural essence of the plant.

I use both products in thinking they will work in a synergistic way.

I did come across an interesting product the other day called "Terpinator" by Rizoflora, its supposed to enhance oil production, or terpenes. giving a better aroma to the product. Its a new product so I'm still testing.

Hope this helps.
just started using floralicious plus. work real well i can def tell a difference. i love crystal burst and bloombastic as well. with any of these boosters i would def recommend an intense flush
I use none of the following but I know someone who does.
cool bloom
bush master.
His buds look night and day different than mine. Same strain.
His are mega dense
packed with trichs
and colorful.
I care not about any of that so I stick with organic n let the true genetics show.
But I can assure you those products work.
Not saying they are safe because I havent cared enough to look into it.
i've read about, and used bush master. works like right now! supposed to have some sort of carcinogenic in it. i think i used like 1-2 ml. in a gallon. it was years ago, so i'm not positive. i remember reading that you shouldn't use suggested amount, it was too much. i was having a huge stretch problem. the bushmaster worked immediately. i don't think it helps with anything other than to stop stretch. so the other supps. must be why the diff. in the end results. so, "BUY THEM," LOL. KIDDING...
The best way to enhance smell and flavour without adding special products is to add a far red light source the last 3 weeks of flowering, If it is not possible to find a led source you can use incandescent blacklights or just regular incandescent bulbs...a few hours a day (you must control the heat of course). This is different to add the far red and the end of the day...
Green planet has a Terpinator as well. I've heard a few things about it being used near the end of flower, but it is recommended for entire life of plant.
I would assume the best you can do is make the plant as healthy as possible with any nutrients. You might be able to affect taste slightly, but each plant has it's own individual self expression.

I've been eating a lot of raw cannabis leaves lately, subbed to this youtube channel that talks about how marijuana is one of the only plants that is a whole protein and raw cannabinoids are super healthy. I'm going to buy a blender soon so I can make juices with cannabis leaves and various fruits and vegetables, really excited about that. I like the taste a lot, it's a very potent taste that lingers a long time after consumption.

It would be interesting to see what changes to the plant's diet would do to change a it's taste. My best plant is this huge beast that tastes like soft fruit, almost like watermelon. Delicious stuff, I grow only organically so I can get all the benefits of the plant at all stages of growth. :weed:

Make sure to get a juicer instead of a blender. I know they sound the same but they are very different. Juicers cost a little bit more but they process the material well enough to maximize digestion efficiency. Blenders will work if you have nothing else but a blender wont juice well enough to get 100% of the nutritional value the plant has to offer.

Just my 2 cents :)
Green planet has a Terpinator as well. I've heard a few things about it being used near the end of flower, but it is recommended for entire life of plant.

Terpinator is interesting.. I just did a run with it with 3 different strains and it does have some positive results.

There are some people claiming terpinator adds sweet flavors.. If you actually taste terpinator from the bottle, (it didn't kill me) it actually lacks sugar. And some people say terpinator forces the flavor profile to be unnatural. I find that to be simply untrue.

The chemdog I had was fuel and lemon, it had some seriously loud funk to it.... Jack Herrer.. nice light lemon.. C99 was giving off pineapple flavors.

Now the Jack herrer treated with GH fruit n fusion, that is a sweetener did lend a sweeter, slighly unnatural flavor to the jack.

The smell of chemdog treated with terpinator is very strong I think it pushed the fuel and skunk aromas to a new level. I think I'll use terpinator with strains with a diesel/fuel profile.
So the other day I spent about an hour comparing nutrients at the grow store. I found a bottle that supposedly gave plants different tastes (Sweet, or citrus). After more searching, I found bags of the raw ingredients, same contents as in the bottle. Also got a bag of pure cane molasses, and even within this past week I can DEFINITELY see the results from using that =) as far as the other raw ingredient bag, which contains magnesium, b vitamins, and sulfur... I'm wondering if anyone has any input on if they affect the taste at all? Not too worried since all the nutrients combined, plus a good flush at the end will undoubtedly make some delicious herbs, but would like to know if any of you guys have any input on that... thanks!!
Guano's put the passion in passion fruits. Jamaica, Hawaii and other tropical areas with tons of flying fruit eating creatures .
Guano's put the passion in passion fruits. Jamaica, Hawaii and other tropical areas with tons of flying fruit eating creatures .
i spent some time in okinawa, and there were fruit-bats there. friggin things were huge, like flying cats, big froit eaters for sure....
kind of opposite of what you are asking, but I have also read too high temps can evaporate terpenes, and things like ozone generators and ona gel can absorb terpenes.

I would recommend the Critical Jack. (Critical Mass x Jack Herer) Pretty sure its from Serious Seeds. Check out my pics, and grow thread. in a nutshell 23%thc. Holy crap a week I dont remember. A strain I will DEFINITELY grow again

Ive smoked both but only grown this one
Anything 'Jack' related is pretty amazing IMO.

I think PHENO has more to do with smell than anything...I have a Jack Herer I could spit on and it would still produce tons of the stickiest, stinkiest bud ever. When I get a good pheno of something I rarely ask how I can increase smell, rather, how the hell am I going to keep it under wraps, lol.

The one thing that always happens to me is that smell and aroma really start to come through during the final 2 week flush. I'm not an aggressive feeder to begin with, but I still prefer the long flush.

All those 'flavor' enhancers are total BS, that artificial smell doesn't come through in the finished product. It's the molasses, sugar, sulfur, and magnesse that kick start resin production...and they definitely do. After using the sweeteners, I'll never grow without them - there is a noticable increase in resin IMO, and if you have a good pheno, increase in smell/aroma as a result. I personally am loving the botanicare sweet raw, and it's preforming better than the floranectar I was using.

Another great way to increase aroma and taste is to SLOW dry at a lower temp and higher humidity. The slower the better. If your jarring up your buds in less than 7 days, your probably drying too quick.
Just my newb experience here and only with hydro, my outdoor soil grows were all grown with cormorant shit years ago lol. I added (yup newb) a flower and plant enhancer to a critical kush grow last year and it made the pot taste like a chemical factory. I harvested one plant early and found it had this taste. The rest of the plants were left to run pure water through the system for two weeks with lite nutes added. Thankfully this taste was gone. So my conclusion, right or wrong, yes you can change the taste with additives, in this case negatively, and two, flushing out does also have an effect on taste.
I've been looking into enhancing flavors or at least maximizing what the plant can do. I've been more or less experimenting with sulfur based compounds.

So-Po-Mag. (Soon to be tested.. soil only)
Gypsum. (Soon to be tested.. soil only)
Potassium Sulfate. Using Raw 0-0-50 in hydro.

After looking really close at terpinator, I realized that the main component was potassium sulfate. It seemed like it worked, so I found a purer form of potassium sulfate. I think it worked, helped bulked them out and the smell is good but its a bit different than soil. Soil c99 had a more fermented fruit smell to it, and c99 hydro with potasium sulfate has a more peppery fruit aroma.