The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
sugar aint it helps you come down from acid? as i say aint my drug of choice by far, but i member in the dam 3 of us ate a box at a shop 20mins later werent feeling much so went back n ate another 2 box's the women selling us em was laughing at as saying thats gonna work now n what not, not long after me missus n mate could barely walk n where proper freaking out in the middle of fucking dam during the day lol i was just about keeping it together n managed to get into some shop n beg some sugar lmao carnt member it helping much tho they still fucking wrecked n liabilitys.
I tried the mushies in the dam and that's what put me of acid altogether lol, wasn't good


Well-Known Member
worse place to trip, fukin nightmare, u need nature and trusted frens
Was in a hotel with 3 friends, they reckon they wernt gettin a buzz but I was fuckin spinning, bout 2am the night porter let himself into our room and demanded we leave cos of the drink smoke and music, roaring his fuckin head off lol, wasn't good in the middle of a trip IMO, was my first time too lol


Well-Known Member
It's mushy season shortly , there's hurds of em on the mountains round here, ide only pick em with some one who knows em for defo though , lots of other deadly shrooms alongside em I think, ide end up on a drip !


Well-Known Member
Don't ya get fucked just picking them now ?, used to be if u just had em dry, ain't it fucking stupid , making a natural wild growing plant illegal , grinds me gears a bit


Well-Known Member
First time on acid you should be indoors with some cool as light n shut about n as zed said close friends n never trip in a city l fucking mad man Rambo lol


Well-Known Member
First time on acid you should be indoors with some cool as light n shut about n as zed said close friends n never trip in a city l fucking mad man Rambo lol

take 3trips then go for a bike ride in canning town, e london aka the ghetto fun times lol

this was all years ago mate im a fucking whuss nowdays unless its crack,coke,benzo's,pills, may be a few other drugs ive forgot lol


Well-Known Member
It's mushy season shortly , there's hurds of em on the mountains round here, ide only pick em with some one who knows em for defo though , lots of other deadly shrooms alongside em I think, ide end up on a drip !
it's really easy to spot em mate they look nothing like these these are the liberty caps just remember the nips


Well-Known Member

take 3trips then go for a bike ride in canning town, e london aka the ghetto fun times lol

this was all years ago mate im a fucking whuss nowdays unless its crack,coke,benzo's,pills, may be a few other drugs ive forgot lol
hardcorelol unless it's crack,coke,Brazos n pills haha man ur hard mode .lol I'd od if I went on a session with u


Well-Known Member
i tell ya a fucking nice buzz n you can understand why most the states are hooked is on it, is oxycontin its really bloody nice, you need a 40mg or a 80mg but dont fuck about with the pill i.e crush it n sniff or lick the time-release off, with no tolerance a 40mg will buzz you for hours a 80mg will have you dribbling for longer lol i use to be a right twat when i had a good job years ago, i would pay for drug counselling but turn up oxy'd out me nut going mental that they wasnt helping me lol well worth it at 40quid a hr lmao


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, I've walked home threw a street of aliens, holding my brother in laws hand crying .
fun times lol

i member first time i got pissed n stoned at the same time aged about 12, by the time i got home me mouth was so dry from cheap cider n soapbar i seriously thought mini crocodiles where munching on me gums lol