Travan Martin all over again??


Well-Known Member
The guy WHO JUST ROBBED A 7-11 was not exactly a model citizen...
there you go spiking that completely irrelevant football as if it excuses excessive and deadly force on the part of the cops.

since the cop who shot him had no idea of any of that, the point is moot and your need to repeatedly shout it from the rooftops only informs us as to what type of shitball you are.


Well-Known Member
how about martin?

did he have a right to defend himself against a creepy stranger following him in the dark?
I notice you don't say anything in there that needs to be defended from.

And Martin did have rights. He had a right to ask why he was being followed.

At some point, one man decided to attack the other, that first attack was most likely carried out by TM.

Martin had a right to attack Zimmerman if he felt threatened by him. Since following someone and asking them what they are doing is not illegal, even if this activity made Martin feel threatened, in attacking Zimmerman he did something Zimmerman had a right to defend.

I think it is likely either man could have killed the other and it be self defense. I'd certainly feel threatened if someone followed me.

I would simply ask them what's up and if I could help them with anything instead of doing what Martin did and attack the guy.


Well-Known Member
So the truth starts to come out...

The cute pictures of the little black kid turn into 7-11 video of him conducting a strong arm robbery by going into a convenience store, grabbing what he wanted and terrorizing the owner or employee in the process. And now it makes sense why he would attempt to jump into a police car and steal the cops gun. (this seemed a little out of hand before the facts started coming out.)

Do you think that cute little black kid was trying to reach for the gun because he was scared of the white cop?? Is that how the media is going to portray this story?

I would love for there to be video of the shooting because there isnt much bias in live tape.

The above being said... If everything else is true then that cop executed a black man in the street and he needs to go to jail.

The story isnt over yet....
Yes such a outstanding young man with a lot of promise!
Fucking NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Is following someone considered an assault?
Not without anything more.

Assault requires an overt act that puts one in REASONABLE fear of being harmed.

Just walking behind a guy, shining a flashlight on him and asking him why he is in the neighborhood is not assault.


Well-Known Member
Not without anything more.

Assault requires an overt act that puts one in REASONABLE fear of being harmed.

Just walking behind a guy, shining a flashlight on him and asking him why he is in the neighborhood is not assault.
Yeah but asking "what is your nigger ass doing in my neighborhood?" and then pushing him is
The above scenario definatly could of played out. Unfortunatly the only witness to what really happened was conveniently murdered.

Zimmerman wasn't a cop. And if he was following and harrasing me. The first thing I would of done was call 9/11 the second thing would of been to try and knock his ass out
Zimmerman is a pussy he had no right to harrass anyone
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Well-Known Member
there you go spiking that completely irrelevant football as if it excuses excessive and deadly force on the part of the cops.

since the cop who shot him had no idea of any of that, the point is moot and your need to repeatedly shout it from the rooftops only informs us as to what type of shitball you are.

If nothing else, he was a “stupid fuck” walking down the center of the road holding up traffic. Reason enough to shoot his fat ass! We’d be better off if they start wasting the assholes plugging the passing lane on the freeways. Time to cull this heard and get rid of the stupid!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Yeah but asking "what is your nigger ass doing in my neighborhood?" and then pushing him is
The above scenario definatly could of played out. Unfortunatly the only witness to what really happened was conveniently murdered.

Zimmerman wasn't a cop. And if he was following and harrasing me. The first thing I would of done was call 9/11 the second thing would of been to try and knock his ass out
Zimmerman is a pussy he had no right to harrass anyone
That scenario replays in the typical progressive mind hundreds of times daily. It is not in any way connected to reality though. Zim's personal history of treating black people generously, plus his family history of being part black ought to put such a notion to rest for any reasonable person. Face it, Trayvon made a fatal mistake that night by assaulting Zim and trying to murder him.


Well-Known Member
That scenario replays in the typical progressive mind hundreds of times daily. It is not in any way connected to reality though. Zim's personal history of treating black people generously, plus his family history of being part black ought to put such a notion to rest for any reasonable person. Face it, Trayvon made a fatal mistake that night by assaulting Zim and trying to murder him.
What about his history of calling police on anyone not white passing thru his neighborhood?
How about his history of not listening to police dispatchers asking him not to follow?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
What about his history of calling police on anyone not white passing thru his neighborhood?
How about his history of not listening to police dispatchers asking him not to follow?

the courts have already decided.
poor innocent trayvon got shot through his own stupidity.

zimmerman was found NOT GUILTY, and if you dont like it, well thats too bad.

this latest incident is likewise going to be settled in the courts, just as the incident on the BART train was settled.

your wailing and crying will serve no purpose other than the venting of your spleen.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
What about his history of calling police on anyone not white passing thru his neighborhood?
How about his history of not listening to police dispatchers asking him not to follow?
The first is bullshit and you repeating it doesn't change that fact, and he complied with the second.

Get over it. Trayvon died because of his own bad acts. He might have grown up to be a decent human being, lots of teenagers are dumb asses and do grow out of it, Trayvon made a fatal decision that night though.


Well-Known Member
The first is bullshit and you repeating it doesn't change that fact, and he complied with the second.

Get over it. Trayvon died because of his own bad acts. He might have grown up to be a decent human being, lots of teenagers are dumb asses and do grow out of it, Trayvon made a fatal decision that night though.
Walking thru Zimmermans neighborhood minding his own business?


Well-Known Member
How about we get the government out of it and let medical decisions be between a woman and her state approved doctor? (state medical license, not abortion license) - the government should get completely out of medicine with the possible exception of testing for licenses.

Then we wouldnt have to argue about it anymore.
* and businesess


Well-Known Member

the courts have already decided.
poor innocent trayvon got shot through his own stupidity.

zimmerman was found NOT GUILTY, and if you dont like it, well thats too bad.

this latest incident is likewise going to be settled in the courts, just as the incident on the BART train was settled.

your wailing and crying will serve no purpose other than the venting of your spleen.
The first is bullshit and you repeating it doesn't change that fact, and he complied with the second.

Get over it. Trayvon died because of his own bad acts. He might have grown up to be a decent human being, lots of teenagers are dumb asses and do grow out of it, Trayvon made a fatal decision that night though.
2 out of 2 white nationalists agree.

black kids walking home at night have no reasonable expectation not to be harassed to the point where they fear for their life.

good job, white nationalists. now go vote for rend pawl.


Well-Known Member
2 out of 2 white nationalists agree.

black kids walking home at night have no reasonable expectation not to be harassed to the point where they fear for their life.

good job, white nationalists. now go vote for rend pawl.
They seem to kill more of each other than Hispanics (like Zimmerman) do, therefore shouldn't black kids be more afraid of black people than people statistically far less likely to harm them?


Well-Known Member
there you go spiking that completely irrelevant football as if it excuses excessive and deadly force on the part of the cops.

since the cop who shot him had no idea of any of that, the point is moot and your need to repeatedly shout it from the rooftops only informs us as to what type of shitball you are.
I am a shitball because a black guy robbed a 7-11??

What is wrong with you?

P.S. If the cop had been DEA UB would have not problem with it...