The Drunk Thread!

The Origin of Screech
Legend has it that Demerara Rum
from the West Indies, was very
popular in Newfoundland. It was brought in, bottled, and sold in an
unlabeled bottle (everyone knew what it was).
During World War II, the Americans set up bases in Newfoundland.
One night, an American serviceman was out drinking with some
locals. Eager to try the traditional drink of the province, he took a shot
of the unnamed rum.
When he was able to breathe again, the American let loose a loud
noise that was later
described as some sort of horrible "screech".
The name stuck.
(Nowadays, instead of the original West Indies rum, Jamaican rum is
used, which is much less likely to make anyone actually screech.)
The “Screech In” Ceremony
Every Newfoundlander knows what a "Screech In" Ceremony is all about. It is the only way that those
not lucky enough to be born a Newfoundlander can become as close as possible to being a
Newfoundlander, without having to die and be reincarnated as a Newfoundlander.
Those who survive the ceremony will be forever known as HONORARY NEWFOUNDLANDERS.
Requirements for the ceremony:
The "Screech In" ceremony can only be preformed by a natural-born Newfoundlander.
2. A real fish (traditionally a cod, but, since these are hard to find, any whole fish will do).
3. A Sou'Wester.
4. A bottle of Screech.
The Ceremony:
The ceremony host (the natural-born Newfoundlander), will have the victim stand in front of a group of
witnesses while wearing the Sou'Wester.
The host will then hold up the fish to the victim so that the victim can kiss the fish (on the lips). {The
host and witnesses have final say on whether the kiss is sufficient to continue. In rare cases, two or
more kisses have to be administered}.
Next, the host will gingerly po
u a full shot of Screech. This is handed to the victim and he or she has
to repeat the following, before drinking, and while holding the glass high:
"Long may your big jib draw"
After this, present the victim with the “Screech In” Certificate as proof o
f their adventure. Welcome
them into the Royal Order of Screechers.

That's how them island newfies be der by.